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Do computers damage the eyes or reduce eyesight?. Yuko Ohmori. Table of content. About myself Myth about computers PEMR Method/cure to eyestrains. About myself 1. I chose this topic because my eyes are bad
Do computers damage the eyes or reduce eyesight? Yuko Ohmori
Table of content • About myself • Myth about computers • PEMR • Method/cure to eyestrains
About myself 1 • I chose this topic because my eyes are bad • I use my computer VERY often and wanted to know if it was the cause of my low eyesight • When I was 11 years old, I got my first laptop • I used it everyday, every night • At that time, I still had very good eyesight
About myself 2 • Later on, I bought myself my first iPod • I also used it everyday and night • As time passed, I noticed that my vision was not as great as a few years ago • In fact, my eyes were so bad (0.2 on both) that I had to get glasses • I went to an eye doctor several times
About myself 3 • After I got my glasses, I started blaming myself for the overuse of computers and iPods. • But in reality, I found out that it was not the computer that reduced my eyesight, but was just the genes • Both my father and my mother have very bad eyesight • My father is near sighted and my mother is far sighted
Myth about computers 1 • Computers DO NOT damage or reduce eyesight • People misunderstand with “eyestrain” • The effects of eye strains are not equivalent to eye damage • It WAS true in the old days with PEMR (I’ll get there later) but not true now-a-days technology
Myth about computers 2 • Eyestrain - fatigue of the eyes • The reason that we get dry eyes is because we tend to blink fewer when the eyes are concentrated on one object (in this case the computer screen) • The reason our eyes become blurry is because when we rest our eyes, we have to focus somewhere else • And when that happens, the ciliary muscles tighten and soften rapidly • That is why the vision blurs out.
Myth about computers 3 • Think about it this way • Looking at a light bulb in the dark will make your eyes dizzy • Same with computers, it is like a light bulb • Computers are visible because the pixels in them are just illuminated • Hence computers itself does not damage or reduce eyesight
PEMR 1 • Pulsed electromagnetic radiation • Generated only from CRT based computers • The electrons which flow on the screen of the CRT based computer createthe radiation • The radiation, when at close range, disturbs the balance of all livingcells, including the cells in the eyes
PEMR 2 • However, now-a-days computers no longer are based on CRT, but rather on LED and LCD • Hence the computers did not affect or reduce my eye sight (in this generation) • CRT displays were used in the 19170-80, so it is not linked to me • We can say the computers do damage eyes, but that is only in the old days and now it is false information
Method/cure to eyestrains 1 • Though computers do not harm the eyes, it does indeed give you eye strains • The best method to prevent ANY eye strain is to use the 20-20-20 method • Every 20 minutes, look away at an object 20 feet away, for 20 seconds • By doing this, the eyes will not get too used to the computer monitor, hence no blur or dry itchiness
Method/cure to eyestrains 2 • If your eyes are feeling itchy, it is because you are concentrating too much • Relax • Have a drink of water • Look at green things, because the eyes tend to relax better • If it itches very badly, use an eye drop to liquify the eyes.
Reference • SacredEdenBlog.com. (2010, October 7). How to Prevent Computer Eye Damage[Motion picture]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5Xe3bTYego • ExplainingComputers. (2010, August 23). Computing Health and Safety [Motion picture]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8qGO7XQ0Uw&feature=related • Des. (2008). Does a computer damage your eye sight ? In Yahoo Answers [Computersdo not affect eyesight]. Retrieved from http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080908142609AArCvsK • BioShield. (2009). Are Computer Monitors Harmful to Your Health? Inemfbioshield [now-a-days computer screens are not harmful to theeye]. Retrieved from http://www.emfbioshield.com/arecrt.html • Anonymous. (2008). Is watching television in the dark bad for your eyes? Readmore: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_watching_television_in_the_dark_bad_for_your_eyes#ixzz1McJma9gP. InAnswers [Watching any lighted display in the dark does not damagethe eyes. They are pixels that are illuminated by light, which is like thesame thing as looking at a lightbulb in the dark.]. Retrieved from • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_watching_television_in_the_dark_bad_for_your_eyes • Rubin, M. (2010). Myths & Old Wives’ Tales About Your Eyes. In GrandTimes [Thereare many eye related myths that are false, one being that watchingsomething bright in the dark does not damage the eyes]. Retrieved from • http://www.grandtimes.com/eyes.html • State Government of Victoria. (2010). Eye disorders – some common problems. InBettleHealth [Some causes of eye itchyness and blurry viseion +cures]. Retrieved from http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/eye_disorders_some_common_problems?open