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University Services. New Employee Orientation Technology Overview. Agenda. Technology Support Data Privacy and Security Software and Hardware Discounts for U of M Staff. Technology Support. Where to get technology support….before this happens. Or this happens…. U of M IT Structure.
University Services New Employee Orientation Technology Overview
Agenda • Technology Support • Data Privacy and Security • Software and Hardware Discounts for U of M Staff
U of M IT Structure If you are unsure who to contact with a question, begin with your departmental IT personnel.
How can I get support on my departmental systems? Call U of M 1-HELP for questions on central systems 612-301-4357
What systems does the central U of M support (OIT)? There are a number of applications that you may use in your job that are not supported by your departmental IS area, but are supported by the central University (OIT). • Internet Accounts • Enterprise Applications (e.g., PeopleSoft, Google Apps) • Telecommunications • Networking and wireless
How do I schedule a U Services conference room in Google Calendar? • You can only schedule a meeting in a conference room resource if you have been allowed access to it. • Please cancel a conference room reservation if you your meeting is cancelled or rescheduled.
OIT Knowledge Base For answers to many frequently asked questions on IT products and services, go to: http://www.adcs.umn.edu/kb/public
Wireless Facts • OIT’s wireless network is one of the largest implementations of 802.11n technology anywhere in the world. • There are over 4,300 wireless access points deployed on the system. • Radio frequency (RF) around campus is random due to the University's size and initial wireless deployments. Physical impediments such as thick walls, metal structures and trees all interfere with RF propagation. In some cases it may be more feasible to use wired etherjack service instead of wireless. • View the wireless coverage map to see where wireless is available on campus. • You must use your University Internet ID and password to use the University's wireless service.
Why is Data Privacy and Security So Important? A message from the President: The information we gather, use, and share at the University, whether for research, outreach, clinical care, or education, is a valuable University asset. Because this information is so important to those we serve and so vital to our work, it is imperative that we maintain the highest standards to secure the confidentiality and integrity of private information, and the availability and integrity of public data. Learning and incorporating good data management practices in the work we do every day ensures the value of the information we use, and it keeps the trust we have earned in the communities we serve. Learning to manage data appropriately and securely is part of our shared responsibility. Robert H. Bruininks 11/8/2002 - 6/30/2011
What data is public and what data is private? • The University collects and maintains a variety of information, including information about its students, faculty, staff and others. This information is collected in order to conduct U of M business. • Information is classified as public or private based on federal and state law. For a compiled list of public and private data see: http://www.ahc.umn.edu/privacy/what/home.html
Private Data • Private data (e.g., SSN, birth date, credit card #’s) can only be released to the subject (i.e., owner) of the information and to those within the university who have a legitimate need-to-know, outside entities with the subject’s written permission and others as allowed by law.
Public data • Public information is available to anyone who requests it, except in the case of student data, when the student has requested that no public information about him/her can be released without express written permission.
Retrieve print-outs and faxes that contain private data immediately. If you are faxing private data – follow-up with a phone call to be sure that the fax was received. Always dispose of documents containing private information by shredding or placing in secure, confidential recycling containers. Protecting Private Data
Log off completely at the end of the day. Turn off computers that are unused for extended periods of time. Lock your office or work area when you leave for extended periods of time. Protecting Private Data
Your passwords are the key to your computer and your data. Have a strategy for creating a password, remembering and changing it. Do not share your password with anyone under any circumstances. Protecting Private Data Keep your passwords secure
Protecting Private Data Keepyour passwords secure • Keep passwords in a locked location, not taped to your computer! • Refer to OIT Systems Security Guidelines for help in choosing a password: http://www.oit.umn.edu/security/
Protecting Private Data • DO NOT store private university data on a laptop computer or other portable device such as a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or a flash drive. These are very susceptible to loss and theft. Staff should assume that these devices can be lost or stolen.
If you have a U of M owned laptop, you must take responsibility to keep it physically secured. Laptops should NEVER be left unsecured in your office. A laptop security lock is another way to further detect theft. If a laptop is stolen, notify your manager and your area IT Help Desk. They will file a police report and notify OIT Security. This is in accordance with the reporting procedures that are defined in the USIS Security of Sensitive Data policy. Protecting Private Data Keep your laptop secure
What if I don’t use a computer in my job? Some U Services workers don’t regularly interact with data in their job (e.g., FM Building and Grounds Worker, Dining Services Food Service Worker). There are things you can do as the eyes and ears” of the University to keep private data secure. • Turn in and report any laptops, flash drives or PDA’s that you find to your Supervisor. • Lock and secure all rooms after cleaning • Report ANY suspicious activity to the U of M police.
Public Jobs: Private Data Training The Public Jobs: Private Data training program has been developed to help workforce members and volunteers on all campuses of the University of Minnesota learn about securing University data.
Public Jobs: Private Data Training The training consists of three primary courses that focus on best practices for securing data in your job. • Data Security in Your Job - You will learn about actions to develop a secure work environment. • Securing Your Computer Workstation - You will learn about actions that increase risk to your computer and how to create and use strong passwords. • Using University Data - You will learn about practical techniques to reduce risks associated with using and sharing data.
How do I stay secure using e-mail? • Do not use a non-University provided email account to send University-related information as they are not appropriate or secure. Only xxx.umn.edu addresses are supported by OIT and centrally administered email servers.
How do I stay secure using e-mail? Never open an email attachment from an unknown source. Attachments should only be opened from known contacts.
How do I stay secure using email? • Don’t use the links in an email to get to any web page if you suspect the message might not be authentic. Call the company or log onto the web site directly by typing the address into your browser. Is this email legitimate?
How do I stay secure using email? EMAIL SCAM:-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Important: Email Account Verification Update!! !? Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 09:22:32 -0400 From: Web Help Desk <upgrade@mailsupport-desk.org> Reply-To: helpdesk@mailsupport-desk.org To: undisclosed-recipients:;Your mailbox quota has been exceeded the storage limit which is 20GB as set by your administrator,You are currently running on 20.9GB. You may not be able to send or receive new mails until you re-validate your mailbox. To re-activate your account please click the link below mailsupportdirect.org/verify/secure/mailhelp/update/ Thanks and we are sorry for the inconviniencesLocalhost The University of Minnesota will NEVER ask for your password in an email. Please do not respond to these emails and delete them immediately. Thank you.
How do I stay secure using e-mail? Beware of Spear Fishing Scams: In a spear fishing scam, the message can seem genuine because it appears to come from a legitimate source, such as the University of Minnesota. In recent months, there have been increasing numbers of customized attacks against the U of M, and some of them have been quite effective at tricking students, faculty, and staff into divulging personal information.
How do I stay secure using email? Most phishing attacks at the U of M attempt to get internet ID’s and passwords rather than money. With this information, someone can get attack you by: • Buying big-ticket items such as computers from U web sites and charging them to you; • Gaining access to your banking information or redirecting your paycheck to another bank account; • Sending malicious emails from you that can land you in serious legal troubles; • Selling information to other crooks.
How do I stay secure using email? You should immediately be suspicious of an email if it does the following: • It asks for your internet password or SSN. • It contains upsetting or exciting statements that express urgency. • It is poorly written and is not addressed to you personally. Contact your tech department and the 1-Help Technology Helpline if you think you are a victim of a phishing scam.
Protect your home computer • If you use your home computer to access U of M systems, it is important to keep your computer secure and to regularly patch and update your software as needed.
U of M Safe Computing Web Site http:www.safecomputing.umn.edu • Security News • Instructions on how to secure a personal machine • Instructions for what to do if your computer is infected with a virus • FREE Symantec AntiVirus for home use for all staff and students
Examples of what can be accessed from home: • Remote access to Email & Calendar • U of M Web Sites • Voice Mail • Departmental systems (use secure VPN client if remote departmental system access is necessary)
U of M Security Policies • OIT Security has a number of important security policies that may affect you. All employees must comply with the Acceptable Use of Information Resources policy. These polices are located at: http://www.policy.umn.edu/Policies/it/index.htm • Your department may also have their own security policies that are aligned with these OIT Security policies. Contact your departments technical personnel if you have any questions on any of these policies.
Software and hardware purchases for U of M staff U of M faculty and staff are eligible to purchase computer software are reduced prices: Software: Faculty and staff who use Microsoft Office programs and the Windows operating system on their University-owned computers can use a second copy of a limited selection of products on either a laptop or desktop computer that he or she personally owns or leases. http://www.oit.umn.edu/utools/index.htm Hardware: http://www.umart.umn.edu/
Mobile Technology Statistics • The average teenager sends more than 3,000 text messages each month. • Office of Information Technology (OIT) websites are accessed nearly 4,000 times a month by people using mobile devices. In October alone, OIT websites were accessed 3,444 times by people using mobile devices. Website visits with mobile devices has doubled over the last year. The most popular devices used to access OIT websites are Androids, iPads, and iPhones. They each account for over a 1,000 visits a month. • According to EDUCAUSE Center for applied research, the percentage of college students who use mobile devices daily was up to 43% in 2010. We anticipate that this percentage will only continue to grow.
Summary Questions • Your internet account is the key to many U of M systems. True False • If I don’t use a computer daily in my work, I don’t need to worry about keeping private data secure. True False • The U of M offers many technology training options: True False
Summary Questions • There is only one technical support line number for the entire U of M. True False • It is OK to store private data on a laptop as long as I lock it up when I am not using it. True False • Any attachment that comes from a well known website is OK to open.. True False