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Scientometric Analysis of State Universities in Tamilnadu for Academic Ranking

Comprehensive study on academic ranking of state universities in Tamilnadu using scientometrics. Analyzing citations, publications, authors, collaborations, and subject distributions. Findings provide insights for evaluation and prediction.

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Scientometric Analysis of State Universities in Tamilnadu for Academic Ranking

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  1. Academic Ranking of State Universities in Tamilnadu using Scientometrics MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE Submitted By M.KARTHIK Reg. No. 2K15PT-LIS05 SUPERVISOR Dr. M. SURULINATHI Assistant Professor (SS) DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE

  2. Bibliometrics • Pritchard said that bibliometrics is the application of mathematics and statistical methods to books and other media of communication. • Scientometrics • Nalimov and Mulchenko defined scientometrics as “the application of quantitative methods with the analysis of science viewed as an information process” • Scientometrics is the study of measuring and analysing science, technology and innovation

  3. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY • To find out the Citations, Self citations and Cited References of State universities in Tamilnadu • To find out H-Index and I10 Index of State Universities in Tamilnadu. • To find out the Open Access Publications. • To study the year wise Distribution of Publications • To study the High Productive Authors from Universities. • To find out highly Cited Papers from Universities. • To study on Document wise distribution of Publications. • To find out Subject domain wise distribution of Publications, Citations and H-Index. • To study on Country wise distribution of Collaborations

  4. METHODOLOGY • All publications of State universities in Tamilnadu from Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts& Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI),Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) taken for this study. The data were exported and processed in the HistCite to find out the contribution of Authors, Citations in the field of Academic Ranking of State Universities in tamilnadu during years 1989–2017. The year of publication, Citations, Self-Citations, journals and authors, H Index, I10 Index, country wise, were analyzed and displayed in tables. The Global Citation Scores are examined to identify the pattern of research State Universities of Tamilnadu.

  5. Profile of Universities

  6. Ranking of Universities based on Publications

  7. Ranking of Universities based on Citations

  8. Ranking of Universities based on Self Citations

  9. Ranking of Universities based on Cited References

  10. H-Index and I10 Index of State Universities in Tamilnadu

  11. Open Access Publications

  12. Year wise distribution of Publications

  13. High Productive Authors

  14. Highly Cited Papers from Universities

  15. Document wise distribution of Publications from Universities

  16. Subject domain wise distribution of without self-Citations of Universities

  17. Subject wise H-Index of State universities in TN

  18. Subject wise distribution of Publications and Citations

  19. Country wise distribution of Collaboration

  20. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION • Scientometric data provide precise and accurate observation. A major to the Scientometrician is to continue to develop the techniques which will be more reliable and useful for evaluation and prediction, because Scientometric data mirror the actual published results of the work of researchers. • The study found the highest number of publications by State Universities in Tamilnadu during 1989-2017. State Universities are contributed 40391 Publications and received 409497 Citations, without Self Citations 3,52,836. • The study found that more than 100000 self-citations among the Universities. • The study of Highly Productive Author are identified that Velmurugan D has published 439 publications.

  21. To study found that Highly Cited paper is identified through paper is arranged based on highest number of citations. Author Kumarasamy from University of Madras has received 1127 citations. • All the Universities during 1989-2017. Among Article, Meeting Abstract, Proceeding, Notes and Reviews all the document records 40391. Majority of the publications are published in article form with 37982. • Physics is dominant subject domain with 80877 followed by Chemistry subject with 75550, Material Science subject with 47232. • All the University Subject Wise H Index of State universities in Tamilnadu during 1989-2017. Physics is ranked first place with the highest number of h-Index with 77 by Annamalai University. • To find out the Country wise distribution of Collaborations State universities in Tamilnadu during 1989-2017. Among Countries USA, UK, Germany, China, South Korea and Japan are more collaboration with State universities in Tamilnadu .

  22. Thank You All

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