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On Specifying and Monitoring Epistemic Properties of Distributed Systems

On Specifying and Monitoring Epistemic Properties of Distributed Systems. Koushik Sen Abhay Vardhan Gul Agha Grigore Rosu. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Software Reliability. Software Validation Rigorous and Complete Methods Model Checking Theorem Proving

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On Specifying and Monitoring Epistemic Properties of Distributed Systems

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  1. On Specifying and Monitoring Epistemic Properties of Distributed Systems Koushik Sen Abhay Vardhan Gul Agha Grigore Rosu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

  2. Software Reliability • Software Validation • Rigorous and Complete Methods • Model Checking • Theorem Proving • Infeasible for large-scale open distributed systems (Actors) • Non-determinism and Asynchrony • Testing • Widely used • Ad-Hoc • Good Test Coverage Required • Runtime Monitoring • Adds rigor to Testing

  3. Centralized Monitoring Approach • Monitoring – Use Formal Methods in Testing • Synthesize light-weight Monitors from Specification • Automata, Rewriting-based Monitors • Instrument code to insert monitors • Execute instrumented code • Distributed System Monitoring • Global state is distributed • For every state update send state to a central monitor • Central monitor assembles them to form consistent execution traces • Sequence of global states • Monitor execution traces

  4. An Example • Mobile node a requests certain value from node b • b computes the value and sends it to a • Property: no node receives a value from another node to which it had not sent a request

  5. Centralized Monitoring Example “If a receives a value from b then b calculated the value after receiving request from a” valRcv → (valComputed  valReq) valReq valReq valComputed  valReq valRcv → (valComputed  valReq) (valComputed  valReq) b valComputed a valReq valRcv

  6. Decentralized Monitoring Approach “If a receives a value from b then b calculated the value after receiving request from a” valRcv → @b((valComputed  @a(valReq))) valComputed  @a(valReq) @a(valReq) (valComputed  @a(valReq)) b valComputed a valReq valRcv valReq valRcv → @b((valComputed  @a(valReq)))

  7. Past time Distributed Temporal Logic (pt-DTL) • Based on epistemic logic • [Aumann76][Meenakshi et al. 00] • Properties with respect to a process, say p

  8. Leader Election Example “If a leader is elected then if the current process is a leader then, at its knowledge, none of the other processes (b and c) is a leader” elected → (state=leader → (@b(state ≠ leader) Æ @c(state ≠ leader)))

  9. Leader Election (Stronger Property) • Every process must know the name of the process that has been elected leader elected → (let k=leaderName in (@b(leaderName = k) Æ @c(leaderName = k)))

  10. Leader Election (Open System) • There are arbitrary number of processes whose names are not known before-hand elected → (let k=leaderName in @8 {j | j  i}(leaderName = k))

  11. Extended Distributed Temporal Logic (xDTL) • Suitable for Open Distributed Systems (Actors) • Ids of all processes are not known before-hand • Quantification over processes • All processes satisfying a predicate • @8 {j | pred(j)} • Some process satisfying a predicate • @9 {j | pred(j)} • Value-binding (Increases Expressive Power) • let k = x in F • To refer to values in remote states

  12. xDTL syntax • Fi ::= true | false | P(Ei) | : Fi | FiÆ Fi propositional | ¯ Fi | ¡ Fi | Fi | Fi S Fi temporal | @8 JFj | @9 JFj epistemic | let k = Ei in Fibinding • Ei ::= c | vi2 Vi | f(Ei) | k functional | @jEj epistemic

  13. Interpretation of @8 JEj at process i p3 m4 m1 m2 p2 @ {1}(x=9) m3 p1 x=7 x=9

  14. Monitoring Algorithm • Requirements • Should be fast so that online monitoring is possible • Little memory overhead • Additional messages sent should be minimal; ideally zero • Monitoring using KnowledgeVector • Maintain knowledge of global state at each process • Update knowledge with incoming messages • Attach knowledge with outgoing messages • At each process monitor local knowledge

  15. Conclusion • Decentralized Technique to effectively verify open distributed systems at runtime • No extra message over-head for monitoring • xDTL can express interesting and useful safety properties of distributed systems • How to instrument code running on all processes so that monitoring can be done?

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