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Grid Computing from a solid past to a bright future?

Grid Computing from a solid past to a bright future?. David Groep NIKHEF 2002-08-28. The Grid: a vision?. Imagine that you could plug your computer into the wall and have direct access to huge computing resources immediately, just as you plug in a lamp to get instant light. …

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Grid Computing from a solid past to a bright future?

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  1. Grid Computing from a solid past to a bright future? David GroepNIKHEF2002-08-28

  2. The Grid: a vision? Imagine that you could plug your computer into the wall and have direct access to huge computing resources immediately, just as you plug in a lamp to get instant light. … Far from being science-fiction, this is the idea the XXXXXX project is about to make into reality. … from a project brochure in 2001

  3. The Need for Grids: LHC • Physics @ CERN • LHC particle accellerator • operational in 2007 • 5-10 Petabyte per year • 150 countries • > 10000 Users • lifetime ~ 20 years 40 MHz (40 TB/sec) level 1 - special hardware 75 KHz (75 GB/sec) level 2 - embedded 5 KHz (5 GB/sec) level 3 - PCs 100 Hz (100 MB/sec) data recording & offline analysis http://www.cern.ch/

  4. Estimated CPU capacity required at CERN Estimated CPU Capacity at CERN 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 K SI95 2,000 Other experiments 1,500 LHC experiments 1,000 500 0 Moore’s law – some measure of the capacity technology advances provide for a constant number of processors or investment 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 year Jan 2000:3.5K SI95 < 50% of the main analysis capacity will be at CERN CPU & Data Requirements http://www.cern.ch/

  5. More Reasons Why ENVISAT • 3500 MEuro programme cost • 10 instruments on board • 200 Mbps data rate to ground • 400 Tbytes data archived/year • ~100 `standard’ products • 10+ dedicated facilities in Europe • ~700 approved science user projects http://www.esa.int/

  6. And More … Bio-informatics • For access to data • Large network bandwidth to access computing centers • Support of Data banks replicas (easier and faster mirroring) • Distributed data banks • For interpretation of data • GRID enabled algorithms BLAST on distributed data banks, distributed data mining

  7. And even more … • financial services, life sciences, strategy evaluation, … • instant immersive teleconferencing • remote experimentation • pre-surgical planning and simulation

  8. Why is the Grid successful? • Applications need large amounts of data or computation • Ever larger, distributed user community • Network grows faster than compute power/storage

  9. Inter-domain communication • The Internet community spawned 3360 RFCs(as of August 2nd, 2002) • Myriad of different protocols and APIs • Be strict in what you send be liberal in what you accept • Inter-domain by nature • Increasing focus on security

  10. Intra-domain tools • RPC proved hugely successful within domains • YP • Network File System • Typical client-server stuff… • CORBA • Extension of RPC to OO design model • Diversification • Latest trend: web services

  11. The beginnings of the Grid • Grown out of distributed computing • Gigabit network test beds & meta-computing • Supercomputer sharing (I-WAY) • Condor ‘flocking’ • Focus shifts to inter-domain operations GUSTO meta-computing test bed in 1999

  12. The Grid Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman, editors, “The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure,” Morgan Kaufmann, 1999

  13. The One-Liner • Resource sharing and coordinated problem solving in dynamic multi-institutional virtual organisations

  14. Standards Requirements • Standards are key to inter-domain operations • GGF established in 2001 • Approx. 40 working & research groups http://www.gridforum.org/

  15. Application Internet Protocol Architecture Application Collective Transport Internet Resource Link Connectivity Fabric Protocol Layers & Bodies Application Presentation Standard bodies: GGFW3C Session Transport Standard body: IETF Network Data Link Standard body: IEEE Physical

  16. Application Application Internet Protocol Architecture “Coordinating multiple resources”: ubiquitous infrastructure services, app-specific distributed services Collective “Sharing single resources”: negotiating access, controlling use Resource “Talking to things”: communication (Internet protocols) & security Connectivity Transport Internet “Controlling things locally”: Access to, & control of, resources Fabric Link Grid Architecture (v1)

  17. What should the Grid provide? • Dependable, consistent and pervasive access • Interoperation among organisations • Challenges: • Complete transparency for the user • Uniform access methods for computing, data and information • Secure, trustworthy environment for providers • Accounting (and billing) • Management-free ‘Virtual Organizations’

  18. Grid Middleware • Globus Project started 1997 • Current de-factostandard • Reference implementation of Global Grid Forum standards • Toolkit `bag-of-services' approach • Several middleware projects: • EU DataGrid • CrossGrid, DataTAG, PPDG, GriPhyN • In NL: ICES/KIS Virtual Lab, VL-E http://www.globus.org/

  19. Condor • Scavenging cycles off idle work stations • Leading themes: • Make a job feel `at home’ • Don’t ever bother the resource owner! • Bypassredirect data to process • ClassAdsmatchmaking concept • DAGmandependent jobs • Kangaroofile staging & hopping • NeSTallocated `storage lots’ • PFSPluggable File System • Condor-Greliable job control for the Grid http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/

  20. Application Toolkits Collect and abstract services in an order fashion • Cactus: plug-n-play numeric simulations • Numeric propulsion system simulation NPSS • Commodity Grid Toolkits (CoGs): JAVA, CORBA, … • NIMROD-G: parameter sweeping simulations • Condor: high-throughput computing • GENIUS, VLAM-G, … (web) portals to the Grid

  21. Grids Today

  22. Grid Protocols Today • Based on the popular protocols on the ’Net • Use common Grid Security Infrastructure: • Extensions to TLS for delegation (single sign-on) • Uses GSS-API standard where possible • GRAM (resource allocation):attrib/value pairs over HTTP • GridFTP (bulk file transfer):FTP with GSI and high-throughput extras (striping) • MDS (monitoring and discovery service):LDAP + schemas • ……

  23. Getting People TogetherVirtual Organisations • The user community `out there’ is huge & highly dynamic • Applying at each individual resource does not scale • Users get together to form Virtual Organisations: • Temporary alliance of stakeholders (users and/or resources) • Various groups and roles • Managed out-of-band by (legal) contracts • Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (AAA)

  24. Grid Security Infrastructure • Requirements: • Strong authentication and accountability • Trace-ability • “Secure”! • Single sign-on • Dynamic VOs: “proxying”, “delegation” • Work everywhere (“easyEverything”, airport kiosk, handheld) • Multiple roles for each user • Easy!

  25. Alice (e,n) Certificate Request Alice generates a key pair and send the public key to CA CommonName=‘Alice’ Organization=‘KNMI’ Private Key (d,n) Alice… The CA will check identifier in the request against the identity of the requestor CA ships the newcertificate to Alice CA operator signs therequest with the CA key CA private key CA self-signed certificate Authentication & PKI • EU DataGrid PKI: 1 PMA, 13 Certification Authorities • Automatic policy evaluation tools • Largest Grid-PKI in the world (and growing )

  26. Communication* GSI in Action“Create Processes at A and B that Communicate & Access Files at C” Single sign-on via “grid-id” & generation of proxy cred. User Proxy User Proxy credential Or: retrieval of proxy cred. from online repository Remote process creation requests* Site A (Kerberos) GSI-enabled GRAM server Authorize Map to local id Create process Generate credentials Ditto GSI-enabled GRAM server Site B (Unix) Computer Computer Process Process Local id Local id Kerberos ticket Restricted proxy Remote file access request* Restricted proxy GSI-enabled FTP server Site C (Kerberos) Authorize Map to local id Access file * With mutual authentication Storage system

  27. Authorization • Authorization poses main scaling problem • Conflict between accountability and ease-of-use / ease-of-management • By getting rid of “local user” concept ease support for large, dynamic VOs: • Temporary account leasing: pool accounts à la DHCP • Grid ID-based file operations: slashgrid • Sandbox-ing applications Direction of EU DataGrid and PPDG

  28. Locating a Replica • Grid Data Mirror Package • Moves data across sites • Replicates both files and individual objects • Catalogue used by Broker • Replica Location Service (giggle) • Read-only copies “owner” by the Replica Manager. http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/grid

  29. Mass Data Transport • Need for efficient, high-speed protocol: GridFTP • All storage elements share common interface disk caches, tape robots, … • Also supports GSI & single sign-on • Optimize for high-speed networks (>1 Gbit/s) • Data source striping through parallel streams • Ongoing work on “better TCP”

  30. Grid Data Bases ?! • Database Access and Integration (DAI)-WG • OGSA-DAI integration project • Data Virtualisation Services • Standard Data Source Services Early Emerging Standards: • Grid Data Service specification (GDS) • Grid Data Service Factory (GDSF) Largely spin-off from the UK e-Science effort & DataGrid

  31. Grid Access to Databases • SpitFire (standard data source services)uniform access to persistent storage on the Grid • Multiple roles support • Compatible with GSI (single sign-on) though CoG • Uses standard stuff: JDBC, SOAP, XML • Supports various back-end data bases http://hep-proj-spitfire.web.cern.ch/hep-proj-spitfire/

  32. Spitfire security model Standard access to DBs • GSI SOAP protocol • Strong authentication • Supports single-signon • Local role repository • Connection pool to • Multiple backend DBs Version 1.0 out, WebServices version in alpha

  33. A Bright Future?

  34. OGSA: new directions Open Grid Services Architecture … … cleaning up the protocol mess • Concept from the `web services’ world • Based on common standards: • SOAP, WSDL, UDDI • Running over “upgraded” Grid Security Infra (GSI) • Adds Transient Services: • State of distributed activities • Workflow, multi-media, distributed data analysis

  35. OGSA Roadmap • Introduced at GGF4 (Toronto, March 2002) • New services already web-services based (Spitfire 2, etc.) • Alpha-version of Globus Toolkit v3: expected December 2002. • Huge industrial commitment

  36. EU DataGrid • Middleware research project (2001-2003) • Driving applications: • HE Physics • Earth Observation • Biomedicine • Operational testbed • 21 sites • 6 VOs • ~ 200 users, growing with ~100/month! http://www.eu-datagrid.org/

  37. EU DataGrid Test Bed 1 • DataGrid TB1: • 14 countries • 21 major sites • CrossGrid: 40 more sites • Growing rapidly… • Submitting Jobs: • Login only once,run everywhere • Cross administrativeboundaries in asecure and trusted way • Mutual authorization http://marianne.in2p3.fr/

  38. DutchGrid Platform www.dutchgrid.nl • DutchGrid: • Test bed coordination • PKI security • Support • Participation by • NIKHEF, KNMI, SARA • DAS-2 (ASCI):TUDelft, Leiden, VU, UvA, Utrecht • Telematics Institute • FOM, NWO/NCF • Min. EZ, ICES/KIS • IBM, KPN, … ASTRON Amsterdam Leiden Enschede KNMI Utrecht Delft Nijmegen

  39. A Bright Future! You could plug your computer into the wall and have direct access to huge computing resources almost immediately (with a little help from toolkits and portals) … It may still be science – although not fiction – but we are about to make this into reality!

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