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Revealing the close “military” collaboration between China and Ukraine : A big number of Ukrainian experts have come to China to pass on their knowledge and expertise.
Revealing the close “military” collaboration between China and Ukraine : A big number of Ukrainian experts have come to China to pass on their knowledge and expertise. The recent disturbance in Ukraine has affected the close collaboration between China and Ukraine in the area of weaponry. During the era of Soviet Union, Ukraine was the important base of military industry. Forty to sixty percent of Soviet missiles, war ships, war planes and other most modern weaponry were produced in Ukraine. When the Soviet Union disintegrated in the early nineties, US, Germany, Israel, South Korea and Singapore sent their people crisscrossing Ukraine to recruit former Soviet Union experts to work for them. China has participated in this recruitment race too. Many Chinese engineers, who were trained in Soviet Union, have been sent to Ukraine to pursue their former teachers and classmates. Lo and behold, the Chinese were successful in their effort. Many Ukrainian experts decided to come to China and passed on their knowhow to the Chinese wholeheartedly. The Chinese side stated repeatedly in this report that they have benefited immensely from Ukrainian experts. Those experts were old Bolsheviks from the era of Mao Zedong and Stalin. They were “low maintenance”, they lived simple, they did not request any special treatment. But they passed on their expertise without any reservation. Isn’t it ironic, that Nikita Khrushchev, an Ukrainian, withdrew all Soviet experts from China in the early sixties, while in the past two decades the Ukrainian experts have been crucial to China’s development of modern weaponry. In 2006 alone, over 2000 Ukrainian experts were invited to work in China and they came.
China’s first aircraft carrier “Liaoning”, first ice-breaker and Antartic research ship “Xue Long” and first combined replenish ship “Qinghai Lake” were all obtained from Ukraine. Although in dilapidated or unfinished condition, they were purchased cheaply. Likely, Ukraine experts have participated in the refurbishment of those ships too. It was further revealed that Ukraine has sold China 4 units of arresting gear for airplane to land on aircraft carrier. We knew that Russia has refused to sell China the above technology and US was pleased about this refusal. I thought that China has created the arresting gear on their own, but it were Ukraine / Ukrainian experts to be thanked for. We can now understand, why do Chinese “self-designed” fighter airplanes so much like to the Russian ones, and why were the Russian telling every body right and left, that China copied their designs. It seems that Russian and Chinese airplanes have the same Ukrainian designers. Well, they are all Bolshevik comrades, right? If the Ukrainian experts could convince the Chinese engineers that the Russian plane they designed are simply better than the Chinese own design, there is no reason for not following your friends’ advice. jjh
揭秘中乌军事合作:大批乌克兰专家来华倾囊相授揭秘中乌军事合作:大批乌克兰专家来华倾囊相授 2014-03-12 08:51南宁晚报 中国从乌克兰低价引进的苏-33原型机T-10k-3
由于乌克兰近期动荡的局势,百姓抗议,警察镇压,总统下台,反对派组织大选……报道称,一些分析认为,乌克兰当前局势可能已经影响到了中乌双方的贸易合作,特别是军事领域的合作。不过,当地官员表示,两国签订的各项合作和贸易协定的履行目前还没有受到影响。 据俄罗斯媒体报道,乌克兰将向中国移交由费奥多西亚市“大海”造船厂制造的第二艘“野牛”气垫登陆艇。近日,这艘气垫登陆艇将从乌克兰费奥多西亚驶往中国。 与乌克兰低迷不振的经济相比,乌克兰与中国的军工合作一直进行得有声有色。十多年来,中国一直在乌克兰军火出口榜单上名列前茅。虽然同为苏联的加盟共和国,乌克兰与俄罗斯在对华军贸中却表现出截然不同的态度和特点,这也使得乌克兰的局势变化,对中国引进军事技术有更大的变数。 苏联时期乌克兰军工辉煌 据报道,乌克兰军事工业非常发达。苏联军事工业在乌克兰的投资、资源分配都很大。据西方军事观察家估计,乌克兰军事工业占原苏联国防潜力的30%。乌克兰许多企业和科研机构与国防工业有关,主要集中在机器制造业、冶金、燃料动力业及高技术部门,主要生产火箭装置、宇航装置、军用舰船、飞机和导弹等军工产品。 乌克兰是世界上第6大战略导弹生产国。其拥有两座主要的洲际导弹生产厂,即巴甫洛夫斯克州的“南方机械制造厂”和第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克州的“巴甫洛格勒机械制造厂”,“南方机械制造厂”是一家以生产战略导弹为主的军工联合企业,是世界最大的导弹生产厂家之一。苏联62%的地对空导弹,42%的战略导弹由该厂独立生产或与其他军工企业合作生产。该厂主要生产可携带10枚分导核弹头的SS-18型战略导弹,同时还生产SS-24型导弹,其改进型SS-25为铁路车厢式导弹。其外表与普通货车车厢一模一样,可沿铁路线任意机动,能避开间谍卫星的跟踪侦察。“南方机械制造厂”的宇航技术也很先进。苏联第一颗通讯卫星所用的运载火箭就是该厂生产的。 乌克兰建造军事舰船的能力很强。苏联6个建造大型水面舰只的造船厂,有3个位于乌克兰黑海沿岸。位于尼古拉耶夫港的黑海造船厂是苏联唯一能制造航空母舰的造船厂。俄军唯一一艘航空母舰“库兹涅佐夫”号就是该厂建造的。“六一”造船厂也位于尼古拉耶夫港,主要建造巡洋舰和驱逐舰,是苏联唯一能建造“光荣”级导
弹巡洋舰的造船厂。“布隆”造船厂位于克里米亚半岛的刻赤,主要建造驱逐舰和护卫舰。 大批乌克兰专家来华“送宝” 苏联解体后,由于缺乏技术和资金的保障,缺乏民用产品市场,加之军工企业科技人员流失严重,故乌克兰军转民遇到了相当大的困难,已转产的军工企业的效益很差。其时,独联体各国动荡不安,人心惶惶,工厂、机构大量倒闭,军工领域许多专家、教授失业,收入锐减。特别是一些尖端行业,大量一流的工程师陷入赤贫,美国、德国、以色列、韩国、新加坡等国科研机构纷纷派出专家前往俄罗斯、乌克兰,以优厚条件招揽人才。中国也加入了这一轮人才争夺,采用的招揽方法类似韩国,但得益于苏联时期中苏友好的渊源,一些留苏专家学者通过学术交流、个人友情联络等多种形式,从乌克兰请到了不少顶级专家。 在这段难得的时期,中国主动出击,目的性很强,直奔军工领域的关键技术,通过个人关系转让其技术成果。海军专家李杰形容那时的工作说,中国人坐一个星期的火车,从满洲里出去,穿过西伯利亚,取道莫斯科,再到乌克兰等独联体国家,进行摸底、契合,很快知道了对方有哪些技术可以进行合作;之后,马上就有大批的乌克兰专家赴华,介入具体项目。中国当时的基础技术比较落后,刚开始技术交流的层次比较低,规模也比较小。后来,中国用轻工产品交换先进设备,乌克兰专家开始大规模赴华。这些专家大多是毛泽东、斯大林时代的老布尔什维克,重视中苏友谊,生活要求不高,工作严谨,有问必答,技术、材料很爽快地提供,甚至掏心掏肺。 为了招揽军工人才,中国政府为此启动了一项“双引工程”,专门引进独联体国家的人才和技术,国务院授权国家外国专家局于1991年正式设立国家“友谊奖”,用以表彰外国专家为中国所做的贡献,各省随后相继设立不同地方政府友谊奖。乌克兰籍专家奥坚科·沃洛德梅尔、科瓦连柯、阿诺·阿夫恰茹克相继获得国家级友谊奖;2002年,国务院发展研究中心的一份内部报告称:据不完全统计,10年来,通过官民并举,多渠道、多层次 地开展“双引工程”,从俄罗斯以及其他独联体国家大约引进上万名专家,2000多个技术项目。乌克兰是“双引工程”的重点地区,每年都有大批专家、学者应邀赴华讲学或从事科研。中国驻乌克兰使馆一秘李谦如在一篇署名文章中说:仅2006年,国内邀请乌克兰科技界专家学者赴华约150批次,2000多人次。
“乌克兰三舰客”留威名 乌克兰在对华海军技术输出上占据了得天独厚的优势,上世纪90年代,中国从乌克兰购买了三艘有代表性的大型舰船,由于他们至今仍然扮演着不可替代的角色,因此国内对他们也有“乌克兰三舰客”的美称。他们的中国名字对于我们毫不陌生:“雪龙”号破冰船、“青海湖”号综合补给舰和“辽宁”号航空母舰。其中,雪龙号是中国于1993年以1750万美元低价从乌克兰赫尔松造船厂购得的维他斯 白令级破冰船,经过改造后成为中国目前唯一功能齐全的极地科考破冰船,也是中国目前唯一能在极地破冰航行的船只;青海湖号补给舰也是由赫尔松造船厂建造的。这艘船原计划交付给苏联海军,却在苏联解体后因没有资金而被搁置。中国于1993年购买该舰,并于当年带回大连造船厂接受续建。该船在1996年交付中国海军南海舰队,是中国第一艘、也是迄今装备最大的综合补给舰;辽宁号在中国的知名度更高、其经历也更加复杂,这艘由尼古拉耶夫“61名公社社员”造船厂建造的大型航空母舰原名“瓦良格”号,1992年被乌克兰和俄罗斯废弃,在历经多年的破坏和偷盗后被中国人购得。在费尽周折将它拖到大连后,中国军方又耗时多年对其进行续建和改造,最终成为中国海军的第一艘航空母舰。 据乌克兰媒体报道,在2006年10月,中国就派出了大型军事代表团前往了乌克兰,讨论了乌克兰帮助中国培训航母飞行员的可行性。此后,中国工程师、飞行员、海军技术专家就开始频繁地访问“尼特卡”舰载机训练中心。有消息说,乌克兰还帮助中国建造了“尼特卡”地面训练系统相类似的设施,用于舰载航空兵飞行员的训练教学,并向中国出售了4套阻拦索。而最近吸引眼球的军购项目就是中乌合作的“欧洲野牛”大型气垫船项目。进口“欧洲野牛”的项目始于2003年,有关技术谈判持续了6年,直到2009年,乌克兰媒体才公开这一消息,确认订购数量4艘。
This wreck of ex-Varyag at the Ukraine shipyard was purchased for US $20 million and additional $2 million for its original blue print . It’ll be difficult to figure out the purpose of every corner, every turn, etc. without the blue print.
The finish product of ex-Varyag, which has become China first aircraft carrier “Liaoning”
The Chinese research ship and ice breaker at the same time, also looks like a container ship. It can transport a lot of construction material and can carry a helicopter. The ship was made in Ukraine and sold to China for 17.5 million US Dollar.
Qinghaihu (885), ex Nancang (Nanyun 953), ex Vladimir Peregudov (before purchase from Ukraine). She was originally laid down for the Soviet Navy as a KomandarnFedko class merchant tanker, but building work was halted due to insufficient funds, and was then purchased by the China Navy from the Russian Navy unfinished in 1993. The ship has a near sister ship (INS Jyoti (A58)) operating with the Indian Navy.
“乌克兰三舰客” The LIAO-NING (upper left), the XUE-LONG (upper right) and the QING-HAI LAKE (lower left) are known in Mainland as the THREE UKRAINIAN MUSKEETEERS.
瓦良格号拦阻索机构. Four pieces of “Arresting Gear” in the middle of the picture. The arresting gears are not activated yet. The tailhook of a landing aircraft will catch the activated arresting gear, which is in arch form, and the plane will be brought to halt. China has acquired the technology from Ukraine.
See the TAILHOOK of a landing SU-33. It will snap one of the arching ARRESTING GEAR on the deck of Russian Admiral Kuznetsov Aircraft Carrier and the plane will be brought to halt.
拦阻索的工作原理 The mechanism of arresting gear. Its main part of is stalled underneath the flight deck
中国航母拦阻索机构组件和铁索 Parts of arresting gear and its steel cable
Apparently these Chinese weapons for export also have the signature of Ukrainian experts. 【歼20首涂装隐身涂料 银河战舰让军迷直呼科幻】 【中国新一代外贸主战坦克等多型装备公开亮相】 【央视揭秘运20首飞细节 最小起飞距离仅600米】 【中国单兵导弹大揭秘 出口多国屡有优异战绩】
Femen - Ukrainian Naked Protest Group KIEV, Ukraine -- Women in Ukraine are far from having equal rights with men. Now, a group of young feminists want to change all that. Their weapons: traditional Ukrainian floral wreaths - and their bare breasts. Ukrainian Feminist group FEMEN stages ‘Topless Jihad’ protest
Country’s chief tourist attractions: beautiful women. Kiev and Odessa had become veritable Ukrainian versions of Bangkok—although less expensive and more accessible for European patrons Sex tourism—and the sex industry at large—has flourished. KIEV, Ukraine -- Several young topless women barged into a Ukrainian polling station, rowdily protesting before a candidate cast his ballot. We obviously do not wish to see these beautiful Ukrainian women ending up in the bordello of western Europe, as it is the case with Romanian, Bulgarian and other eastern European women supplying the need of prostitution in western Europe. Isn’t it irony, if these Ukrainian women with anti-sharia and anti-Islamist slogans painting on their naked bodies might end up in western Europe bordello and be fucked by those Islamists.