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Cognitive psychology. The origins of cognitive thinking such as computational theory of mind can be traced back as early as Descartes in the 17th century. It having only developed as a separate area within the discipline since the late 1950s and early 1960s
Cognitive psychology • The origins of cognitive thinking such as computational theory of mind can be traced back as early as • Descartes in the 17th century. • It having only developed as a separate area within the discipline since the late 1950s and early 1960s • following the "cognitive revolution" initiated by NoamChomsky's 1959 critique of behaviorism and • empiricism more generally. • It had its foundations in theGestalt psychology, Wolfgang Köhler, and Kurt Koffka, and in the work of • Jean Piaget, who provided a theory of stages/phases that describe children's cognitive development • (http://en.wikipedia.org) • The early behavioural psychologists treated thehuman mind as a 'black box', being concerned only • withthe relationship between theinput to the system (the stimulus) and theoutputfrom the system • (the response).None of the processes that occurred between the stimulus and the response were considered • to be the legitimate concern of psychology, since they could not be directly observed. • Dissatisfaction with thisstrict view, together with anincreasing realisation that internal higher-order • mental processes are an important part of psychology, has since led to the development • of cognitive psychology. This is concerned with whatactually happens withinthe mind/brain system • when wethink, reason, remember, develop language skills, etc, as well as withhow we process • information received from the outside world. A mental processes which mediate between stimulus • and response. • (www2.rgu.ac.uk/ How Students Learn )
Cognitive psychology • Cognitive theory contends that solutions to problems take the form of algorithms—rules that are not • necessarily understood but promise a solution, or heuristics—rules that are understood but that do not • always guarantee solutions. • The school of thought arising from this approach is known ascognitivism . • Cognitive psychology is currently having an increasinginfluence on educational thinking, especially • through the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence . • (www2.rgu.ac.uk/ How Students Learn ) • Ulric Neisser coined the term 'cognitive psychology' in his book published in 1967 • (Cognitive Psychology, wherein Neisser provides a definition of cognitive psychology characterizing people • as dynamic information-processing systems whose mental operations might be described in • computational terms. • Also emphasising that it is a point of view which postulates the mind as having a certain conceptual • structure.
Cognitive psychology • Neisser's definition of cognition : • ...the term "cognition" refers to all processes by which the sensory input is transformed, reduced, • elaborated, stored, recovered, and used. It is concerned with these processes even whenthey operate • in the absence of relevant stimulation, as in images andhallucinations... it is apparent that cognition • is involved ineverything a human being might possibly do; that every psychological phenomenon • is a cognitivephenomenon. • Cognitive psychology is radically different from previous psychological approaches in two key ways. • - Itaccepts the use of the scientific method, and generallyrejectsintrospection as a valid • method of investigation, unlike symbol-driven approaches such as Freudian psychology. • -It explicitlyacknowledges the existence of internal mental states (such as belief, desire and • motivation) unlike behaviorist psychology. • (http://en.wikipedia.org) • John Bruer : • A true understanding of how the brain handleslearning tasks will only be reached with the help of • cognitive psychologists. • Cognitive psychology is the critical bridge between brain science and education.
Cognitive psychology Relative words and phrases: Information Processing Image schemas and Conceptual metaphors Memory(short-term memory, long-term memory) Remembering Problem solving* Decision Making** Language Nature of the learning process Reinforcement Repetition Educational Thinking Mathematical Thinking Collaborative Learning Situated learning Embodied cognition Cognitive Science*** Artificial Intelligence
Cognitive psychology *Problem solving: Is anintegral part of everyday lifeand also is animportant aspect of human cognition. How welearn from experience of problem solving andhow our learning transfers (or often fails to transfer)from one situation to another. How wegenerate a useful representation of a problem as a starting point. The focus on the practical transfer of learning through problem solvingwill also make it ofrelevance to educationalists and business psychologists. http://www.cognitivepsychologyarena.com ** Decision Making: The last part of problem solving, evaluating and choosing, is usually called decision making. http://dieoff.org ***Cognitive science: differs from cognitive psychology in that algorithms that are intended tosimulate human behavior areimplementedor implementable on a computer.
Cognitive psychology Influential cognitive psychologists: Alan Baddeley - Albert Bandura - Frederic Bartlett - Elizabeth Bates Donald Broadbent(Has a book “Perception and Communication” in 1958 and has worked on information processing model of cognition+the human brain's processing of math, reading and other specific learning tasks.) Jerome Bruner( Bruner's ideas are based on categorization. "To perceive is to categorize, to conceptualize is to categorize, to learn is to form categories, to make decisions is to categorize. " Bruner maintains people interpret the world in terms of its similarities and differences.) Gordon H. Bower - Fergus Craik - Noam Chomsky( worked on language) - Antonio DamasioHermann Ebbinghaus - William Estes - Michael Gazzaniga - Keith HolyoakDaniel Kahneman - Nancy Kanwisher - Eric Lenneberg - Elizabeth Loftus Brian MacWhinney - James McClelland -
Cognitive psychology • Influential cognitive psychologists: • George Armitage Miller(developer of WordNet- Applied to language as the primary mental knowledge • representation system, cognitive psychology has exploited tree and network mental models. Its singular • contribution • to AI and psychology in general is the notion of a semantic network) • Ulrich Neisser - Allen Newell - Allan Paivio - Seymour Papert • Jean Piaget(provided a theory of stages/phases that describe children's cognitive development) • Steven Pinker - Michael Posner - Henry L. Roediger III - Eleanor Rosch - David Rumelhart • - Eleanor Saffran - Daniel Schacter - Roger Shepard - Herbert Simon - Elizabeth Spelke • George Sperling - Robert Sternberg - Saul Sternberg - Larry Squire - Endel Tulving • - Anne Treisman - Amos Tversky - Lev Vygotsky
Cognitive psychology • E-Books • 1 -Collaborative Learning: Cognitive and Computational Approaches. • 2- Cognitive Psychology and Instruction • 3- Representation, Vision and Visualization: Cognitive • 4- Situated Learning and Education • 5- Mathematical Idea Analysis: What Embodied Cognitive Science Can Say about the Human • Nature of Mathematics. ELHAM BAKHTIARYMANESH- 1388