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NIS - BIOLOGY. Lecture 1 The Nature of Science and the Scientific Method Ozgur Unal. NIS - BIOLOGY. Lesson Objectives: Explain the characteristics of science Compare something that is scientific with something that is not scientific Summarize the scientific method

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NIS - BIOLOGY Lecture 1 TheNature of ScienceandtheScientificMethod OzgurUnal

  2. NIS - BIOLOGY Lesson Objectives: Explain the characteristics of science Compare something that is scientific with something that is not scientific Summarize the scientific method Describe the difference between an observation and an inference Differentiate among control, independent variable, and dependent variable

  3. TheNature of Science • Science is a processthatusesobservationandinvestigationtogainknowledgeabouttheevents in nature. Science: What comes to your mind? • Observation:Act of gatheringinformation • Inferences:Drawingconclusionsfromobservations • Investigation: Includes observing, • experimenting, modelling

  4. TheScientificMethod ScientificMethod

  5. TheScientificMethod Hypothesis: An educatedguess Experiment: A wayto test hypothesis Collect data Analyze data Draw conclusions Serendipity? • Experimentsincludevariables: • Dependentvariables • Independentvariables • Constants

  6. TheScientificMethod Question: Howdoesthethickness of theseedcoataffectthegermination rate of theseeds? Hypothesis? • Ifthethickness of thecoating is smaller, theseedsgerminatefaster. • Design an experimenttotestyourhypothesis: • A seedwithscratchedcoat • A seedwith a hole in thecoat (nicked) • A seedwith an unscratchedcoat

  7. TheScientificMethod Coatingthickness Germination rate Temperature, amount of sunlight, wateretc. Identifyvariables: Independentvariable: Dependentvariable: Constant: • Control: Theseedwith normal coatingis usedtocomparethegrowthrates.

  8. TheScientificMethod Performtheexperiment, collectandrecordyour data: • Drawconclusions: ?? • Shareyourresults: Communicate

  9. TheScientificMethod - Summary

  10. TheScientificMethod Astronomy vs Astrology Whichone is a science? Why?

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