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The Royal Road to Healing. FASTING: A TIP OF THE ICEBURG. Fasting is not new!. In fact, it is the oldest therapeutic method known to man Animals are observed to stop eating until they are well
The Royal Road to Healing FASTING: A TIP OF THE ICEBURG
Fasting is not new! • In fact, it is the oldest therapeutic method known to man • Animals are observed to stop eating until they are well • Over the ages fasting has been regarded as one of the most dependable curative and rejuvenative measures. • Until that is the advent of drug oriented medicine
Who used it besides ordinary folk? Hippocrates prescribed it as well as Galen; Paracelsus and others called it “the greatest remedy”; Even Plato, Socrates and many others used it for mental clarity and physical efficiency.
Definitely in Bible times: • The Jews during Queen Esther’s time “Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which [is] not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.” Esther 4:16 • Daniel spent several times fastingI ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled Daniel 10:3.
Ps. 35:13 ...“I humbled my soul with fasting” Psalms 69:10,And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; Acts 10:30 • Mt. 17 shows that fasting was needed for increased spiritual power,Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting Mt.17:21. • Many texts show that whenever they needed increased closeness to God they would fast.
Fasting is back...Did you know? The following quotes are taken from the book Juice Fasting by Paavo Airola • Karolinska Institute in Stockholm began to investigate Fasting after.. • The famous Swedish Marches of 1954 and 1964 “In these experimental fast marches, which made headlines in the world press, first 11 then 19 men walked from Gothenburg to Stockholm, a distance of over 325 miles, in 10 days. Throughout each march the participants fasted—did not eat any food at all!
Dr. Lennart Edren, DDS, who directed the fast marches, said after the 1954 march: ‘This fast was the first in the series of experiments to determine the effects of total fasting under severe conditions of stress. If we find out that…
Fasting will not cause any damage to the body, but will, on the other hand, exert a beneficial revitalizing, cleansing and rejuvenating effect on bodily functions, it will supply invaluable information for healthy as well as for sick people. The healthy will be encouraged to fast in order torejuvenate and increase vitality, and the sick to cure their ills. This experiment proved to the world the preventive and the therapeutic potentials of fasting.’ Dr. Karl-Otto Aly, MD, one of the leading biologically-oriented doctors in Sweden, and one of the participants of the fast marches, said:
‘The march clearly showed that man can live for an extended period of time without food, even accomplish a hard physical effort while fasting...The general expressed feeling among the participants was that they felt stronger and had more vigor and vitality after the fast than before it...The prime goal of these experiments was to stimulate scientific institutions to engage in a thorough and objective scientific study of fasting and its prophylactic and therapeutic potentials, so that fasting will be generally incorporated into the growing arsenal of medical practices for the benefit and blessing of a disease-ridden mankind.’
Dr. Ragnar Berg, one of the greatest nutrition experts in the world and Nobel prize winner, said after the Swedish fasts of 1954 that the successful completion of this unprecedented fast was no surprise to him. He had fasted himself many times and also had supervised many fasts, including one of over 100 days. He called the Swedish marches a “great scientific success.” ...Fasting is a standard initial cleansing method in the world-famous Waerland Healing system.
In Germany, there are hundreds of clinics, operated by medical doctors, where fasting is now employed on a grand scale. For example, at the Butchinger Sanatorium in Bad Pyrmont, fasting is used initially in almost every condition of ill health. Well over 80,000 fasts were supervised by Dr. Otto, H.F. Butchinger Jr, and His father, both medical doctors, during their 50 years of combined practice.
Professor Werner Zabel says, ‘Together with fever therapy and optimal nutrition, fasting is man’s oldest and best healing method.’ At the Stobhill General Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, fasting was clinically tested with remarkable results. One 54 year old woman with a painful arthritic condition and grossly overweight, was put on a liquid fast for 249 days and lost 74 or her 262 pounds. As a pleasant ‘side effect’, her arthritis cleared up completely, too!” pg. 11-14
Why Juice Fasting is the #1 Healer and Rejuvenator “The therapeutic effect of fasting is very well documented by actual clinical experience both in Europe and in US. The records of the numerous American and European fasting clinics prove the truthfulness of the statement by Dr. Adolph Mayer, that “fasting is the most efficient means of correcting any disease.” Fasting is, indeed, in the words of Dr. Otto, HF Buchinger Jr. MD, a “Royal Road to Healing”. Pg 15 Following are a few reasons quoted from same book
“FIRST: as the famous Canadian “stress doctor”, Hans Selye, said, “Life, the biological chain that holds our parts together, is only as strong as the weakest vital link.” You are as young or as old as your smallest vital links—the cells. The aging begins when your normal process of cell regeneration and rebuilding slows down. This slowdown is caused by the accumulation of waste products in the tissues which interferes with the nourishment of the cells.
Each cell of your body is a complete living entity with its own metabolism—it needs a constant supply of oxygen and sufficient nourishment in the form of all the known nutritive substances. When due to: • Nutritional deficiencies (processed and refined foods) • Sluggish metabolism (hormonal imbalance, lack of exercise, overwork, lack of sleep, stress) • Sedentary lifestyle • Overeating with consequent poor digestion, and poor assimilation (and now leaky gut)
Lack of fresh air and sunshine • Lack of proper rest!!! Our cells are deprived of the nourishment they need, they start to degenerate and break down, the normal process of cell replacement and rebuilding slows down and your body starts to grow old, its resistance to diseases will diminish and various ills will start to appear. This may happen at any age.
These things also happen • Sluggish metabolism, • constipation, • and consequent inefficient elimination • causes retention and accumulation of toxic wastes in the tissues which interfere with the nourishment of the cells, • And all of this causing DISEASE and premature aging.
SECOND: only about halfof your cells are in the peak of development, vitality, and working condition. One fourth are usually in the process of development and growth and the other fourth in the process of dying and replacement. The healthy vital life-processes and perpetual youth are maintained when there is perfect balance in this process of cell break-down and replacement. If the cells are breaking down and dying at a faster rate than the new cells are built, the process of aging will begin to set in.
Also, it is of vital importance that the aging and the dying cells are decomposed and eliminated from the system as efficiently as possible. Quick and effective elimination of dead cells stimulates the building and growth of new cells. Here’s where juice fasting comes in as the most effective way to restore your health and rejuvenate your body.
During the juice fast the process of elimination of the dead and dying cells is speeded up, and the new-building of cells is accelerated and stimulated. At the same time the toxic waste products that interfere with the nourishment of the cells are effectively eliminated and the normal metabolic rate and cell oxygenation are restored. How can the mere abstinence from food accomplish such remarkable results? Here’s how:
During a prolonged fast (after the first three days), your body will live on its own substance. When it is deprived of the needed nutrition, particularly of the proteins and fats, your body will burn and digest its own tissues by the But your body will not do it indiscriminately! In its wisdom—and here lies the secret of the extraordinary effectiveness of fasting as curative and rejuvenating therapy!—your body will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead.
2. The process of autolysis, or self-digestion. In fasting your body feeds itself on the most impure and inferior materials, such as dead cells and morbid accumulations, tumors, abscesses, damaged tissues, fat deposits, etc. Dr. Buchinger Sr., one of the greatest fasting authorities in the world, calls fasting—very pertinently—a “refuse disposal”, a “burning of rubbish.” These dead cells and inferior tissues are consumed and utilized FIRST.The essential tissues and vital organs, the glands, the nervous system and the brain are spared
3. During fasting, while the old cells and diseased tissues are decomposed and burned, the building of new, healthy cells is stimulated and speeded up. This may seem unbelievable, since no nourishment or only a limited amount of nourishment (during juice fast) is supplied. But it is nevertheless a physiological fact. During the famous Swedish marches it was observed that the protein level of the blood (serum albumin reading) of fasting people remained constant and normalthroughout the fasting period, in spite of the fact that no protein was consumed.
The reason for this is that proteins in your body are in the so called dynamic state; that is, they are changed from one stage to another, being decomposed and resynthesized constantly and re-used for various needs within the body. Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are not wasted, but are released from the decomposed cells and used again in the new-building of young, vital cells. As you know, your cells are made mostly of proteins and the complete set of all the essential amino acids is needed for the effective building of cells. Thus the body is using and re-using the same proteins and other nutrients over and over where they are needed.
Other Considerations for use during your juice fast • During a juice fast, the eliminative and cleansing capacity of the eliminative organs is greatly increased, and masses of accumulated metabolic wastes and toxins are quickly expelled • These organs are lungs, liver, kidneys, and skin • Urine can have 10 times higher amount of toxins than normal
You can have: • offensive breath • dark urine • continuous and generous discharge from the colon • skin eruptions • excessive perspiration • catarrhal elimination of mucus • You must do some kind of bowel cleansing ongoing during your juice fast, it is an absolute must. Intestinal Detox Formula#2; enemas/colonics; charcoal daily; etc are a few
Dry skin brushing needed daily • Exercise outside in the fresh air and sunshine are an absolute must for the lungs to eliminate • Liver flushing to support the liver are very helpful • Kidney flushing helps with flood of toxins exiting • Contrast showers daily, Fever therapy bi-weekly
A juice fast affords a physiological rest to the digestive assimilative and protective organs of the body. Fresh squeezed vegetable juice hardly requires any digestion and is easily assimilated from the upper digestive tract without putting any burden on the digestive organs. After fasting, the digestion of food and the utilization of nutrients is greatly improved, and sluggishness and further waste retention is prevented. The rejuvenated cells are thus supplied with nutrients and oxygen more effectively.
Finally, the juice fast exerts a normalizing, stabilizing and rejuvenating effect on all the vital physiological, nervous and mental functions. The nervous system is rejuvenated; mental powers are improved; glandular chemistry and hormonal secretions are stimulated; biochemical and mineral balance in the tissues is normalized.
So, how long can you fast? According to science they have found: For prophylactic or maintenance purposes, that is, to cleanse, regenerate and rejuvenate the body, one week or 10 days of fasting will be sufficient. This can be done quarterly • Therapeutic fasting for the purpose of healing varies between 7-40 days. The most common length of fast normally supervised are 14-21 days • Remember these longer ones must have all of the cleansing parts of the program in action to ensure freedom from unwanted toxicity
Here’s one for Vegetable Juice, you can get creative... 6 carrots, 1 small Beet root, add beet greens if present, 4 stalks celery, ½ bunch parsley, ½ bunch cilantro 3-4 broccoli stems, 2 large hands full of greens like chard, kale, collards Potassium broth 2 large potatoes 1 cup carrots 1 cup red beets 1 cup celery, leaves and all 1 cup any other available veggies: Like beet tops, turnips/tops, parsley, cabbage, garlic and onion You will want 50% potatoes, 20% carrots, 15% beets and 15% celery, if you add other greens keep them to 15% What do I drink?
This is good for diabetics, cancer, hypertension, and all other diseases. Good for mineralization, and maintenance, health enhancement for daily drinking. In a stainless steel kettle add 1 ½ quarts water, slice all of these veggies into it. Do not peel. Cover, cook slowly for 30 min. Let stand for 30 min; strain-serve warm. Will keep in refrigerator 3 days What do I Drink continued
Drink only the broth, throw out the veggies. As you know when cooking vegetables in water, the water soluble nutrients go out into the water The purpose of potassium broth is for cleansing and for alkalinization, as well as supplying a great amount of vitamins and particularly minerals. This is to establish and normalize a proper chemical balance in the tissues during fasting. Since it specifically rich in potassium, it is especially indicated in autoimmune diseases like arthritis Drink one large glass first thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed at night
What more to drink? • Well so far its 5 glasses of FSJ (fresh squeezed vegetable Juice), and 2 of Potassium Broth • Up to 3 more glasses of water can be drunk during 24 hour day • Herb teas are three-four times per day • Liver flushing or kidney flushing would be three times a day
How the fast is broken Whether or not your fast will turn out to be a success or failure will depend largely on how you break your fast. Breaking a fast is the most significant phase of it. The beneficial effect of fasting could be totally undone if the fast is broken incorrectly!
The main rules for breaking the fast are: • Do not over eat! • Eat slowly and chew your food extremely well. • Take several days of gradual transitioning to the normal diet....Here’s how:
First Day: Eat one whole apple in the morning and a very small bowl of raw vegetable salad at lunch, in addition to the usual juice and broth menu. Second Day: Soaked prunes or figs with the soaking water, for breakfast. Small bowl of fresh vegetable salad for lunch. Raw vegetable soup made without salt at supper. Two apples could be substituted for the dried soaked fruit. All this in addition to the usual juices and broth.
Third Day: As second day, but add a glass of fruit smoothie made with frozen/fresh fruit, almonds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds. Be sure nuts and seeds are raw. Increase the salad portion at lunch time and add a boiled or baked potato. A slice of sprouted bread/bars with avocado and homemade veggie cheese.
Fourth Day: Back to almost normal...a new normal? Perhaps, more uncooked food than before, and only two meals a day— Ideal! For most of us it is God’s Ideal...
In many cases the faintness that leads to a desire for food is felt because the digestive organs have been too severely taxed during the day. After disposing of one meal, the digestive organs need rest. At least five or six hours should intervene between the meals; and most persons who give the plan a trial, will find that two meals a day are better than three. CD 173.4