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O P E N E D U C A T I O N. A U S T I N - A U G U S T 8 , 2 0 1 9. G E T T I N G S T A R T E D W I T H O E R : H O W T O I M P L E M E N T A S U C C E S S F U L P I L O T. A R T B R O W N L O W , D M A PRO F E S S O R O F M U S I C FEL L O W FO R A C A DEM IC IN N O V A T IO N.
OER AT UTRGV • Spring 2017-Spring2018 • who isteachingwith OER? (encouraging others) • coursesflaggedin courseschedule • response toSB810 • nobudget
OER PILOT 2018-19 • recruitedinstructorsof3high-enrollment classes • provided$1500 stipends (FrontierSet) • training from OERexpert • timeline from September toMay • modestbudget
How satisfied are you with textbookcosts? 120 105 43% 88 36% 90 37 15% 60 30 10 4% very unsatisfied 3 unsatisfied neutral 1% 0 satisfied OERPILOT Pre-Course StudentSurvey verysatisfied
How often do you purchase the requiredtextbooks? 87 36% 90 71 29% 67.5 49 20% 30 13% 45 5 2% 22.5 never rarely sometimes 0 most ofthe time OERPILOT Pre-Course StudentSurvey always
If you have ever decided not to buy a textbook,why? 160 152 65% 120 80 31 13% 25 11% 26 11% 40 rarely usethem unnecessary to pass 0 borrowedor shared OERPILOT Pre-Course StudentSurvey tooexpensive
How would you rate the quality of yourtextbooks? 120 105 45% 89 38% 90 60 29 12% 3 1% low 30 10 4% fair average 0 OERPILOT Pre-Course StudentSurvey good excellent
How satisfied are you with the cost of the materials for thiscourse? 85 59% 90 67.5 45 27 19% 21 15% 22.5 10 7% 0 verysatisfied satisfied neutral 0 unsatisfied OERPILOT Post-Course StudentSurvey very unsatisfied
How would you rate the quality of the freematerials used in thiscourse? 97 68% 100 75 33 23% 50 10 25 7% 3 2% excellent good 0 average OERPILOT Post-Course StudentSurvey 0 fair low
How would you rate the overall quality of thiscourse? 95 66% 100 75 41 29% 50 25 6 4% excellent 1 <1% fair good 0 average 0 OERPILOT Post-Course StudentSurvey low
Would you recommend this course to otherstudents? 99 100 69% 75 34 24% 50 10 25 7% definitely would 0 probably would 0 maybe 0 probablynot OERPILOT Post-Course StudentSurvey definitelynot
I would prefer to take classes that use printed textbooks instead of OER. 49 50 34% 43 39 27% 30% 37.5 25 8 6% 4 3% 12.5 strongly agree agree neitheragree nordisagree 0 disagree OERPILOT Post-Course StudentSurvey strongly disagree
I would like to take more courses that usefree/OER. 89 90 62% 67.5 34 24% 45 20 14% 22.5 strongly agree 0 agree 0 neitheragree nordisagree 0 disagree OERPILOT Post-Course StudentSurvey strongly disagree
I would be more likely to enroll in a college or university if I knew that it used free/OER for itscourses. 75 52% 80 60 37 26% 30 21% 40 20 1 <1% strongly agree agree 0 neitheragree nordisagree 0 disagree OERPILOT Post-Course StudentSurvey strongly disagree
OER GRADING DATA • CollegeAlgebra – ABCs 8.3% pointshigher • General Biology – ABCs 9.7% pointshigher • U. S. History– ABCs 4.9% pointslower * compared with all other sections of the same course taught in the samesemester
OER PILOT TIPS • give instructors atleast3 months toredesign • “train the trainers” forsustainability • involveinstructionaldesignerstohelpwith courseredesign • involve librarianstohelp locate discipline-specific resources • gather data from student surveys as well as Strategic AnalysisOffice
OER SCALE-UP 2019-20 • 8 instructors chosen for course redesign withOER • formed OER TaskForce • planning OER Summit forFebruary • additionally, 23 other instructors have adopted OpenStax for2019-20 • largerbudget