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Why is the Core important?. To set high expectations for all students for educators To attend to the learning needs of students To break through the achievement plateau To address global and local challenges.
Why is the Core important? • To set high expectations • for all students • for educators • To attend to the learning needs of students • To break through the achievement plateau • To address global and local challenges
Essential Concepts and Skill Sets defines the most critical learning for all students. Content Areas • Literacy • Mathematics • Science • Social Studies • 21st Century Skills
Objectives • Identify and describe outcomes, targets and actions that frame the work of the Implementation Plan. • Identify initial starting points to each outcome • Prepare the leadership team to communicate with other staff and stakeholders on ways to communicate the purpose and key features of the Implementation Plan.
Each district and accredited non-public school is required to have a written plan describing the actions that will be taken to address the six outcomes and related targets and actions. Full implementation is accomplished when the school is able to provide evidence that an ongoing process is in place to ensure that each and every student is learning the Essential Concepts and Skill Sets of the Iowa Core Curriculum. Core Curriculum Implementation
Outcomes Schools: Continuous Improvement Professional Development Leadership: System Capacity Community: Support Implementation • Leadership - Community - Schools • 1. Leadership: System Capacity • 2. Community: Support Implementation • 3. Schools: Continuous Improvement
Outcomes Content - Instruction – Assessment • Alignment of Content, Instruction and Assessment • Professional Development to improve Content, Instruction, and Assessment • Instruction: Effective Practices in Instruction/Assessment Student Engagement Professional Development Community Alignment Instruction
Leadership: System Capacity Outcome 1 IFleadership actions are focused and committed to providing the expertise, guidance, and resources needed to build capacity and support teaching and learning, THENthe implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum will result in increased student learning and performance.
Leaders • Teachers • Administrators • School Board
Target Implementation of leadership behaviors to sustain the Iowa Core Curriculum. Actions Establish a leadership team Clearly communicate a vision of ICC Manage the change process Demonstrate a deep understanding of the Core Establish a collaborative process Deploy needed resources Establish ways to sustain the implementation Model best practice of adult learning Develop the Implementation Plan Engage in discussion with local school board Leadership: System Capacity
Community: Support Implementation Outcome 2 IFmultiple partners are interdependent, THEN schools will function as an integrated system to provide a coordinated approach, consistent communication, additional opportunities for learning, and the ongoing supports needed for student to be successful. Partners: Parents School Boards Business Industry Supporting agencies Community Organizations
Target Coordination of community and other systems to support the Iowa Core Curriculum implementation Actions Develop community understanding of Iowa Core Curriculum Involve community members in the development and implementation of the Core Curriculum Plan Coordinate learning supports within the school and the community to support the implementation of the Core Curriculum Plan Community: Support Implementation
Schools: Continuous Improvement Outcome3 IFthe Iowa Core Curriculum and related school improvement processes function as an ongoing continuous improvement processes based on data, THENthe school will constantly adjust and improve to yield positive outcomes for all students.
Targets: Use data to develop and monitor the Implementation Plan Engage stakeholders in goal setting, developing school improvement plans and integrating various school plans Actions: Complete the Core Curriculum self assessment Continuously document progress Develop a review schedule Develop a way to integrate existing planning processes with the Core Implementation Plan Schools: Continuous Improvement
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum Outcome4 IFdistrict leaders monitor and increase the degree of alignment among the intended, enacted, and assessed curriculum. THENthe quality of instruction will improve and student learning will increase.
Targets Acquire expertise in alignment Prepare and implement alignment processes Conduct alignment beyond curriculum Actions Learn the alignment processes Select those that will be used locally Conduct the alignment process Address each and every students enacted curriculum Address the alignment of instruction to assessment Alignment
Professional Development IFprofessional development is based on the Iowa Professional Development Model and focused on improved content, instruction, and assessment practices, THENstudent learning and performance will increase. Outcome 5
Target Use data to guide professional development Provide effective professional development Actions Use instructional review and student achievement data to guide professional development Engage in professional development that contains all elements of the Iowa Professional Development Model Professional Development
Effective Instruction IFcontent is challenging and relevant and teachers routinely deliver instruction that demonstrates the Characteristics of Effective Instruction, THENstudent learning and performance will increase. Outcome 6
Characteristics of Effective Instruction and Assessment Student Engagement & Learning Professional Growth Assessment for Learning Rigor & Relevance Teaching for Understanding Student- Centered Classroom Student Centered Teaching for Learner Differences
Targets Implement the Characteristics of Effective Instruction in classrooms Engaged Students Actions: Select Characteristics of Effective instruction as the initial focus of instructional improvement Select the tools and routinely conduct instructional reviews Incorporate a broad range of strategies and activities that provide each student access and success with the Core Curriculum Effective Instruction
Implementation: Top 10 • Teachers make the difference • It is about the success of all students • The expectation is that all students learn at high levels • It is about the alignment of teaching, assessment, content AND the desired depth of understanding at the classroom level • Evidence of success comes from assessments • Implementation of the Core is a continuous process • Teacher leadership and involvement is critical • Implementation should honor and extend prior work in curriculum and instruction • The community should be a part with the school focused on 21st Century skills • The AEA Network is there to help
What Can You Do? www.iowamodelcore.org • Essential Skills and Concepts • Technical Assistance http://www.iowa.gov/educate/content/view/674/714/ • FAQs http://www.iowa.gov/educate/content/view/1446/916/ • AEA Leaders http://www.iowa.gov/educate/content/view/1365/1157/ • Judy Jeffrey’s Podcast http://www.iowa.gov/educate/content/view/854/1006/ • School Leader Updates