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SUFISM AS METAPHYSICS. UNTIVE DOCTRINES AMONG MUSLIM MYSTICS. INTELLECTUAL IDENTITY OF SUFISM. Self-contained because elements of other traditions more fully integrated Beyond psychological analysis and mythical cosmology to systematic metaphysics
INTELLECTUAL IDENTITY OF SUFISM • Self-contained because elements of other traditions more fully integrated • Beyond psychological analysis and mythical cosmology to systematic metaphysics • The work of intellectualizing Sufis with mystical experiences • At social level Sufism = spiritual cement • At intellectual level Sufism = unified all intellectual strands
MYSTICISM AND METAPHYSICS • Paradoxical, contradicts the ineffability of mystical experience • Sufis handle question of metaphysics with much greater imagination • Connected with moral discipline of the self and probing of consciousness • Reality dimensions of reality require intensive discipline of consciousness
HOW TO READ SUFI METAPHYSICIANS? • Description of Reality on the basis of what was required to make moral and aesthetic sense of the universe as we confront it • Sufis backed up their statements with an appeal to special experience • No given verbal formulation as absolute, an image indicating one aspect of a truth • Generally favor ‘unitive’ formulations
UNITIVE MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE • Multiplicity and change we see about us is somehow illusory • Nothing is real but what can be identified as divine • “Everything is perishing except God’s face” suggests not only transience of things otherwise perfectly real, but some consequential falsity in our perception of them
NOTHING IS REAL BUT GOD • Pantheist? (seems to define ‘God’ so as to include all that most people would call ‘real’ • Monist? (seems to say that all that appears, however complex, is of one divine substance • If so, is God also morally responsible like humans?
TWO GREAT SUFI METAPHYSICIANS • Two contrasting forms of unitive mysticism • Shihabuddin Yahya Suhrawardi, known as Shaykh al-Ishraq (Master of Illumination) (d. 1191), philosopher of Divine Light • Muhyiddin Ibn al-`Arabi, known as al-Shaykh al-Akbar (the Greatest Master) (d. 1240), elaborated the Sufi idea of the ‘perfect man’
MORAL UNITY OF GOD’S CREATION • Tawhid: affirming in thought and in life the ‘unity’, the singularity of the Divine and its moral demands • Instead of historical commitment, intellectually, such a summons call for a unitive metaphysics to tie the whole together
THE LIGHT OF GOD • Unitive idea of total reality: God is the Light of the heavens and the earth • Light applies more properly to our relation to God as revealer than to our relation to the material sun • No sharp distinction can be drawn between God’s relation to us as revealer and God’s relation to us as creator and sustainer
THE CONCEPT OF LIGHT • Universal Light: by means of which and through which all things grow • Revelation generalized to include not merely divine guidance of humans who submit, but all divine direction of the universe • God intervenes to draw creatures towards Divine norms = Universal Light
REVELATION, GUIDANCE, SUSTENANCE • God’s creative action = the ultimate substance of all things in their infinite differentiation • Darkness of inert materiality merely potentiality, in which the actuality of the Light can shine • Everything an expression of a single divine energy = Light from its most tangible pure form
MICROCOSMIC RETURN • Self-fulfillment of the light in total awareness of the Light • Human responsibility to allow the light in oneself to shine fully • Responding to the life challenge embodied in the Qur’an
UNITIVE METAPHYSICS OF LIGHT • Founded on three sorts of clarity: • logical rational consciousness • formal essences of whatever is (things intelligible to the mind) • the physical medium of perception, that is, light interpreted as ‘thermal energy’ (which seemingly include sound waves) • Inherent ‘nobility’ of things (less noble cannot be the cause of more noble)
THE VISIBLE LIGHT • In some sense concrete, even contingent • Actuality of the Light founded upon the Qur’anic urgency • Combining the moral decisiveness of monotheistic tradition ( a person’s single lifetime) with the sense of unity of nature (the gradation of souls) • Souls as individual lights (energies) trapped in the dark material bodies, capable of self- purification
THE WISDOM OF ILLUMINATION • Exclusive reality of the Light and the crucial character of the soul’s ascent in the Light • Individual soul has a great and meaningful part to play
FUTUHAT AL-MAKIYYA(MECCAN REVELATIONS) • Intensely allusive and deliberately made confusing • Sources: Sufi mythopoetic writings, Ash`ari and Mu`tazili theology, Batini-Isma`ili speculations, older philosophical heritage • More literary than scientific or historical • Relied more on personal experience and taste
REVELATION • Arises from the essence of the person receiving it, not from an arbitrary external event • Single focus on the perfecting of microcosmic return as a vehicle for a complete and systematic metaphysical doctrine
WAHDAT AL-WUJUD • “The Oneness of Existence” = all that is or might be as manifestations of the various beautiful names of God, God’s attributes, as understood by way of mystical love • Existence = God’s self-objectification in love • The One reality was at once one and many in different perspectives
TRUE ONENESS =MICROCOSMIC RETURN • Human beings become actual by loving response to the inspiring love of the divine Actuality • Divine love universal, will dissolve Hell • Whatever human loves, by his very existence he is imperfectly loving God • Most self-centered passions = misplaced piety
AL-HALLAJ AND IBN `ARABI • Hallaj sees human nature as playing a cosmic role as a mirror of divine nature and its attributes, with which it is united in longing and love • Human condition: between ultimate unity and felt separation, resolved by death • Ibn al-`Arabi sees the tension as a logical necessary condition
THE BEZELS OF WISDOM • Qur’anic commentary by the various prophets mentioned in the Qur’an • Moses and Pharaoh: both endowed with esoteric knowledge • The mood of ultimacy • God’s unity not so much oriented to the moral or rational purity, but to God’s omnipotence and omnieffectiveness
EVIL AND LOVE • Neither imperfection nor opposition nor even unavoidable result of freedom • A veiled expression of God’s majesty • Perfect Man - able to unveil God’s majesty by loving God • Love - empirical as well as theoretical • Intensity of response in terms of love