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Software Engineering Implementation

Software Engineering Implementation. Lecture 3 ASPI8-4 Anders P. Ravn, Feb 2004. Overview. Summary – Documents, Domains Module Specification - Java. Class, object (variable) Generalization Association Dependency Interface Package Active Class Task (thread). Documents -5.

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Software Engineering Implementation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Software EngineeringImplementation Lecture 3 ASPI8-4 Anders P. Ravn, Feb 2004

  2. Overview • Summary – Documents, Domains • Module Specification - Java • Class, object (variable) • Generalization • Association • Dependency • Interface • Package • Active Class Task (thread)

  3. Documents -5 • Requirements Specification • 1.1 System Definition • 1.2 Problem Domain Structure • 1.3 Application Domain Structure • 1.3.1 Use Cases • 1.3.2 Functions • 1.3.3 Interfaces • 1.4 Acceptance Test Specification • Architecture • 2.1 Criteria • 2.X Module Interfaces • 2.T Integration Test Specification

  4. Documents -6! • Requirements Specification • Architecture • Modules • Implementation • Test

  5. Activities: application domain analysis System definition and Problem Domain models Interfaces Usage Application Domain Model and Software Requirements Functions

  6. Model Model* System Design Application Domain Problem Domain Use case Actor Interface

  7. Class and Object Class name Object: Class attributes methods 1 *

  8. Java class class C { public boolean b; protected char c; private byte i8; C cl; public int method(int x, C y) {if (b) return y.method(7,c1); else return i8; } public C(long count) {if (count > 0) c1=new C(count-1); } }

  9. Java variables/objects boolean b; character c; byte i8; short i16; int i32; long i64; float ieee32f; double ieee64f; C xx = new C(5); int[] ia = new int[250]; C[] ca = new C[10]; ca[0] = new C(ia[249]);

  10. Java class class C { public boolean b; protected char c; private byte i8; C cl; public C(long count) {if (count > 0) c1=new C(count-1); } public int method(int x, C y) {if (b) return y.method(7,c1); else return i8; } }

  11. Module class M { public bool b; ... public int method(int x, C y) {if(b)return ...;} public M(boolean b) { super(); this.b = b;} public M() {this(false);} }; ... M module1= new M(true), module2= new M();

  12. Module Specification abstract class MSpec { public boolean b; abstract int method(int x, C y); }

  13. Module Implementation class M extends Mspec { private byte i8; int i16; ... public int method(int x, C y) {if(b)return ...;} public M(boolean b) { super(); this.b = b;} public M() {this(false);} }; ... M module1= new M(true), module2= new M();

  14. Generalization Superclass Subclass

  15. Java extends class superclass { ... }; class subclass extends superclass { ... }

  16. Cluster (package) <<cluster>> name related classes

  17. Java package package driverspec; source1 abstract class DSpec{ ... }; ... source2 package drivers import driverspec.*; public class D extends DSpec {...}; ...

  18. Aggregation the whole [arity] the parts

  19. aggregation – by inclusion abstract class WholeSpec { protected P1 p1; P2 p2; Ps[] p; }; ... class Whole extends WholeSpec { public Whole(int p_arity) {p1= new P1(); p2= new P2(); p = new Ps[p_arity]; ...} }

  20. aggregation – by reference abstract class WholeSpec { protected P1 p1; P2 p2; Ps[] p; }; ... class Whole extends WholeSpec { public Whole(P1 p1, P2 p2, Ps[] p) {this.p1= p1; this.p2= p2; p = new Ps[p.length]; ...} }

  21. Association A B [arity] [arity] [name]

  22. association – by reference class ASpec { protected B b; }; ... class A extends ASpec { public A(B b) {this.b = b;} public void setb(B b) {this.b = b;} } ... A a; B b; a = new A(nil); b = new B(a); a.setb(b);

  23. Interface Class and Dependency Image Hydraulics IRow use <<interface>> IRow use realise

  24. Java interface IRow interface IRow { // methods only ! } class Image implements IRow { ... } realize Image

  25. Start and Parameters class System { public static final int MAX = 10; public static int ACTUAL; public static void main(String[] args) { int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); if (a > MAX || a < 0) a = MAX; ACTUAL = a;} }

  26. Exceptions class BadData extends Exception { BadData(String s) {super(”Bad data”+s+”\n”);} }; class Reader { public void read(Data d) throws BadData { ... throw new BadData(”!!!”); ...} }

  27. Exception Handlers public void someMethod() { Data x; Reader r = new Reader(); try { r.read(x); ... } catch (BadData b) { ... ... } finally { ... } }

  28. Maintaining Documentation • Documentation comments • Libraries • Module test • Applets • API, Swing

  29. C++ class C { public boolean b; protected char c; private byte i8; C *cl; public C(long count) {if (count > 0) c1=new C(count-1); } public int method(int x, C *y) {if (b) return y->method(7,c1); else return i8; } }

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