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COLLABORATIVE LEARNING supported by use of technology

COLLABORATIVE LEARNING supported by use of technology. DECEMBER 2009 : Evaluation of the course ‘ Pedagogies for flexible learning supported by technology ’ E. Albers M. ter Braack N.M. Verseput. CONTENT. Introduction Pedagogy

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COLLABORATIVE LEARNING supported by use of technology

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  1. COLLABORATIVE LEARNINGsupported by use of technology DECEMBER 2009: Evaluation of the course ‘Pedagogies for flexible learning supported by technology’ E. Albers M. ter Braack N.M. Verseput

  2. CONTENT Introduction Pedagogy Flexibility Technology Implementation Instructor-support Conclusion

  3. INTRODUCTION Intended changes: Pedagogy: task based > collaborative Flexibility: less flexible > more flexible Technology: minimal use > maximal use

  4. INTRODUCTION Concise overview of the redesigned course: Week 1: Kick-off meeting, divide groups & experts Week 2: Formulate a case Week 3-6: Expert report and exchange of Final report Week 6-9: Write advise report Week 10: Presentation Points: expert report (20), provide and receive feedback (20), advice report (50) and presentation (10).

  5. INTRODUCTION Curricular spider web (Van den Akker, 2003): Aimes & objectives Content Learning activities Teacher role Materials & Resources Grouping Location Time Assessment

  6. PEDAGOGY • Task Based • Problem/assignment • Meaningful context • Series of actions • Different information • Different tools • Theory and • methodology • Structured or open • Collaborative • Groups/pairs • Specific task/common goal • Communicate/share ideas • Series of activities • Open or structured • Positive mutual • dependence • Individual responsibility • Social skills

  7. PEDAGOGY Jigsaw method Student: Three students with own their own expertise Required peer- review between experts Required peer- review between groups Inevitable change of information Individual, expert and groups workplace End report and presentation by group


  9. TECHNOLOGY • Task Based • Technology • as a tool • TeleTop • PowerPoint • Movies • Internet • Collaborative • Technology as a tool • For communication and • storing and sharing • knowledge • TeleTop • Internet • Individual account • Group workplace • Expert workplace


  11. INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT • Task based • Basic instructor qualification • Instructor role • Prepare each session: • presentation and assignment • Take care of interesting input • Fill in the TeleTop • environment • Provide feedback after each • submission • Available for help and • questions • Grade fair and equal in each • assignment • Collaborative • Basic instructor • qualification • Facilitator role • Organize the kick off • meeting and • presentation session. • Organize the course • environment: provide • access to the workplace. • Be available for • help/questions • Grade fair and equal • with use of feedback

  12. INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT General course tips > Be aware of the implication of learning at a distance and the jigsaw method. Content tips related to the meeting > Try to explain the course objectives and the content as clear as possible to the students. Assessment tips related to the assignments > Overview with aspects and points Organize tips > Planning scheme for the instructor


  14. CONCLUSION • Intended/gained changes: • Pedagogy: task based > collaborative • > Using the Jigsaw methods provides students to work individual, with experts and with a group. • Flexibility: less flexible > more flexible • > Overview of flexibilities • Technology: minimal use > maximal use • > instead of using technology for communication, • technology is know used as tool for communication, • sharing knowledge and storing knowledge


  16. Minimal use of technology A. Task based/ Mimimal technology B. Collaborative learning/ Mimimal technology Task based Collaborative learning C. Task based/ Maximal technology D. Collaborative learning/ Maximal technology Maximal use of technology INTRODUCTION

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