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JLab12 / Gruppo Roma1-ISS JLab12 Prima Riunione Plenaria 18 Settembre 2008. Chi Siamo. Evaristo Cisbani (ISS) 70 Francesco Cusanno (ISS) 100 Salvatore Frullani (ISS) 40 Francesco Ghio (ISS) 20 Franco Garibaldi (ISS) 70 Franco Meddi (UniRoma1) 30 Giudo Maria Urciuoli (INFN-RM1) 30
JLab12 / Gruppo Roma1-ISS JLab12 Prima Riunione Plenaria 18 Settembre 2008 JLab12.0
Chi Siamo • Evaristo Cisbani (ISS) 70 • Francesco Cusanno (ISS) 100 • Salvatore Frullani (ISS) 40 • Francesco Ghio (ISS) 20 • Franco Garibaldi (ISS) 70 • Franco Meddi (UniRoma1) 30 • Giudo Maria Urciuoli (INFN-RM1) 30 Totale 3.6 FTE Tecnici (da ISS) • Stefano Colilli 40 • Rolando Fratoni 70 • Fausto Giuliani 80 • Massimo Gricia 70 • Maurizio Lucentini 40 • Fabio Santavenere 80 Totale 3.8 FTE JLab12.0
Apparati Realizzati RICH Detector hadron arm septum magnets electron arm JLab12.0
Esperimenti in Hall A con leadership italiana 6 GeV ran E – 91-111 S. Frullani, J. Kelly, A. Sarty “Investigation of N-D transition via polarization observables in Hall A” E – 94-107 F. Garibaldi S. Frullani, J. LeRose, P. Markowitz “High Resolution Hypernuclear 1p shel Spectroscopy” E – 98-108 O.Baker,S. Frullani, M. Iodice “Electroproduction of Kaons up to Q2 = 3 GeV/c)2” E – 97-110, JP Chen, A Deur, F. Garibaldi “*GDH Rum Rule of 3He and Neutron using nearly real photons” E 06-007, K. Aniol, A. Saha, G.M. Urciuoli, G. Udias, “Impulse Approssimation Limitations to the (e,e’p) on 208Pb(e,e’p)” JLab12.0
6 GeV to run E – 06-011, E. Cisbani, H. Gao, X, Jiang “Target Single Spin Asymmetry in Seminclusive Deep Inelastic (e’e’ pai+) Reaction on a Transversity Polarized 3He Target” E – 06-002, R. Michaels, P. Souder, G.M.Urciuoli “A Clean Measurement of Neutron Skin of 208Pb trough Parity Violatung Electron Scattering” E – 07-012, F. Garibaldi, M. Iodice, J. LeRose, P. Markowitz “The Angular Dependence of 16O(e,e’K)16N_Lambda, and H(e,e’K)Lambda” 12 GeV PR-12-07-109, C.Perdrisat, L.Pentchev, E.Cisbani, V.Punjabi, B.Wojtsekhowski “Large Acceptance Proton Form Factor Ratio Measurement at 13 and 15 GeV2 Using Recoil Polarization Method” - working groups ---> white papers - hypernuclear physics - spin structure of neutron - form factors - Gep --> super bigbit spectrometer for Hall A JLab12.0
Proton E/M Form Factors (by polarization transfer in elastic ep scattering) JLab12: measurements up to Q2 = 15 GeV2 Rosenbluth, one photon exchange approximation Longitudinal Pl and transverse Ptpolarizations of the scattered proton • Definitive test for many phenomenological models aiming to explain the GEp/GMp slope • Investigate non-perturbative to perturbative QCD region • Set limit or observe pQCD asymptotic • Most likely will investigate negative region Dramatic evidence of inadequate interpretation of lepton scattering experiments JLab12.0
Chamber Layout • 3 GEM foils • 100x40 cm2 • Single large foil not strictly required • Last foil segmented (to reduce hits ambiguity) ? 2D xy strip Readout (COMPASS design) 2 foils: 50x40 cm2 each 400 mm pitch 4500 channels Total Thickness: X0 < 0.7 % JLab12.0
GEM Principle JLab12.0
SBS Primary Tracker JLab12.0