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SACE PRESENTATION TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON BASIC EDUCATION 18 AUGUST 2015. CONTENTS. PAGE Invitation 3- 4 Strategic plan & APP Highlight 5 General SACE Status 6 - 10 Finance 11 - 16 SACE Registration 17 - 20
CONTENTS PAGE Invitation 3- 4 Strategic plan & APP Highlight 5 General SACE Status 6 - 10 Finance 11 - 16 SACE Registration 17 - 20 SACE Ethics 21 - 24 Professional Development and Research report 25 – 37 Outreach and Advocacy 38 - 39 SACE Registration Form Annexure
A. Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan • SACE and DBE have agreed to fine-tune S/Plan and APP’s prior to submission and to forward advance copies to portfolio Committee. • Departmental experts assisting SACE on S/Plans , APP’s ,Quarterly and Annual reporting. • New S/Plan and APP’s in draft stages – Council – DBE – Council – Portfolio Committee. • Vigilance for adherence to National Development Plans (NDP) and Action Plan to 2030.
B. GENERAL SACE STATUS • FINANCE AND ADMIN • R10 per educator per month levies, Registration fees and Department (DBE) grant for R9m per annum guaranteed till 2017/18 years (approx.) revenue of R60m p.a. • DBE funding to be negotiated for minimising period and top-ups. • Projected levy increase of 50% in 5 year term. • SACE premises purchased (R60m) and two Provincial offices have been established (KZN & FREE STATE). Other provincial offices within two years. • SACE current staff complement (100 approx.) Resource persons (100 approx.). • PDE’s and SACE collaboration on payment of levies and fines. ICT Audit underway to ensure all registered teachers are paying levies. • PPE’s and SACE collaborate to round-up unregistered educators. Prognosis: SACE project sustainable at an enhanced level for the five year period 2015/16 to 2019/20.
GENERAL SACE STATUS CONT.. • REGISTRATION: • Certificates within 7 working days of office receiving applications; • At least 80% of all applications to be finalized annually; • All educators to be vetted and all qualifications verified in the 5 year period; • Validation, categorization of register to be completed; • SACE and PDE’s collaborate on registration status and standing of educators (current and new); • Implementation of “fit to teach” hearings; GOAL Fully categorized, validated and current data base.
GENERAL SACE STATUS CONT.. • ETHICS: • All complaints to be processed within a three month cycle; • At least 80% of all complaints to be finalized annually; • SACE code and procedures to be updated annually; • Intensive Outreach to reduce breaches of Code; • SACE and PDE’s exchange information regularly on complaints received, processes outcomes; • Publishing of names of educators struck off; • Emphases on: follow up of sanctions; victim support; panel expertise; regulation of legal representation; and double checking of cases withdrawn in coming year GOAL PDE’s and SACE to produce consolidated stats.
GENERAL SACE STATUS CONT.. • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: • All educators to be participating in Continuing Professional Development activities by end of five year period; • At least 80% of approval and endorsement requests processed within 3 months; • Professional standards, induction methodology and designations to be established and operationalized within the five year period; • SACE’s research agenda to be broadened to complement national efforts re educational and professional matters; • PDE’s to update SACE on PD provisioning and uptake; • SACE and DBE’s to collaborate re: • Appropriate provisioning; • Information sharing; • Advocacy; • Orientation; and • Needs determination; • Monitoring of uptake, provisioning and impact. • Simplification of model including services of principals. GOAL Ensure all educators are participating in relevant CPTD activities and programmes throughout their career.
GENERAL SACE STATUS CONT.. • OUTREACH: • SACE call centre and assistance facility operational; • Regular meetings with National and Provincial Stakeholders; • Electronic facilities viz Facebook, twitter, e-mails and telephone for communication purposes functional; • Regular publications and updates on Website affected; • Electronic and print media interactions facilitated; • SACE addresses conference, imbizos and seminars; • International profile: • Member of the International Forum of Teacher Regulatory Authorities (IFTRA) and; • CEO is President of the African Forum for Teacher Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA). • SACE facilitates annual programmes to appreciate and support teachers. GOAL Increase SACE visibility.
1.2 VARIENCES: REVENUE • Subsidy of R8.9 million for CPTD was transferred within this first quarter; • Under collection of subscription income which resulted in R69 000 under performance; • The council has put in place new measures in place to improve revenue collection to be effective from 01.09.2015.
1.3 VARIENCES: EXPENDITURE • Council operated within the budget; • Council is monitoring possible under performance against financial performance; • Details of performance levels are clarified in operational sections.
1.4 SACE ACQUISITION OF BUILDING The Council considered the rental and purchase options of office space taking into account the future economic viability as follows: RENTAL (10% escalation) PURCHASE 2012/13 4 667 000 price R60 978 738 2013/14 6 529 000 Transfer cost R 141 616 2014/15 7 516 000 Projected 2015/16 8 2676 2016/17 9 094 360 2017/18 10 003 796 2018/19 11 004 176 2019/20 12 104 593 TOTAL 69 186 525 61 120 354 Term 8years 3years savings full ownership of property. Ownership None
1.5 SACE ACQUISITION OF BUILDING • The rental amount of 71/2 is equivalent to the purchase price today; • Purchase price was accumulated with a 3 year period; • No property after 8 years and had to continue paying rental for life; • The rental amount is directed towards service delivery after purchase of own building; • The rental escalation is high and not viable in long term; • Council can expand the office space should the need arise. The building has been purchased and the Council has taken full responsibility from the 1st July 2015. Conditional fixtures such as repainting and demarcating are in progress.
REGISTRATION (APRIL 2015 – 30 JUNE 2015)Quarterly targets 2015/16
REGISTRATION NARRATIVE (a) Vetting and verification is a new target for this financial year. The first term was dedicated into: • Cleaning the database; • Setting up meetings with different stakeholders that will assist in ensuring that the process goes smoothly; • Meetings were done with DBE,DSD and Justice; • More meetings are set with DHET, and Provincial Departments In the second term: All new applicants will be vetted and all their qualifications verified • Registration to date provisional stats FULL REGISTRTAION: 589 267 PROVISIONAL: 98 339 (20 287 foreign educators) INCOMPLETE: 20 287 TOTAL ON DATA BASE: 707 893 FEE PAYING: 407 104 Data clean –up receiving attention. • Application form being updated.
ETHICS cont.. ( 1 APRIL 2015 TO 30 JUNE 2015)Quarterly Targets 2015/16
ETHICS NARRATIVE (a) A lot of advocacy was done through the following radio stations: Ikwekwezi FM, Thobela FM, Energy FM, Lesedi FM, Motsweding FM, SAFM, Umhlobowenene FM, Ligwalagwala FM, Turf FM, Kaya FM, Power FM and SABC Africa Channel 3.Council to review outreach stratergy. (b) More hearings have been rolled over to into the next quarter and same goes for workshops on the Code of professional ethics. ( c) advertisement and selections for more panellists, investigators, prosecutors and presiding officers.
PD NARRATIVE Number of signed-up principals, deputy principals and HODs undertaking PD activities / Programmes Principals, Deputy Principals are in their 2nd year of the three year cycle and had 3 reporting periods from January 2014 to date. The HODs are in their 1st year of the three year cycle and 1st reporting period from January 2015 to date. There is generally low level of reporting Professional Development Uptake by teachers (principals, deputy principals and HODs, schools and providers due to: • Low level of CPTD advocacy • Attitudes towards professional development, especially from the aging teaching cohort • Culture of Professional Development not existing in most of the schools visited • Providers that are not SACE Approved • Providers that have not yet submitted their Professional Development Activities / Programmes for Endorsement and allocation of PD Points. • Time for professional development • Funding • Minimum intake numbers by the private providers Research Project underway to analyse the PD provisioning and uptake by the 2 cohorts (principals and deputy principals and HODs) and the extent at which they are responding to the national/provincial priorities. SACE is liaising with all PEDs, District Offices, PDIs, DTDCs, E-Learning Centres, Teacher Unions, other stakeholders on PD Uptake and Reporting .
4.2 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Programme Purpose: Working collaboratively with stakeholders and partners in setting, upholding and monitoring professional standards to enhance teacher professionalization. Key functions: - Develop standards in the following areas: • entry into the teaching profession from admission to full registration, • IPET and CPTD programme content, and • professional practice Award teacher designation.
NARRATIVE • Set and implement professional standards. • Final Draft Teacher Professionalisation discussion paper has been developed and presented to the SACE Council structures. • On the basis on this discussion paper, full scale Teacher Professionalisation research is underway looking at the broader literature review, interviews and focused group sessions with stakeholders and employers, and looking at the broader implementation implications for SACE and the profession and education sector as a whole. • A paper on the Role of SACE in Enhancing Teacher Professionalisation in SA” was presented by the SACE Professional Development and Research Division at the African Forum for the Teaching Regulatory Authorities International Conference on 10 June 2015 in Namibia. This conference was attended by the teaching regulatory officials and partners from Namibia, South Africa, Nigeria, Lesotho, Angola, Zambia, Ghana, and Uganda. The paper presentation assisted in: • Inputs, ideas and feedback received from member countries • Lessons from the Namibian Education Ministry on its existing Teacher Professional Standards and ongoing collaboration and exchange of information and ideas • Follow-up visits to SACE by Namibian Education Ministry and Zambian Teaching Council on collaboration on the Professional Standards and Professional Development
Professional Designation The NQF Act (2008) requires that both statutory and non-statutory professional bodies be recognized by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Part of that recognition process and criteria requires that professional bodies develop the professional designations which will be registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Against this background, SACE has commenced an application process with the support of SAQA. A SACE report responding to the professional bodies recognition criteria is being drafted. In line with this, SACE is discussing the 1st draft report with SAQA for further guidance and support. The Teacher Professionalisation research being conducted SACE, will also incorporate the teacher professional designation issues.
PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH NARRATIVE (a)The number of research reports produced SACE has a five year research policy that is driving its research agenda, scope and priorities. The research being conducted is responding, largely to this policy. In this section we briefly outline the 2015/16 professional research projects and progress made in this reporting period:
PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH NARRATIVE cont.. (b) Number of professional magazines/journals produced A number of articles have already been collected on the 1st edition of the SACE professional magazine for 2015.
5.OUTREACH AND ADVOCACY 5.1 2014/15 • National Stakeholders • Jan 2014: SOSHANGUVE • May 2014: NORTH WEST (2 Districts) • August 2014: BOTSHABELO FREE STATE (Approx. 3000) • Meetings with Teacher Unions and participating in their functions . - 13 Engagements – approx. 6000 teachers 3. Meetings with all PDE’s , principals Ass, Governing bodies Ass, 4 universities, Educational Bodies. 4. International : - AFTRA Board meeting (April 2014 – Namibia) - IFTRA Conference (Nov 2014 – Toronto) 5. Media: Interacted with 12 radio stations and held 2 media conferences. 6. Social Media: Website, Facebook and Twitter.
5.OUTREACH AND ADVOCACY 5.2 2015 / 2016 1. STAKEHOLDERS: • 5 engagements: OFS and Teacher unions. 2. INTERNATIONAL: • AFTA roundtable and conference (June – Windhoek) 3. ELECTRONIC / MEDIA ACTIVITY: • +_ 3000 Interactions 4. CALL CENTRE: • Approx. 1 800 calls per week.