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Nongreen revolution for socioeconomic transformation in Terai

Nongreen revolution for socioeconomic transformation in Terai. Jay Kant Raut, Ph.D. Central Department of Biotechnology Tribhuvan University Kirtipur , Kathmandu. 2011/11/14 . Nongreen revolution .

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Nongreen revolution for socioeconomic transformation in Terai

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  1. Nongreen revolution for socioeconomic transformation in Terai Jay Kant Raut, Ph.D. • Central Department of Biotechnology • Tribhuvan University Kirtipur, Kathmandu 2011/11/14

  2. Nongreen revolution • immense amount of lignocellulosic biomass resource, which, like solar energy, is sustainable • more than 70% of agricultural and forest products have not been put to total productivity and have been discarded as wastes • mushrooms not only can convert these huge lignocellulosic biomass wastes into human food but also can produce notable biomedicinal products, which have many health benefits

  3. Nongreen revolution • A mushroom-based industry utilizing the lignocellulosic waste materials can have a positive long-term global impact on • human nutrition, • human health, • environmental conservation and regeneration, as well as promoting economic and social changes • Therefore, the significant impact of mushroom cultivation , mushroom derivatives and products on human welfare in the 21st century can be considered globally as a “Nongreen Revolution”

  4. Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of certain fungi—the equivalent of the apple, not of the tree.. What is a mushroom?

  5. Mushroom Diversity K

  6. Total mushroom diversity of Nepal To date about 812 species (227 genera 675 species- Basidiomycotina;59 genera and 137 species- Ascomycotina) • edible (110 spp.), • Poisonous (65 spp.) • fermentation (5 spp.) • decoration (12 spp.) • mycorrhizal (50 spp.) • medicinal (73 spp.) • other uses 5 (spp.)

  7. Mushroom Farming: Global Scenario • It has great scope in developing countries like Nepal, China, India because of the cheap and easily available raw materials needed for this activity. • China as for example, in 1978, the production of edible mushrooms • was only 60,000 tonneswhile In 2006, it was over 14 million tonnes. • More than 30 million people directly or indirectly engaged in mushroom production and businesses • China has become a leading mushroom producer and consumer in the world • Its global production has reached 33.4 million tons in 2007 while it was 26 million tons in 2000 • The world market in 2006 was valued at over US$ 60 billion while it was US$ 40 billion in 2001

  8. Top world producer of mushrooms (2007) Sources: FAO, United Nations

  9. Mushroom Farming: Domestic Scenario • Mushroom farming started in 1974 on commercial scale from Kathmandu valley • The production was 30 kg in that year which has reached to 834 metric tons in 2010 • The per capita consumption/day reached 0.02 g in 2005 from 0.01 g in 2000 • These increase can be taken as a highly encouraging sign coming from the potential mushroom consumers in Nepal In 2005, its import was 0.06 thousand metric tons and export was 0.03 thousand metric tons

  10. The most popular mushrooms in Nepal which have been farming on commercial scale • Button mushroom (Agaricusbisporus) • Shitake (Lentinusedodes) • Oyster (Pleurotussajor-caju) • Oyster (Pleurotusostreatus) • Straw mushroom (Volvarieliavolvaceae) • Black mushroom (Auriculariapolytrica)

  11. Advantage of Mushroom Cultivation 1. Wastes such as cereal straws are largely burnt by the farmers, which causes air pollution. It is ecofriendly activities and can greatly reduce environmental pollution. 2. It is a labour intensive activity and serve as means of generating employment, particularly for rural women and youths in order to raise their social status. 3. It enriches the diet with high quality proteins, minerals and vitamins which can be of direct benefit to the human health and fitness. The extractable bioactive compounds from medicinal mushrooms would enhance human’s immune systems and improve their quality of life.

  12. Nutritional Attribute

  13. Advantage of Mushroom Cultivation 4. Mushroom cultivation is a cash crop. It generates additional family income or foreign exchange that will definitely improve the economic standards of the people. 5. Some tropical mushrooms ( e.g. Straw mushrooms) are relatively fast growing organisms and can be harvested in 3 to 4 weeks after spawning. It is a short return agricultural business and can be of immediate benefit to the community.

  14. Suitability of Mushroom farming in Terai • A wet and warm climate and have an abundant supply of agricultural wastes which are relatively cheap • A plentiful supply of manual labor • Costs of building materials and other inputs related to construction costs are much lower • Comparatively well facility of transportation

  15. Suitability of Mushroom farming in Terai • Terai is bordering the highly populated Indian states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Uttaranchal with potential huge market • The supply and demand gap in the world trade of mushrooms and the shrinkage of production in countries like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea due to high labor costs would result in better international market prices for Terai mushroom producers

  16. Various types of raw substrate available in Terai and associated mushroom species

  17. Socioeconomic Impact • The people can get themselves trained on mushroom cultivation or mushroom seed production to earn their livelihood • Very profitable entrepreneurship. One can get a minimum 40% profit out of mushroom cultivation • It can provide self employment opportunity to large number of unemployed youth, farmers and specially the woman entrepreneurs • Women in Terai are mostly confined to indoor activities. They can perform it in their house to generate additional income and improve their socioeconomic conditions

  18. Socioeconomic Impact • Strongly discourage the youth migration for foreign employment in the society • Alleviate the malnutrition in the society providing a good source of protein nutrition in the substitute of animal protein (meat)

  19. Recommendations • Peoples should be made aware on recent development of mushroom and its farming through local media and other possible means (e.g. mushroom fair, mushroom excursion, mushroom dinner). • Mushroom farming is both a science and an art. The science, in its broad form, will come through research, training, workshops/courses. The art will come through practical involvement and experience, • Thus, regional mushroom resource centers should be established that produce technical manpower to operate and manage the mushroom farming venture

  20. Recommendations • Quality spawn (mushroom seeds), and necessary technical assistance should be made available to growers on time • Till now, mostly the mushroom farming were done in farmers level i.e. cottage industry level. Thus, now it should be encouraged for large agro-industry level • Well organized distribution network should be established that facilitates the marketing of products. Mushroom processing plants should be installed with the resource centers. • A separate unit for quality control and certification should be established that will standardize the product for national and international marketing .

  21. Thank you very much ! A regular intake of mushrooms can make you healthier, fitter, and happier. They can make you live longer, and always look younger.

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