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Initial Assessment. Preparation TriagePrimary survey ( ABCDEs )ResuscitationAdjunct to primary survey
1. ??? ???? ?????? ?????? Trauma Management
2. Initial Assessment Preparation
Primary survey ( ABCDEs )
Adjunct to primary survey & resuscitation
Consider need for patient transfer
Secodary survey ( head to toe evaluation & patient Hx. )
Adjunct to the secondary survey
Continued post-resuscitation monitoring & reevaluation
Definitive care
3. Preparation 1- pre-hospital :
Coordinate with doctors at the receiving hospital
Emphasis on airway , bleeding control & shock , immobilization of patient , transport to closest appropriate facility , minimize the time , reporting information for triage ( Time of injury, patient Hx , mechanisms of injury ,…....)
2- Hospital resuscitation area should be ready with
- Airway equipment , I V fluid , Monitoring equipment , laboratory , radiology , STANDARD PRECAUTION ( face mask , eye protection , apron , gloves ,……..)
4. Triage : sorting of patients based on their need for treatment & resources available to provide that treatment 1- Multiple casualties
No. of patients & severity of injuries do not exceed the ability of facility care , so patients with life threatening injuries & multiple system injuries patient are treated first .
5. 2- Mass casualties
No. of patients & severity of injuries exceed the ability of facility care , so the patient with the greatest chance of survival & requiring the least time , equipment , supplies & personnel are treated frist
6. Primary Survey ( ABCDEs ) A Airway with cervical spine protection
B Breathing & ventilation
C Circulation with hemorrhage control
D Disability : Neurologic status
E Exposure / Environmental control :
completely undress the patient , but
prevent hypothermia
7. A Airway with cervical spine protection . - The airway assessment is first to be sure patency ( like foreign bodies in mouth , facial , mandibular , treacheal /laryngeal fractures , …..) with cervical immobilization .
8. B Breathing & ventilation Check for chest wall injuries like pneumothorax , hemothorax , flail chest
that should be identified during the primary survey.
9. C Circulation with hemorrhage control . 1- Blood volume & cardiac output :
Hemorrhage is the No. one cause of preventable death after injury so look for signs of hemorrhage like decrease level of consciousness , loss of skin color , rapid pulse .
2- Bleeding : by manual pressure on open wound .
10. D Disability : Neurologic status Glasgow Coma scale ( GCS )
- A Alert
- V Vocal stimulus response
- P Painful stimulus response
- U Unresponsive
11. E Exposure / Environmental control Undress the patient for evaluation
Than cover to control body temperature
Room temperature control
Warm fluids
12. Resuscitation : Aggressive resuscitation & management of life threatening injuries are essential to maximize patient survival ( also A B C )
A Airway , Definitive airway must be established during resuscitation .
B Breathing & Ventilation : it shoud be controled to achieved adequate tissue oxygenation .
13. Circulation :
Bleeding must be controlled
Minimum of tow large –peripheral
I V lines must be established for fluid resuscitation .
Initial fluid is Lactated Ringer solution with about 2- 3 L
If no response than blood transfusion
N. B. the best indicator of adequate fluid resuscitation is urine output .
14. Adjunct to Primary survey & Resuscitation ECG
Urinary catheter
Gastric catheter
Arterial blood gas ( ABG )analysis
Pulse oximetry
Diagnostic x- ray studies
- cervical x- ray
- Pelvis x-ray
15. Cosider need for patient transfer During primary & resuscitation phase , the
evaluating doctor has obtained enough information for transfer .
16. Secondary Survey Is head - to - toe evaluation involving a complete neurologic examination
The secodary survey is performed after vital function have been normalized
1- Hx of ( AMPLE )
Past injuries , Illness , pregnancy
Last meal
Events / environment ( mechanism of Injury )
17. 2- Examination :
head , skull, maxillofacial area , neck , chest , abdumen , perineum , vagina , rectum , musculoskeletal system , neurological system and every orifice should be checked .
18. Adjunct to the secondary survey To minimize missed injuries
X- ray of spine & extremities
CT scan of head , chest, abdomen , spine , …….
All these tests shoud be done when patient hemodynamicaly stable
19. Reevaluation To ensure that new finding are not overlooked & to assessment deterioration in previously noted findings .
Monitoring vital signs , urinary out put, ABG ,cardiac , ……
Relief of sever pain is an important part of treatment in this stage .
20. Definitive care Emergency department & surgical department should use special criteria for patient transfer to trauma center or closest appropriate hospital
21. Musculoskeletal Trauma Primary survey & resuscitation
- control hemmorrhage from musculoskeletal injury may be by direct pressure.
- femoral fracture may result in up to 4 units blood into the though so splinting of fracture may decrease bleeding by reduction of motion.
22. - open fracture should be covered with sterile pressure dressing.
- aggressive fluid resuscitation is an important supplement for that injury.
23. Adjunct to primary survey - Fracture immobilization by traction & than application of immobilization device ,
the joint dislocation require splinting in the position in which they are found and
if closed reduction has successfully than immobilization with spint , pillows or plaster
24. X-ray examination is part of the scodary surevy specially pelvic x-ray after stabilize the patient
25. Secodary survey in musculoskeletal system is history & physical examination Hx. Mechanism of injury , environment , preinjury status & predispsing factors , prehospital observation & care
Physical examination
completely undress the patient for examination and look for
1- life threatening injury
2- limb threatening injury
3- systemic review to avoid missing injury
26. So for musculoskeletal system examination ( look , feel & move )
1- skin
2- neuromuscular function
3- circulation
4- skeletal & ligamentous integrity
27. If abnormal bone tender or joint and patient stable so x-ray shuold be done
Only indication of manupulation before x-ray are vascular compromise or impending skin breakdown ( like fracture – dislocation ankle )
28. Potential life – threatening extremity injury Major pelvic disruption with hemorrhage
Major arterial hemorrhage
29. Crush syndrome ( Traumatic rhabdomyolysis ): myoglobin from crushed muscles lead to renal failure & DIC so aggressive I V fluid with sodium bicarbonate & electrolytes is critical for preventing renal failure .
30. Limb – threatening Injuries Open fracture & joint injury
Treatment by :
IV fluid , immobilization , antibiotics, tetanus prophylaxis, neurovascular assessment, aggressive debridement operatively
31. Vascular Injury including traumatic amputation
- must be recognized & treated emergency
- emergency vascular
surgeon , plastic
32. Compartment syndrome
When pressure within an osteofascial compartment of muscle cuase ischemia & necrosis
- causes : 1- tibial & foearm fracture
2- tight dressing or cast
3- severe crush to muscle
4- prolonged pressure of limb
6- excessive exercise
33. - signs& symptoms : 1- pain out of proportion
2- tendernss of compartment
3- pain with passive stretch of muscle
4- altered senstion
34. Emegency treatment Remove of dressing , cast & if no improvement than fasciotomy so surgical consultation for diagnosed or suspected compartement syndrome must be early.
35. Neurological injury secondary to fracture- dislocation
36. Other Extremity injuries contusion & lacerations may be simple or deep , it should be assessed than surgical treatment.
joint injury but not dislocation : pain ,swelling , tenderness , N .V examination assessment. X-ray is normal and treatment by immobilization
37. Fracture : defined as break in the continuity of bone cortex
Assessment by pain , swelling , deformity, tenderness, crepitation & abnormal motion at fracture site
N V examination than splint &x-ray if patient stable
Treatment : immobilization with joint above & joint below the fracture than N V examination & finally orthopedic consultation.