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Development Combined. Development Practice Questions. Danielle McGovern 2A.
Development Practice Questions Danielle McGovern 2A
Baby Sammy is part of Mary Ainsworth’s strange situations study. When his mother leaves the room, Sammy becomes distressed and cries. Then, his mother returns and he seeks comfort from her. Baby Sammy displays __________ attachment.
2. Rachel comes to school every week with different colored streaks in her hair and continually asks her friends and family to call her “Pumpkin” instead of Rachel. Rachel is going through which Erikson’s stage of development?
3. Konrad Lorenz is credited with the theory of ____________
4. Lily is 8 months old. While playing peek-a-boo with her father, she believes that he actually disappears when he covers his face. Lily is in the ____________ stage of cognitive development.
5. Delilah is a chain smoker and tends to overeat on occasion. According to Freud’s psychosexual development, Delilah has a ___________ fixation.
6. Jim Bob didn’t study for his Astronomy test. He debates cheating off of his friend Mark who sits next to him. Jim Bob ends up not cheating because he is afraid that everyone will think he is a cheater. Jim Bob is demonstrating ____________ ____________
7. Cynthia has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Ever since her diagnosis, she has been increasingly irritable and aggressive towards her loved ones. Cynthia is experiencing the ______ stage of the Kubler-Ross stages of grief.
8. Angel is a 2 month old baby. When her parents touch her feet, her toes spread out . This is known as the ___________ _________
9. Susie is learning her animals. When driving down the road, she sees a cow out in the field and says “Dog!”. When her mother corrects her, she _____________ the new animal into her schema
10. At 4 months old, baby Charlie is startled by the telephone ringing. Every time the phone rings after that, her reaction becomes less and less severe. Charlie is demonstrating _______________.
Development By: Dominiq A. Castillo Porterfield
1) From the perspective of Erik Erikson, life stages are important because: • • each involves a crisis or dilemma. • • each signals a new stage of cognitive development. • • each is an expression of biological programming. • • their failure to appear is evidence of psychopathology.
Correct answer is A. Erikson is _________ vs. _________ One of the ____’s is overcoming the stage of development while the other is a dilema
2) Jimmy has decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become a professional baseball player. During high school, Jimmy opted out of the "Theories of Baseball" course for fear of being indoctrinated by "blasphemous dogma." His biology teacher says he is a natural at science, but Jimmy refuses to even apply to any colleges insisting that he has heard God's calling to get drafted out of high school. Which of Marcia's phases of identity formation best describes Jimmy's current status? • identity formation. • foreclosure. • moratorium. • diffusion
Correct Answer is B. Identity Foreclosure, the stage in which the young person has made a commitment without having gone through a crisis
3) Jesse finds peek-a-boo absolutely hilarious. However, when Jesse's mom, Kalena, covers up Elmo with a blanket, Jesse attempts to "find" Elmo by pulling the blanket off of Elmo. Through which of Piaget's stages is Jesse progressing? • Sensorimotor • Preoperational • Concrete Operational • Pre-Conventional • Conventional
Correct answer is A Discover object permanence in the sensorimotor stage
4) Which of Ainsworth's attachment styles leads to the child becoming "parent-like" in his or her behavior? • secure • avoidant • anxious / ambivalent • confused
Correct answer is A The child feels safe and will exhibit this when they have children.
5) Dr. Edwards tests 4 different groups every 7 years. At the beginning of the study the four groups are: a)5 year olds, b)10 year olds, c)15 year olds, and d)20 year olds. Obviously, all 4 groups grow 7 years older each time Dr. Edwards reconvenes them for the study. Dr. Edwards is involved in: • cross-sectional research • sequential research (or cross-sequential) • longitudinal research • pharmacological research • none of the above
Correct answer is B Longitudinal studies are for a long period of time Cross sectional are different types of people all at the same time. Now put them together
6) Which of the following best describes how a 4 year old avoidantly attached child might respond to Mary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation? • cry briefly when mom leaves • ignore mom upon her return • extreme stress and crying when mom leaves • tweet about mom's exit #seeyamom #yolo • all of the above are likely
Correct answer is B. Since the mom is never there for the kid, why should the kid be there for his mom?
7) According to Erikson, infancy is to trust as adolescence is to: • autonomy • identity • generativity • integrity • morality
Correct answer is B Identity vs. role confusion is the next stage in Erikson’s model
8) Richard, age 1½, and his mother enter a preschool room, Richard in mom’s arms. While mom is there, Richard readily explores the environment. Mom then leaves and Richard cries moderately for a few minutes. How might you expect Richard to behave upon Mom’s return? • angrily ignore her • passively ignore her • happily return to her • resist mom's attempts to hold him • forget who is mother is and ask every young woman present, “Are you my mother?”
Correct answer is C This is Ainsworth’s Strange Situation. The baby has a secure attachment with the mother The baby will LOVE to go back
9) If touched on the cheek, newborns will turn their head in that direction. This is called the: • Moro reflex. • rooting reflex. • orientation response. • Babinski reflex. • a dumb baby.
Correct answer is B Who doesn’t love babies!
10) Brandon resists stealing jelly beans from his sister's Easter basket because he's afraid his mother will spank him if he does. Brandon's thinking best represents a(n) ________ morality. • egocentric • conventional • preconventional • concrete operational • postconventional
Correct answer is C Pre conventional: Follows rules to avoid consequences Acts in own interest
DONE!!!!!! Man I’m tired!!
Development AP Exam Review – Lauren Dybel
Question 1 In the topic of development, there are three questions to consider. One is Nature v. Nurture. What are the other two pairings?
Answer 1 • In the topic of development, there are three questions to consider. One is Nature v. Nurture. • What are the other two pairings? • Continuity v. Stages, Stability v. Change
Question 2 While participating in Mary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation, more than ten percent of children became severely distressed when their parents left the room, but refused to be comforted upon their return. Which attachment style was demonstrated by these children?
Answer 2 • While participating in Mary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation, more than ten percent of children became severely distressed when their parents left the room, but refused to be comforted upon their return. • Which attachment style was demonstrated by these children? • Anxious/Ambivalent
Question 3 Mrs. Sea interacts with her daughter, Sally, as often as she can. She is always at Sally’s soccer games to support and coach her, and she takes care to make sure Sally is respectful and kind. Mrs. Sea has set clear standards for Sally’s behavior and education, but she does not hover as Sally does her homework. In which of Baumrind’s Parenting Styles does Mrs. Sea best fit?