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EBHLE (Experience Based Holistic Learning Environment)

EBHLE (Experience Based Holistic Learning Environment). August 15 th , 2014 Hasmukh Sapnawala. Agenda. Why –The need The big picture The details How you can help. Every Child is a Miracle. We tend to disrespect what we can’t comprehend Holistically we are all born with equal abilities

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EBHLE (Experience Based Holistic Learning Environment)

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  1. EBHLE (Experience Based Holistic Learning Environment) August 15th, 2014 Hasmukh Sapnawala

  2. Agenda Why –The need The big picture The details How you can help

  3. Every Child is a Miracle • We tend to disrespect what we can’t comprehend • Holistically we are all born with equal abilities • E.g. It is just that we FAIL to understand the strengths of an autistic child. • EBHLE will an environment which respects the abilities of every child

  4. Why English? • The primary language of every child will always be the childs mother tongue • English is the world’s second language

  5. Learning Throgh Creativity • The current education system LIMITS creativity • EBHLE will an environment which LIBERATES creativity

  6. Why – The need • The current education system • Kills creativity • Is job oriented & industry driven • Moves from facts to research • Focused on ownership • Speed and short term based

  7. Why – The need • The current education system • Ignores individual talents and needs • Fit the system or be an outcast • Common measurement criteria • Does not cater to Life Long Learning • More one way – teacher to student

  8. The Big Picture • Inspiring quotes for the vision • “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker • “Truth is a pathless land.” – J Krishnamurthy • “Sorrow can be endured alone. But to get the true benefit of joy one must share it.” – Mark Twain

  9. The Big Picture • Vision • To be the “cradle of creativity” for children of all ages. • To touch the lives of at least 1 million children in a positive manner over a period of 20 years (by 2035)

  10. The Big Picture • Mission • To create an environment where children can nurture a majority of their innate, intuitive and instinctive abilities through holistic experiential learning. • To help retain well over fifty percent of brain cells in children older than 10 years of age.(current retention levels are estimated at fifty percent by the time a child reaches 10 years of age).

  11. The Big Picture • Objectives • To create an environment that stimulates the five sense organs and five motor organs of learners. • To create an environment where learners are encouraged to ask questions and guides will suggest options for finding answers.

  12. The Big Picture • Objectives • Learning begins with research and ends in facts. Patent filing capability will be available to all learners. • Learning transitions through the phases of dependence to independence to interdependence. • The environment will be operationally self-sufficient by 2025.

  13. The Big Picture • Goals • To have the ability to have 300 residential learners at 25 learners per class from Jr. KG to 10th grade by 2020. • To provide a family environment with host-parents and host grand-parents such that the needs of each child are met at individual, family, community and society levels.

  14. The Big Picture • Goals • To provide holistic learning which includes arts, sports, academia, ecological sustenance and economic sustenance. • To guide the leaner to attain self-awareness, self-sustainability and self-integration by the age of 15 years.

  15. The Big Picture • Goals • To provide an environment of “Forgiving Design” where learners look at mistakes as an opportunity to learn.

  16. The Details • Infrastructure • Total land coverage – 50 acres • 6 acres for learning environment 30 pods each with learning area for 25 learners, living area for 10 learners, host-parents, host-grandparents and visitor/volunteer. 12 pods @ one for each grade and remaining 18 pods for arts and sciences – like pottery, theatre, painting, carpentry, physics…

  17. The Details • Infrastructure • Remaining 44 acres for farming, animal husbandry, eco-tourism, management training centre etc to help generate revenue to attain operational self-sufficiency. • Eco-energy solutions will include solar water heater, solar PV cells, wind turbines, Bio-gas for cooking and energy generation.

  18. The Details: timelines Phase 6: Class Jr-10 Phase 5: Class Jr-9 June 2020 Phase 4: Class 1-8 June2019 June 2018 Phase 3: Class 3 to 7 June 2017 Phase 2. Class 5/6 Phase 1: prototype June 2016 2013-Sept 2015 Mar 31 Jun 30 Sep 30 Phase 1 (complete): Creation of prototype at Sapna Ranch (see slide .. 2014 2016 Phase 2: Classes 5 to 6 > 50 learners > 5 residential pods > primarily fee paying Phase 3: Classes 3 to 7 > 125 students > 13 residential pods Phase 4: Classes 1 to 8 > 200 students > 20 residential pods Phase 5: Classes Jr to 9 > 275 students > 28 residential pods Phase 6: Classes Jr to 10 > 300 students > 30 residential pods

  19. What Have We done So Far • Successfully held 5 Woekshops to test the concept • Accepted volunteers over 90% of them international

  20. What Have We done So Far • Constructed • Geodesic dome • Geometry Dome • Geothermal • Compost toilets • Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) • Organic farming and permaculture based food forest

  21. How you can help • By helping with these skills • Carpentry/Construction (especially with eco-friendly design and building) • Welding • Plumbing • Masonry • Electrical • JCB Operation • Organic Farming/permaculture

  22. How you can help • By helping identify candidates for • Administrator • House Parent • Cook • Guide/teacher

  23. Summary • Eco-immersed Experience based holistic learning environment • Operationally self-sufficient in food, energy and capital • A model for blossoming creativity in children. Please send your feedback to hasmukh_s26@yahoo.co.in Thank You

  24. The Details • High level timelines • Evolutionary approach • June 2016 - The learning environment starts with two classes: Grades 5 and 6 • Total size of EBHLE -  50 Learners • Total number of residential pods - 5 • Single sex living (due to age) • Primarily fee-paying students

  25. The Details • High level timelines • June 2017 - Three grades added: Grades 3, 4, 5, 6*, 7* (* - Founding class) • Total size of EBHLE – 125 Learners • Total number of residential pods – 13 • June 2018 - Three grades added: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7*, 8* • Total size of EBHLE -  200 Learners • Total number of residential pods - 20

  26. The Details • High level timelines • June 2019 - Three grades added: Jr K, Sr K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8*, 9* • Total size of EBHLE -  275 Learners • Total number of residential pods – 28 • June 2020 - One grade added: Jr K, Sr K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9*, 10* • Total size of EBHLE -  300 Learners • Total number of residential pods - 30

  27. How you can help • By helping with these skills • Animal husbandry • Tourism management • Biogas Systems • Web design • Cloud systems • 3G/4G • Google SketchUp

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