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ESP COURSE ( English for Specific Purposes) for Class Teachers (1-2)

Learn how to improve your teaching effectiveness by expanding your options and making informed decisions. Develop your awareness, selection, and action process as an English language teacher.

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ESP COURSE ( English for Specific Purposes) for Class Teachers (1-2)

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  1. ESP COURSE(English for Specific Purposes)for Class Teachers (1-2) Vera Savic, MA Lecturer in English 2010/2011 Faculty of Education in Jagodina University of Kragujevac vera.savic@pefja.kg.ac.rs

  2. ESP - English for specific purposes The ELT Chart

  3. The EFL Chart • General English • English for Science and Technology - English for Academic Purposes (medical study, engineering, technology) - English for Occupational/Vocational Purposes (technicians) • English for Business and Economics • English for Social Sciences - English for Academic Purposes (psychology, sociology, philosophy) - English for Occupational/Vocational Purposes (teaching, secretaries)

  4. Academic fields: science, technology, engineering, chemistry, biology business, economics, accounting, marketing, finance medical practice humanities – fine arts, education, psychology, philosophy, sociology, history, pedagogy ESP - English for specific purposes

  5. People who don’t make mistakes are unlikely to learn anything. The best way to learn something is to make mistakes first. Thomas Edison, who invented the light bulb, told his colleagues: “Of the 200 light bulbs that didn’t work, every failure told me something I was able to incorporate into the next attempt.” Benjamin Franklin, the US statesman and scientist once said: “I haven’t failed, I have had 10,000 ideas that didn’t work.” Becoming a more effective teacher is partly a matter of increasing your awareness of what options are available. It is also about the skilful selection of the most appropriate option at each point and efficiently, effectively turning these into actions. Reading books like this, talking to other teachers, observing other teachers at work, getting feedback from observers of your lesson - these are all ways of increasing your range of options and your skill at deciding and acting on decisions appropriately. Which genre?

  6. ESP – linguistic features EL teacher in inclusive classes - Special grammatical features (the present simple tense, the passive voice, the non-finites, modal verbs, nominal compounds) • Special lexical features (specialist vocabulary)

  7. Needs Analysis • Why do my students need to learn English? • What do my students need to learn? • What aspects of language will be needed? • What level of proficiency must be achieved? • What topic areas will need to be covered? • How will that be achieved? Why do you need to learn English? Make a list of your reasons.

  8. Needs Analysis (cont.) • Need to find relevant information from various sources in English (books, Internet articles, newspapers, brochures, experts, colleagues) • Need to understand professional texts • Need to extract the gist of a text by summarising its ideas • Need to extract relevant information from a text • Need to discuss professional issues and express own point of view • Need to take notes and write short essays in English • Need to develop abilities/skills to continue to improve

  9. Course Objectives To develop students’ - ability to find relevant information from various sources in English (books, Internet articles, newspapers, brochures, experts, colleagues) • ability to understand professional texts • ability to extract the gist of a text by summarising its ideas • ability to extract relevant information from a text • ability to discuss professional issues and express own point of view • ability to take notes and write short essays in English • abilities/skills to continue to improve

  10. Садржај предметаТеоријска наставаГраматички и лексички садржаји: морфологија: граматичке структуре стручног енглеског језика (пасивне конструкције, безлични глаголски облици - партиципи, инфинитив, герунд, номиналне сложенице); синтакса: зависне и независне реченице, везници; лексика: стручна (образовне науке), одлике стила.Практична настава: Вежбе, Други облици наставе, Студијски истраживачки радМедијација, језик као средство комуникације, енглески језик струке, образовне науке, принципи успешног превођења Развој језичких вештина: напредне вештине читања, разумевање читањем и слушањем, дискусија, изражавање става и мишљења о темама везаним за струку, писање резимеа, извештаја и презентација, рад у пару и групи на превођењу стручних текстова, писању презентација на решавању задатака и практичној примени знања стеченог на предавањима. Консултације у вези са самосталним радом студента.Методе извођења наставе: Предавања, вежбе, презентација, консултације(ESPB 3)Оцена знања (максимални број поена 100)Предиспитне обавезе 55 поенаЗавршни испит 45 поенаактивност у току предавања5колоквијум-и25семинар-и25писмени испит25усмени испит10презентација пројекта10

  11. Course material: • Savic, V. (2009): English for Specific Purposes for Students of Education (e-book, http://www.pefja.kg.ac.rs/preuzimanje/Materijali_za_nastavu/ESP_COURSE_%202009-2010.doc) 2.Murphy, R. (2004): English Grammar in Use (intermediate). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Authentic material from various sources References/additional material: • ESSE речник (2005). Београд: Институт за стране језике. • Јовановић, М(2001): О превођењу. Удружење научних и стручних преводилаца, Београд, стр. 4-53 • Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2003). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. • Oxford English-Serbian Student’s Dictionary (2006). Oxford: Oxford University Press. • McCarthy (2006). Cambridge Grammar of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Savić, M, Paunović, T & Stojanović, S. (2007). English Phonology Workbook. Niš: Faculty of Philosophy. • Zemach, D, Rumisek, L. (2005). Academic Writing. Oxford: MacMillan Publishing.

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