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The Longitudinal HP deprivation Index (ED) An Inter-temporal Analysis spanning 1991 - 2011

Explore the Longitudinal HP Deprivation Index from 1991-2011 with socio-economic variables and census data. Analyze changes across regions, education levels, employment rates, and housing trends.

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The Longitudinal HP deprivation Index (ED) An Inter-temporal Analysis spanning 1991 - 2011

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  1. Dublin, 2014 The Longitudinal HP deprivation Index (ED)An Inter-temporal Analysis spanning 1991 - 2011

  2. The Longitudinal HP Deprivation Index, 1991-2011 This presentation contains an inter-temporal comparison of the Longitudinal HP Deprivation Index and the key socio-economic variables on which the index is based. The data spans five census waves, 1991 - 2011. Important Note: The analysis spanning 5 census waves is based on ED-level deprivation scores. These are different to the scores derived from the SA-level analysis and should note be confused with the ED-level scores derived from the SA-level analysis as shown in Pobal Maps!

  3. HP Deprivation Indices 1996-2014 All-Island HP Deprivation Index Pobal HP Deprivation Index Longitudinal HP Deprivation Index Haase et al., 1996 Haase, 1999 Pratschke & Haase, 2001 Pratschke & Haase, 2004 Haase & Pratschke, 2005 Haase & Pratschke, 2008 Pratschke & Haase, 2014 Haase & Pratschke, 2010 Haase & Pratschke, 2012 Haase & Pratschke, 2011 Haase, Pratschke & Gleeson, 2014

  4. The Longitudinal HP Deprivation Index, 1991- 2011 • Analysis of Key Socio-economic Variables • NUTS 1 – 4 (County and Region)

  5. Population Change1991 - 2011 • 30 per cent increase between 1991 and 2011 • Initial growth faster in S&E Region • Since 2006, faster growth in BMW Region

  6. Age Dependency Rate1991 - 2011 • 7 percentage point decline between 1991 and 2006 • Rural areas gradually “catching-up” • Reversal in trend between 2006 and 2011, with Age Dependency Rate again increasing

  7. Lone Parent Rate1991 - 2011 • Doubling in rate between 1991 and 2006 • Highly concentrated in urban areas • Further increase in rural areas between 2006 and 2011 • Reversal in trend after 2006 in all cities except Cork

  8. Proportion of Adult Population with Primary Education Only 1991 - 2011 • Two-fold decline between 1991 and 2006 • Rural areas gradually “catching-up” • Trend continues between 2006 and 2011

  9. Proportion of Adult Population with Third Level Education1991 - 2011 • 2 ½ - fold increase between 1991 and 2006 • Rural areas just marginally “catching-up” • Only marginal increase in select areas between 2006 and 2011 • Other areas experiencing first marginal decline

  10. Proportion of Population in Higher and Lower Professional Classes1991 - 2011 • 30 % increase between 1991 and 2006 • Rural areas only marginally “catching-up” • Trend continues between 2006 and 2011 • But catastrophic performance of Limerick

  11. Proportion of Population in Unskilled and Semi-skilled Classes1991 - 2011 • 10 percentage point decline between 1991 and 2006 • Rural areas “catching-up” • Trend continues between 2006 and 2011, albeit at a slower rate

  12. Male Unemployment rate1991 - 2011 • Rapid decline between 1991 and 2002, halving rates • Rural areas not fully participating in trend • Urban areas already stagnant at 2006 and massive reversal between 2006 and 2011 for all areas • 2011 rates exceed 1991 rates in all counties except Dublin City

  13. Female Unemployment rate1991 - 2011 • Steady decline between 1991 and 2002, nearly halving rates • Decline in urban areas exceeds that in rural areas • Urban areas already showing slight reversal in trend in 2006 and massive increase between 2006 and 2011 • 2011 rates exceed 1991 rates in most counties

  14. Local Authority Housing1991 - 2011 • Drastic decline between 1991 and 2002, particularly in Southern & Eastern Region • Reversal in trend thereafter, with slow increases pertaining • Imbalance between rural and urban provision gradually diminishing

  15. Privately rented Housing1991 - 2011 • Strongly concentrated in the cities • Steady increase between 1991 and 2006 • Both in urban and rural counties • Steep increase between 2006 and 2011

  16. Owner occupied Housing1991 - 2011 • Rates in rural areas much higher than in urban environs • Steady decline between 1991 and 2006 • Accelerated decline between 2006 and 2011, in both urban and rural locations

  17. Average Number of Persons per Room1991 - 2011 • Massive improvement over time • Rural ratios overtaking urban ratios since 2002

  18. The Longitudinal HP Deprivation Index, 1991- 2011 • Analysis of Key Socio-economic Variables • NUTS 5 - Electoral Divisions (ED)

  19. 5 Year Population Change1991 - 2011

  20. 5 Year Population Change 1991 – 2011(Truncated at +30 %)

  21. Age Dependency Rate1991 - 2011

  22. Lone Parent Rate1991 - 2011

  23. Proportion of Adult Population with Primary Education Only 1991 - 2011

  24. Proportion of Adult Population with Third Level Education1991 - 2011

  25. Proportion of Population in Higher and Lower Professional Classes1991 - 2011

  26. Proportion of Population in Unskilled and Semi-skilled Classes1991 - 2011

  27. Male Unemployment rate1991 - 2011

  28. Female Unemployment rate1991 - 2011

  29. Local Authority Housing1991 – 2011(not used in Index)

  30. Persons per Room1991 - 2011

  31. The Longitudinal HP Deprivation Index , 1991- 2011 • Mapping Absolute and Relative Deprivation Scores

  32. ED-Levelabsolute Index Scores1991

  33. ED-Levelabsolute Index Scores1996

  34. ED-Levelabsolute Index Scores2002

  35. ED-Levelabsolute Index Scores2006

  36. ED-Levelabsolute Index Scores2011

  37. ED-LevelRelativeIndex Scores1991

  38. ED-LevelRelativeIndex Scores1996

  39. ED-LevelRelativeIndex Scores2002

  40. ED-LevelRelativeIndex Scores2006

  41. ED-LevelRelativeIndex Scores2011

  42. HP Deprivation Scores in Comparison, 1991-2011

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