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Status & Plans of Segmentation

Status & Plans of Segmentation. Y.P.Viyogi(V.E.C.C) Arun Prakash(B.H.U ). Geometry. Compact MuCh:5 abs.+15 detect layers : Monolithic type Pipe_much.geo Shield_standard.geo Cave.geo Target_au_250mu.geo Magent_standard.geo Sts_same_z.geo. Transport.

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Status & Plans of Segmentation

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  1. Status & Plans of Segmentation Y.P.Viyogi(V.E.C.C) Arun Prakash(B.H.U)

  2. Geometry Compact MuCh:5 abs.+15 detect layers : Monolithic type Pipe_much.geo Shield_standard.geo Cave.geo Target_au_250mu.geo Magent_standard.geo Sts_same_z.geo

  3. Transport • 10,000 UrQMD + 5 µ+ and 5µ- (Box Generator) • With momentum 2-5 GeV/c • Θ :5-25 • Φ: 0-360 Manual Segmentation • Pad size : 2.5 mm to 1 cm • Digitization, calculate hits loss = 1-Nhits/NMCPoints • Result always ~50%, independent of station/layer and pad size : not quite understandable • Some study into the codes, found that even points having good coordinates were many times not getting assigned any pad/sector during segmentation (or digitization), leading to large loss.

  4. Next step… • Tried with modular geometry : GEM and with different pad sizes • Small number of events, just for checking the numbers • Found hit loss negligible, also multiple hits very little Decide to move ahead with Modular geometry, as this is the next and practical step.

  5. Geometry : do we need extra radius • Presently the code adds 20cm to the nominal R_max at each station • Results in ~25% more number of channels (this is only fictitious) in sectors sitting outside the nominal acceptance • Points/hits in the regions beyond nominal R_max do not contribute to tracks Decide to remain within nominal outer radius at each station.

  6. Comparison of two scenario Station-1 Station-1 R=70cm R_max+20cm R_max+0.6cm

  7. Selection of GEM module and pad size • So far excellent work with various ideal and modular geometry by the GSI-PNPI-Dubna group in simulation • We slowly move towards realistic detectors • GEM foils : routinely made in 30cm X 30 cm size, sector shaped GEM foil made at CERN for RD51 collaboration which is ~50cm long. Even 1m long sectors being tried. • FEE board size and mounting on the modules (too early to decide) : horizontal (parallel to detector plane) preferred. Consequence : pad size to be large enough for reasonable real estate of a 2-nXYter Board, approx. 8 cm x 8 cm • Optimum pad size : a balance between simulation and hardware efforts

  8. Selection of pad size : particle density

  9. Selection of GEM module and pad sizes • Nominal size of GEM assumed : 32 cm X 32 cm • Pad sizes 0.5 cm, 1 cm, 2 cm to respect the condition that number of channels must be 2^n. Quick check on segmentation with 50 events

  10. Segmentation : First attempt, guided by particle density Av. Hit loss ~ 1.5%

  11. V1 : Station1 as seen after segmentation R=70 cm

  12. How bad can it be ? Av hit loss ~4.8%

  13. Can we worsen it further ? Av hit loss ~ 14.8%

  14. Next stage : fine tuning Av. Hit loss ~2.20%

  15. V4 : station 1 after segmentation R=70 cm

  16. Next Steps • Transport : UrQMD + PLUTO events in reasonable mix for modular geometry • Segmentation: try V4 first • Reconstruction: Do the full reconstruction &calculate the efficiency for signal muons, rho, J/Psi etc. • Fine tuning of pad sizes/GEM Geometry and then study again…. And again….

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