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mrzEwWM 4¿' What comes after death?. tiruvcnM 4¿upRyu9u' What does The Bible say?. A|lEya sEnhita : mrzE8afukUfi jIvitM Avsani6u9u 49 niN] krutu9uEva' A|l, mrz8inuEwWM 4¿u sMBvi6u9uev9 niwcymi|la8 oru vYktiyaEza niN]' 4¼i} `wxXi6uk. Dear friend,
mrzEwWM 4¿\' What comes after death?
A|lEya s\Enhita : mrzE8afukUfi jIvitM Avsani6u9u 49\ niN] krutu9uEva' A|l, mrz8inuEwWM 4¿u sMBvi6u9uev9\ niw\cymi|la8 oru vYk\tiyaEza niN]' 4¼i} `wx\Xi6uk. Dear friend, Do you think life will end after death? Or, are you doubtful about what will happen after death? If so……listen carefully.
mrzE8afukUfi jIvitM Avsani6uM 49ukruti plruM 1t\mhtY ec/yukyuM tN]6\ EbaXi/c `pkarM jIvi6ukyuM ec/yu9u. 49a} mrzM ekaH\ jIvitM Avsani6u9ie|l9\ eebbi] vLer vYk\tmayi pRyu9u. Thinking that life will end with death many commit suicide or live according to how they please. But the Holy Bible clearly says that life does not end with death.
ori6} mri6yuM pie9 nYayviXiyuM mnuWY{6\ niymi/ciri6u9u. <4`bay{Ø(Ø@&>. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this judgement. (Hebrew 9:27).
“k|lRkLi} 3-v{ 4|lavruM eexv8ie[R wb\xM Ek7\ n[m ecy\tv{ jIv9ayuM ti[m ecy\tv{ nYayviXi6ayuM punrut\TanM ec/yuvanu-naSik vru9u.? 49\ viwux\X Evxpus\tk8i} 4Sutiyiri6u9u. <Eyah9a[Ø%Ø@*>. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall here His voice,And shall come forth;they that have done good,unto the ressurection of life;and that have done evil,unto the resurrection of damnation. (John 5:28,29).
AtuekaH\ “oru mnuWY[ s{/vElakvuM Enfiyi7uM te[R jIven nW\fe½fu8iya} Avn\ 4¿u`pEyajnM' A|l, te[R jIven vIHueka]va[ mnuWY[ 4¿umRuvil ekafu6uM” <m8a.!^Ø@^>. For what is a man profited,if he shall gain the whole world,and lose his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange of his soul? Mathew 16:26)
mrz8inuEwWmu- nYayviXiey6uRi/c\ vivri6u9 vakYN] viwux\X Evxpus\tk8i} ni9uM <evLi½af\Ø @) Ø!!_!%>. :“qa[ vliEyaru ev-siMhasnvuM Ati} oru8[ 2ri6u9tuM kHu. Ave[R s9iXiyi} ni9u BUmiyuM 1kawvuM oafiE½ayi. Avey pie9 kHi|l. The verses which give the description about the judgement after death from the Holy Bible: Revelation 20:11-15): And I saw a great white throne,and him that sat on it,from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away;and there was found no place for them.
mri/cv{ 1balvYx\XM siMhasn8inu mu[öi} ni}6u9tuM kHu; pus\tkN] tuR9u; jIve[R pus\tkM 49 meRRaru pus\tkvuM tuR9u; pus\tkNLi} 4Sutiyiru9ti9u o8v‘M mri/cv{6u Avruef `pv{8ik]6fu8 nYayviXi 3Hayi. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God;and another book was opened,which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.
smU`xM t9ilu-ver 5}½i/cuekafu8u. mrzvuM pataLvuM tNLilu- mri/cver 5l\pi/cuekafu8u. oaEraru8n\ Avnve[R `pv{8ik]6fu8 viXi 3Hayi. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
mrze8yuM pataLe8yuM tIe½ay\kyi} t-iyi7u; 2O tIe½ay\k rHame8 mrzM. jIv pus\tk8i} EperSuti kaza8 5venyuM tIe½ay\kyi} t-iyifuM” <evLi½af\Ø @)Ø!!_!%>. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.this is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:11-15).
`pIy s\Enhita, mrzE8afukUfi jIvitM Avsani6u9ie|l9uM mri/cv{6u Avruef `pv{8ik]6fu8 nYayviXi 3eH9uM, jIvpus\tk8i} EperSuti kaza8 5venyuM tIe½ay\kyi} t-iyifuM 49uM 3- stYM Em}pRQ vcn8i} ni9uM mn’ila6aM. Dear friend, We can understand from the above verses that life does not end with death,the dead will be judged according to their works, and those whose name is not found in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire.
rhsY8i} eka|le½7v{, 1t\mhtY ecy\tv{, tIyi}mri/cv{, mYgNLa} eka|le½7v{, Erag8aluM ApkfNLaluM mri/cv{ 2Nen Bumiyuef 3}½8i mut} xI{GnaLukLayi viviX rItiyi} mri/cuEpay skl mnuWYruM punrut\TanM `papi6uM 49\ eebbi] pRyu9u. Those who have been secretly killed,those who have suicided,those who have been burnt alive,those who have died due to severe diseases or accidents,like this from the birth of earth until many years all who have died in many ways will receive ressurection says the Bible.
49a} papEmacnM `papi6aet 2O BUmiyi} ni9uM mrz8a} maRRe½fu9v{, pap=m lBi6a8 kuRR6arnayi nYayviXixivs8i} jIvnu- vliyvnay eexv8ie[R nIti nYayEkaftiyuef mu[öaek 4SuE9RRuvrikyuM …. But those who have not been freed from sin and passed away from this world,on the judgement day,will stand in front of the righteous court of the living God as a guilty man
jIvpus\tk8i} Epri|la8vnayi piwacinuM kU7{6uM oru6iyiri6u9 nitYmay nrkag\niyiEl6\ t-e½fukyuM ec/yuM. And will be cast into the lake of fire which is set for the Devil and his people.
4Nenyaz\ mnuWY{ 2O nYayviXi6\ EyagYrayi tI{9t\ ' How did man become eligible for this judgement?
piwacinuEvHi eexvM oru6iytaz\ nrkM. 49a} 1xM h/vma{ piwacie[R va6u Ek7\ eexvE8af\ AnusrzE6fu kazi/ctie[R Plmayi papM skl mnuWYriEl6uM pkrukyuM mnuWYv{gM muSuv[ papikLayi8IrukyuM piwacin\ AfimkLayi8IrukyuM ecy\tu. Hell was set for Satan by God.but with the disobedience of Adam and Eve heeding to the voice of satan sin entered the whole world and the whole mankind was under the bondage of sin.
ANen papM ecy\t\ piwacie[R AfimkLayi8I{9 mnuWYv{gM piwacin\ oru6iy nrk8inuM EyagYrayi8I{9u. In the similar manner, man who had become slaves of satan by doing sin ,deserved hell too which was set for satan.
“5kmnuWYna} papvuM pap8a} mrzvuM Elak8i} kf9u. 2Nen 4|lavruM papM ecy\kya} mrzM skl mnuWYriluM pr9iri6u9u”. <ERam{Ø%Ø!@>. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:(Romans 5:12)
“nItima[ 1rumi|l oru8[Epalumi|l.” <ERam{Ø#Ø!)>. ANen 5tu vayuM AfQ\ s{/vElakvuM eexvs9iXiyi} wi=aEyagYmayi8IErHte`t. <ERam{Ø#Ø!(>. “As it is written,There is none righteous,no, not one”(Romans 3:10) Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.(Romans 3:19)
2O nYayviXiyi} ni9\ r=e½fuva[ 4e¿¼iluM ma{gmuEHa' 3H\. AetNenyaz\' pRyaMØ r=e½fuvanu- oEr oru ma{gM Eywu`kis\tuvilUefyaz\. Is there any way to escape this judgement? Yes. Which is that? The only way to get saved is through the Lord Jesus Christ.
eebbi] 2Nen pRyu9uØ “Ave[R kYpya} `kis\tuEvwuvi¼el vIeHfu½umUlM esOjnYmaye`t nItikri6e½fu9t\. Avni} viwVsi6u9v{6\ Av[ te[R rk\tM mUlM `payw\ci8makuva[ eexvM Aven prsYmayi ni{8iyiri6u9u”.<ERam{Ø#Ø@$,@%>. The Bible says: “ Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God.”(Romans 3:24,25)
“`kis\tuEywu papikeL r=i½a[ Elak8i} v9u 49u-t\ viwVasYvuM 4|lavruM AMgIkri½a[ EyagYvumay vcnM te9”. <!tiemaTiEyas\Ø!Ø!%>. “ This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into this world to save sinners; of whom I am chief”.(I Timothy 1:15)
`pIy s\Enhita,oru mnuWY[EpaluM nwi/cuEpakatiriE6Htin\ eexvM te[R pu`tnay Eywu`kis\tuvi}kUfi r=y\6u- 5kma{gM oru6i. Dear friend, God provided a way through His Son Christ Jesus so that no man would perish.
sklmnuWYeryuM r=i½a[ jIvnu- eexv8ie[R pu`tnay Eywu`kis\tu skl mnuWYv{g8ie[RyuM papkfMmuSuv[ sVyM 5eRRfu8uekaH\ @))) v{WN]6u mu[ö\ sklmnuWY{6uM pkr6arnayi oru nIcpapieyEpael ka}vRiyi} kuriwi} mri/cu. Inorder to save mankind, Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God,died on the cross of calvary about 2000 years ago as a substitute bearing the sins of all man.
naEmaEraru8ruM AnuBvi6Hiy wi=aviXi eexvM te[R pu`te[REm} cum8i. ANen Eywu`kis\tu mri/c\, Af6e½7\, 3yi{e8SuE9RR\ pap8inu priharM vru8iyEwWM sV{gaErahzM ecy\tu. Eywu 2niyuM vIHuM vruM. God put the judegement that each one of us had to bear upon His Son. In that way, Jesus Christ died,was buried and rose again and after providing a solution for sin he transfigured to heaven.Jesus will come again.
ANen sV¿jIv[ bliy{½i/cu ekaH\ papikLay mnuWYv{gE8afu- s\EnhvuM nItiyuM Eywu`kis\tu `kUwi} evLie½fu8i. By sacrificing His own life on the cross, Jesus showed love and justice to man who was a sinner.
ANen papikLuef r=y\6u 1vwYmay skl `pv{8iyuM sV¿M yagM mUlM Eywu`kis\tu ecy\tu tI{8iri6u9u. 2niyuM 1ruM Atinayi o9uM `pv{8iE6H karYmi|l. Jesus Christ fulfilled everything that was needed for the salvation of sinners by his own sacrifice. Now no one needs to do any more work for it.
eexvM oru6iy 2O r= eexv8ie[R vilEyRiy xanmaz\. At\ sOjnYmaz\. Eywu`kis\tuvilu- viwVas8a} 5etaru papi6uM 2O r= Enfavu9taz\. This salvation is God’s great gift. It is free. With the faith on the Lord Jesus Christ any sinner can gain salvation.
`kis\tuEywu niNLuef papNeL cum9uekaH\ niN]6upkrmayi mri/cuev9uM Eywu`kis\tuvie[R mrz8a} niNLuef r=y\6avwYmay sklvuM ecy\tu tI{8uev9uM viwVsi/cuekaH\ Eywu`kis\tuvien niNLuef 5keexvvuM jIvit8ie[R k{8avuM sV¿r=itavumayi hYxy8i} sVIkri6ukyuM ecy\ta} 2O nYayviXiyi} ni9\ vifut} `papi/c\ nitYjIve[R AvkawikLayi8IraM. If you believe that Jesus Christ bore all your sins and died for you and by his death all that was needed for your salvation is complete by accepting Lord Jesus as your Only God, your Lord and personal saviour, you can be inheritants of eternal life by receiving pardon from this judgement.
49a} papEmacnM `papi6aet 2O BUmiyi} ni9uM niN] maRRe½7a} jIvnu- eexv8ie[R nItinYayEkaftiyuef mu[öaek kuRR6arnayi ni}6HivruM.ma`tm|l;Eywu`kis\tu 2E½a] v9a} niN] eekvife½fukyuM ec/yuM. But if you leave this world without getting salvation, you will have to stand as a sinner at the righteous judgement seat of God. not only that, if Jesus Christ comes now, you will be left alone.
49a} “Eywuvien k{8av\ 49u vayiekaH\ 5RRupRyukyuM eexvM Aven mri/cvri} ni9\ 3yi{e8SuE9}½i/cu 49\ hYxyMekaH\ viwVsi6ukyuM ecy\ta} nI r=i6e½fuM <ERam{Ø!)Ø(>. pi9If\ Av{6\ ori6luM wi=aviXiyi|l. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, And shalt believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”(Romans 10:9) Then they will have no judgement at all.
2O lGuElK vayi6u9 `pIy s\Enhita; mri/cuEpay skl mnuWYruM punrut\TanM `papi6uM 49\ vLer vYk\tmayi eebbi] pRyu9u.49a} niN] 29u mri/ca} niNLuef punrut\TanM 4¿inuEvHiyayiri6uM' Dear reader, It is written clearly in the Bible that every person who is dead will rise again. But if die today, what will your resurrection be for?
nYayviXi6uEvHiEya' AEta nitYjIvnuEvHiEya' A|l; Eywu`kis\tu 2E½a] v9a} niNLuef nitYt 4vief cilvSi6uM ' sV{g8iEla', nrk8iEla' ci¿i6uk. tIrumani/c\ 3R½uvru8uk. For judgement ?or eternal life? Where will you spend your life if Jesus Christ comes today? In heaven or in hell? Think about it…take a decision and be sure about it.