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Adverse Childhood Experiences Project

Adverse Childhood Experiences Project Developing an ACE aware and Trauma Sensitive/Informed Workforce Presentation for NISCC Sheina Rigg EITP Implementation Manager (Social Care) SBNI. Also represented are: Chair of the Interfaith Sub-Group GP Representative Sport NI NIHE

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Adverse Childhood Experiences Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Adverse Childhood Experiences Project Developing an ACE aware and Trauma Sensitive/Informed Workforce Presentation for NISCC Sheina Rigg EITP Implementation Manager (Social Care) SBNI

  2. Also represented are: • Chair of the Interfaith Sub-Group • GP Representative • Sport NI • NIHE • NI Ambulance Service

  3. What are Adverse Childhood Experiences? Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are stressful experiences occurring during childhood that directly harm a child ( e.g. sexual or physical abuse) or affect the environment in which they live (e.g. growing up in a house with domestic violence) (Bellis et al 2016) OriginalACE study (Fellitti et al 1998) reported a strong relationship between the number of childhood adversities faced and a range of negative outcomes in adult life

  4. In your experience what are ACEs? Group work

  5. What are Adverse Childhood Experiences?

  6. www.wales.nhs.uk

  7. QUB Evidence Review Developing Trauma Informed Practice • Key points: • An overarching comprehensive and coherent framework across sectors and organisations • A whole system organisational change process • Differentiates between trauma informed and trauma – specific interventions / practices • Seeks to enhance service provision for all.

  8. Ellis and Dietz (2017)

  9. Impact of ACEs National Study of ACEs in Wales (18 – 69 years) Compared with people with no ACEs, those with 4+ ACEs were 4 times more likely to be a high risk drinker 6 times more likely to smoke tobacco or E-cigs 11times more likely to have smoked cannabis 16 times more likely to have used crack cocaine or heroin 20 times more likely to have been incarcerated in their life INDEPENDENT OF POVERTY

  10. Why intervene early? Understanding about ACEs is important • Cost to the public sector of late intervention in Northern Ireland is estimated at £536 million per year. This is equivalent to £288 for every Northern Ireland resident, or £1,166 per child (Early Intervention Foundation, 2018) • Makes a powerful case for greater investment in early intervention and prevention for all agencies – APPROACH FOR ALL • Creates a shared, whole system, understanding of the impact of adversity in childhood

  11. LAUNCH NORTHERN IRELAND ACE ANIMATION NI ACE Animation https://vimeo.com/327246740

  12. What is Stress? Work in pairs or small groups

  13. Types of stress

  14. Toxic stress and the brain https://developingchild.harvard.edu/science/key-concepts/toxic-stress/

  15. Case Studies

  16. Developmental Processes: Connect to Calm 3 2 1

  17. Mitigating ACEs- the building blocks of resilience Results from the Welsh research


  19. Staff wellness, Wellbeing & Self Care

  20. SBNI has a responsibility for the delivery of WKS4 across its 27 member agencies and partners Strategic Priorities: Mental Health, DV and Neglect • Children’s Services Cooperation Act 2015 • NI CYP Strategy 2016-26 • 8 indicators of wellbeing • Sector Specific Corporate Policies, Business Plans , Safeguarding Training, SoS, BBF, Think Family, Residential Review etc.

  21. Things are not always what they seem… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGOB3QhGqtA

  22. Contact Us For further information please contact the EITP Trauma Informed Practice Project Team Telephone: 02895 360 248 Email: sheina.rigg@hscni.net

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