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Back EMF Sensorless -Control Algorithm for High-Dynamic Performance PMSM. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 57, NO. 6, JUNE 2010,P.2092~2100 Fabio Genduso, Rosario Miceli, Member, IEEE, Cosimo Rando, and Giuseppe Ricco Galluzzo.
Back EMF Sensorless-Control Algorithm for High-Dynamic Performance PMSM IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 57, NO. 6, JUNE 2010,P.2092~2100 Fabio Genduso, Rosario Miceli, Member, IEEE, Cosimo Rando, and Giuseppe Ricco Galluzzo Adviser : Y.S. Kung Student :Jin-Mu Lin
Outline Abstract Introduction Control-algorithm description Experimental results Conclusion Appendix References
Abstract 1. a low-time-consumingand low-cost sensorless-control algorithm for high-dynamic performance permanent-magnet synchronous motors. 2. This control algorithm is based on the estimation of rotor speed and angular position starting from the back electromotive force space-vector determination without voltage sensors by using the reference voltages givenbythecurrent controllers instead of the actual ones.
3. This choice obviously introduces some errors that must be vanished by means of a compensatingfunction. 4. The mathematical structure of the estimation guarantees a high degree of robustness against parameter variation as shown by the sensitivity analysis reported in this paper.
Introduction 1. in field-oriented control for brushless machines, the exact knowledge of the rotor angular position is needed. 2. when the rated power of an electrical machine is small or fractional,the electrical-drive comprehensive cost will raised.
3. the signaltransmission between sensor and control systems can be subjected to electromagnetic interference (EMI) coming from external sources, producing an error in measurement that may besignificant for feedback control. 4.So in this paper, a novel low-time-consuming and low-cost sensorless-control algorithm for PMSM drives, both surface or IPM mounted.
Control-algorithm description A. PMSM Mathematical Model
the torque expression in (1) becomes Because of the constant PM flux, the torque depends only onthe quadrature component of the stator current.
B. Description of the Estimator Assuming a balanced three-phase system, the expression ofthe back EMF space vectorcomponents is
The argument of the back EMF clearly is not the real rotorposition.
A simple analysis on the machine model at steady state withid = 0gives the following expression for correct rotor position:
Let T be the lag time introduced bythe inverter andbe the first term of (4),
Now, after substitution, considering a well-known calculus formula for the increment of functions, we can write
and developing the partial derivatives of the incremental term , we get
Now, neglecting all harmonics, consider that and are, respectively, cosine and sine functions of ωt. The same can be said for and. In particular, it is where V is the rms value of the stator voltage.
that in a more compact form becomes cos(ϕ) being the power factor in the motor operation and V , I,andE are, respectively, the rms values of the stator voltages,currents, and back EMF.
Equation (12) may be written also in complex-number form where ( ∗ ) denotes the complex conjugate.
Furthermore, as with = 0, the motor drive operates with near-unity power actor, (12) can be further simplified as follows:
Introducing these speed- and current-offset corrections in(4), one finally gets a suggestion for the first expression of “estimated” position
Equation (15) may be rewritten in a differential form bysubstituting with the derivative of
C. Estimator Realization Taking the presence of the PI intoaccount, the ultimate estimator-equation form is
Experimental results A. Description of the Test Bench 1) an IPMSM; 2) acontrolled hysteresis brake; 3) a digitalsignalprocessing and control engineering(dSPACE) board; 4) a resolver (used only for comparisonpurpose). A master Power PC 604E and a Ti slave DSP of the type TMS320F240.
B.Results and Discussion 1) step change in motor speed from 400 up to 4000 r/min(nominal speed) and back again to 400 r/min. 2) sudden application of a 1.8-N · m load torque while themotor runs at 4000 r/min speed.
Comparison between (solid line) real and (dashed line) estimatedspeed during the execution of test n. 1. Fig. 5.
(Solid line) Real and (dashed line) estimated position during theexecution of test n. 1. Fig. 6.
Comparison between (solid line) real and (dashed line) estimated rotorposition during theexecution of test n. 2. Fig. 7.
Comparison between (solid line) real and (dashed line) estimated rotorspeed during the execution of test n. 2. Fig. 8.
Estimation error for rotor speed during the execution of test n. 2. Fig. 9.
Conclusion this paper, a low-time-consuming and low-cost sensorless-control algorithm for PMSM without voltage probes for position andspeed estimation has beenintroduced,discussed, andexperimentally verified. Drive starting is made with open-loop operation.
in the proposed control systems, thereferencevoltagesinsteadof the actual voltagesareused for the back-EMFestimation,thereforeeliminatingthe presence of voltageprobes.
Clearly, the presented correction method is intended, above all, to make the electrical drive cheaper and suitable for industrial drives both surface or internal mounted PM working within the nominal speed range, as, for example, for spindle drives, while the field weakening is not taken into account.
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