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Smilacaceae. Catbrier Family By Ashlyn Kuklock. Smilacaceae. 10-12 Genera 300-320 species Herbs, shrubs, and woody vines. Smilacaceae. Leaves alternate or opposite, simple, often leathery, and palmately veined Flowers perfect or imperfect Sepals-3 Petal-3 Stamens-6 Carpels-3

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  1. Smilacaceae Catbrier Family By Ashlyn Kuklock

  2. Smilacaceae • 10-12 Genera • 300-320 species • Herbs, shrubs, and woody vines

  3. Smilacaceae • Leaves alternate or opposite, simple, often leathery, and palmately veined • Flowers perfect or imperfect Sepals-3 Petal-3 Stamens-6 Carpels-3 Styles-3 Fruit is a berry Found in southern hemisphere Roots of some species are used medicinally for the treatment of rheumatism.

  4. Smilax tamnoides: Greenbrier • Leaf: Alternate, simple, 3 to 5 inches long, parallel veins, shiny green above, slightly paler beneath. Flower: Small, yellow-green, in clusters with long stems, appearing in late spring. Fruit: Dark blue to nearly black, round berry, 1/4 inch. Twig: Green with dark, needle-like prickles.Form: A climbing or trailing vine.

  5. Smilax tamnoides

  6. References • http://www.nzenzeflowerspauwels.be/SmilAnce2.jpg • http://www.virtualherbarium.org/lf/saur.jpg • http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/willow/smilax-info0.gif • http://www.sbs.utexas.edu/bio406d/images/pics/smi/Smilax%20smallii%20habit1.jpg • http://farm1.static.flickr.com/212/499953464_27bfb9f45e.jpg?v=0 • http://www.sbs.utexas.edu/bio406d/images/pics/smi/Smilax%20smallii%20leaves1.jpg • http://www.paulmcafeenaturephoto.com/web_page/Photos_of_the_Week/IMAG077A.JPG • http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/coursessystematics/family_index/fam.. • Walters, Dirk., Keil, David., Murrell, Zack E. 2006. Vascular Plant Taxonomy. 5th Edition U.S; Kendall/Hunt.

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