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This introduction covers the basics of Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFN), including models of function approximators, projection matrices, learning kernels, and the bias-variance dilemma. Discover how RBFNs are used in pattern classification, function approximation, and time-series forecasting. Learn about radial basis functions, radial function parameters, typical RBF properties, and the behavior of single hidden layers in comparison to other neural network architectures.
Contents • Overview • The Models of Function Approximator • The Radial Basis Function Networks • RBFN’s for Function Approximation • The Projection Matrix • Learning the Kernels • Bias-Variance Dilemma • The Effective Number of Parameters • Model Selection
RBF • Linear models have been studied in statistics for about 200 years and the theory is applicable to RBF networks which are just one particular type of linear model. • However, the fashion for neural networks which started in the mid-80 has given rise to new names for concepts already familiar to statisticians
Typical Applications of NN • Pattern Classification • Function Approximation • Time-Series Forecasting
f ˆ f Function Approximation Unknown Approximator
Introduction to Radial Basis Function Networks The Model of Function Approximator
Linear Models Weights Fixed Basis Functions
y w2 w1 wm 1 2 m x1 x2 xn x = Linear Models Linearly weighted output Output Units • Decomposition • Feature Extraction • Transformation Hidden Units Inputs Feature Vectors
Linear Models Can you say some bases? y Linearly weighted output Output Units w2 w1 wm • Decomposition • Feature Extraction • Transformation Hidden Units 1 2 m Inputs Feature Vectors x1 x2 xn x =
Example Linear Models Are they orthogonal bases? • Polynomial • Fourier Series
y w2 w1 wm 1 2 m x1 x2 xn x = Single-Layer Perceptrons as Universal Aproximators With sufficient number of sigmoidal units, it can be a universal approximator. Hidden Units
y w2 w1 wm 1 2 m x1 x2 xn x = Radial Basis Function Networks as Universal Aproximators With sufficient number of radial-basis-function units, it can also be a universal approximator. Hidden Units
Non-Linear Models Weights Adjusted by the Learning process
Introduction to Radial Basis Function Networks The Radial Basis Function Networks
Radial Basis Functions • Center • Distance Measure • Shape Three parameters for a radial function: i(x)= (||x xi||) xi r = ||x xi||
Typical Radial Functions • Gaussian • Hardy-Multiquadratic (1971) • Inverse Multiquadratic
Inverse Multiquadratic c=5 c=4 c=3 c=2 c=1
+ + + Basis {i: i =1,2,…} is `near’ orthogonal. Most General RBF
Properties of RBF’s • On-Center, Off Surround • Analogies with localized receptive fields found in several biological structures, e.g., • visual cortex; • ganglion cells
y1 ym x1 x2 xn As a function approximator The Topology of RBF Output Units Interpolation Hidden Units Projection Inputs Feature Vectors
y1 ym x1 x2 xn As a pattern classifier. The Topology of RBF Output Units Classes Hidden Units Subclasses Inputs Feature Vectors
Introduction to Radial Basis Function Networks RBFN’s for Function Approximation
Radial Basis Function Networks • Radial basis function (RBF) networks are feed-forward networks trained using a supervised training algorithm. • The activation function is selected from a class of functions called basis functions. • They usually train much faster than BP. • They are less susceptible to problems with non-stationary inputs
Radial Basis Function Networks • Popularized by Broomhead and Lowe (1988), and Moody and Darken (1989), RBF networks have proven to be a useful neural network architecture. • The major difference between RBF and BP is the behavior of the single hidden layer. • Rather than using the sigmoidal or S-shaped activation function as in BP, the hidden units in RBF networks use a Gaussian or some other basis kernel function.
Unknown Function to Approximate Training Data The idea y x
Unknown Function to Approximate Training Data Basis Functions (Kernels) The idea y x
Function Learned Basis Functions (Kernels) The idea y x
Nontraining Sample Function Learned Basis Functions (Kernels) The idea y x
Nontraining Sample Function Learned The idea y x
w2 w1 wm x1 x2 xn x = Radial Basis Function Networks as Universal Aproximators Training set Goal for all k
w2 w1 wm x1 x2 xn x = Learn the Optimal Weight Vector Training set Goal for all k
Regularization Training set If regularization is unneeded, set Goal for all k
Learn the Optimal Weight Vector Minimize
Learn the Optimal Weight Vector Design Matrix Variance Matrix
Introduction to Radial Basis Function Networks The Projection Matrix
Unknown Function The Empirical-Error Vector
Unknown Function The Empirical-Error Vector Error Vector
If =0, the RBFN’s learning algorithm is to minimizeSSE (MSE). Sum-Squared-Error Error Vector
The Projection Matrix Error Vector
Introduction to Radial Basis Function Networks Learning the Kernels
y1 yl wlml wl1 wl2 w1m w11 w12 2 m 1 x1 x2 xn RBFN’s as Universal Approximators Training set Kernels
y1 yl wlml wl1 wl2 w1m w11 w12 2 m 1 x1 x2 xn What to Learn? • Weightswij’s • Centers j’s of j’s • Widthsj’s of j’s • Number of j’s Model Selection
The simultaneous updates of all three sets of parameters may be suitable for non-stationary environments or on-line setting. One-Stage Learning
y1 yl wlml wl1 wl2 w1m w11 w12 2 m 1 x1 x2 xn Two-Stage Training Determines • Centers j’s of j’s. • Widthsj’s of j’s. • Number of j’s. Step 2 Determines wij’s. E.g., using batch-learning. Step 1