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Joshua Younger 4 th hour . abbreviate . to shorten, abridge Verb Synonyms: Acronym and initialize Antonyms :Extend and amplify . The word laser is a abbreviation that stands for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. .
Joshua Younger 4th hour abbreviate • to shorten, abridge • Verb • Synonyms: Acronym and initialize • Antonyms :Extend and amplify • The word laser is a abbreviation that stands for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.
the act of refraining from pleasurable activity. noun Synonyms: abstemiousness, sobriety Antonyms: self-indulgence, excess Organizations such as AA and NA help people have abstinence towards alcohol and narcotics. Joshua Younger 4th hour abstinence
high praise Noun Synonyms: Flattery, worship Antonyms: abuse, criticism Parents want their children to high self-esteem so they are always adulation their child. Joshua Younger 4th hour adulation
Jack Moore Period 4 English Def: to have bad luck Adversityn. Syn: misfortune, fate Ant: good luck, help The owner of this car has had a day of adversity!
AestheticAdj. Jack Moore Period 4 English Syn: having a sense of beauty, emotional Ant: ugly, displeasing The aesthetic mountains are very large and pretty.
Amicable Z. Herzog • An adjective meaning friendly or agreeable • words like it: cordial, neighborly • Words unlike it: Rude, argumentative • Everyone is capableof being amicable.
ANACHRONISTIC Definition: Out-of-date, not attributed to the correct historical period Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Outdated, old-fashioned Antonyms: Contemporary, New http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMRDviMODdM Jasmine Griffin
ANECDOTE Definition: Short, usually funny account........................................... of an event,,,,,,,,,,,,,................... Part of Speech: Noun Synonyms: Narrative, story Antonyms: Epic, sermon Jasmine Griffin
ANONYMOUS Definition: Nameless, without a disclosed identity....................................... Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Unnamed, unaccredited Antonyms: Known, identified Jasmine Griffin
Assiduous Synonyms: studious, devoted Antonyms: failure to do work, doesn’t care constant; unremitting: assiduous reading. Adjective T McMahan
Antagonist NOUN Synonyms: enemy or attacker Antonyms: for it, or a friend a person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another person T McMahan
AmicableAdj. Jack Moore Period 4 English Syn: agreeing, civil Ant: hostil, unfriendly The two amicable people are enjoying there day.
Team Benevolence 1940 Benevolence Definition: a friendly and helpful action Part of speech:adjective Synonyms:good deeds , nice Antonyms: evil deeds , mean Back in the 40s the US Government sent In a highly trended special ops team Code name “Benevolence”to help citizens in need of help.
Camaraderie Will you be my friend ? Definition: trust, sociability amongst friends Part of speech: Noun Synonyms: Confidence , trust Antonyms:untrustworthy, not friendly The Ice Cream cone trusted the little girl to be his friend
Kristin Weller Period 4 Censure • Verb: to criticize harshly • Synonyms: • Reprimand • Knock • Antonyms: • Admire • Cherish Picture from: http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/rdi/lowres/rdin877l.jpg
Kristin Weller Period 4 Circuitous • Adjective: indirect, taking the longest route • Synonyms: • Devious • Tortuous • Antonyms: • Direct • Sincere Picture from: http://media.collegepublisher.com/media/paper144/stills/q9264055.jpg
Kristin Weller Period 4 Clairvoyant • Adjective: exceptionally insightful, able to foresee the future • Synonyms: • Fey • Extrasensory • Antonyms: • Normal • Unnatural Picture from: http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/jkn/lowres/jknn57l.jpg
Collaborate Definition: to work, one with another Part of speech: Verb Synonyms: -Cooperate -Team up Antonyms: -Divorce -Part Devon Tugman
Compassion Definition: a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering Part of speech: Noun Synonyms: -Benevolence - Sympathy Antonyms: -Cruelty -Harshness Example: The charity had compassion toward the suffering children in Africa. Devon Tugman
Compromise Definition:an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles Part of Speech: Noun Synonyms: -Accommodation -Settlement Antonyms: -Disagreement -Controversy Devon Tugman
Conformist: A person who complies with accepted rules and customs • Noun • Synonyms: conventional or traditional • Antonyms: rebellious or revolutionary • Example: she was a conformist because she would get in trouble with the teacher if she was not Renee Balciar
Conditional: Depending on a condition • Adjective • Antonyms: independent or unconditional • Synonyms: contingent or dependent • Example: The party was conditional on if it rained or not Renee Balciar
Condescending: Possessing an attitude of superiority, patronizing • Adjective • Antonyms: acceptance or friendliness • Synonyms: disdainful, haughty • Example: the police officer was condescending Renee Balciar
Garrett Eppers Congregation It is a noun Synonyms: assemblage and a gathering Antonyms: dispersal and dispel
Garrett Eppers Convergence It is a noun Antonyms: separation and division Synonyms: meeting and congregation Some of the movement of plates on our Earth are do to convergent boundaries.
Garrett Eppers Deleterious It is an Adjective Antonyms: helpful and positive Synonyms: destructive and harmful “… another kid my age drugged under a jeep, taken and bound, later found under a tree…but a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday. There’s bombs in the bus, bikes, roads, inside your markets, your shops, your clothes…” -“Hands Held High” by Linkin Park
Discredit The boy said things, that meant to discredit her. Verb Syn: Slander, dishonor Ant: Honor, praise Paris Duhamel
Disdain Feeling that someone or something is unworthy. Verb Syn: Scorn, Contempt Ant: Admire, approve The father was angry and distained his daughter. Paris Duhamel
Divergent Syn: Different, Various Ant: Agreeing, Similar Adjective Separating or moving in different directions from a particular point. The couple ended up headed their separate ways. Paris Duhamel
Chris Davis 1/11/09 English 4 Computers can exasperate some people. Exasperation(Noun) Definition- to provoke someone Synonyms- annoy, irritate Antonyms- calming, comfort
Steve Irwin was an exemplary person to nature conservationists everywhere. Chris Davis 1/11/09 English 4 Exemplary (Adjective) Definition- a good example Synonym- admirable, blameless Antonym- wrong, incorrect
Chris Davis 1/11/09 English 4 The judge extenuated the criminal's sentence. Extenuating (Adjective) Defection- to lessen punishment Synonym- excusing, diminishing Antonyms- increase, add
Name: Joe R. 43. florid -- (adj) red-colored, flushed, gaudy, ornate;plain, undecorated, pale, white; The palace decorations were very florid, as were the King's cheeks when he tripped on the stairs. 44. fortuitous -- (adj) happening by luck, fortunate; deliberate, intentional; The person who won the lottery thought of himself as very fortuitous. 45. frugal -- (adj) thrifty, cheap; lavish, wasteful; The penny-pincher liked to describe himself as a frugal businessman.
Hackneyed • Cliched, worn out by overuse • Adjective • Synonyms • Antiquated • Banal • Antonyms • Fresh • New www.carplus.org.uk/resp-car-use/resp-disp.html Drew Fleming
Haughty • Arrogant and condescending • Adjective • Synonyms • Assuming • Conceited • Antonyms • Humble • Meek Drew Fleming • www.hotstovenewyork.com/.../ocho-cinco-no-baila/
Hedonist • Person who pursues pleasure as a goal • Noun • Synonyms • Bon vivant • Epicure • Antonyms • Ascetic • Abstemious www.babble.com/.../tags/vacation/default.aspx Drew Fleming
integrity • Part of speech: Noun • Synonym: Honest, trust worthy • Antonym: Dishonest, cheater. • Once the girl cheated on the test she had lost all integrity. • BY AMANDA MALONE
intrepid • Part of speech: Adj • Definition: fearless, adventurous • Synonyms: brave, risky • Antonyms: Scared, • By: Amanda Malone
intuitive BY Amanda Malone Part of speech: adj Definitions: instinctive, untaught Synonyms:spontaneous, innate Antonyms:calculated, reasoned
Jubilation A feeling of or the expression of joy or exultation Synonyms Joyful and Excited Antonyms Angry and Unsurprised By Seth Nold
Lobbyist • A person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest • Synonyms • Obeying and bribery • Antonyms • Untrustworthy and non-loyal(to the people) By Seth Nold
Longevity • A long individual life • Synonyms • Old and senator • Antonyms • Youthful and immature • By Seth Nold
Emily Whaler Mundane of or pertaining to this world or earth as contrasted with heaven; worldly; earthly POS-Adj The woman experienced a mundane love life since her husband made it boring and it felt non-existant. Synonyms-ordinary, dull, routine Antonyms-interesting, unusual, mysterious
Emily Whaler Nonchalant Coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited; casual POS Adj The nonchalant dog relaxed in his chair because he was not worried about anything going on. Synonyms-laid-back, relaxed, unconcerned Antonyms-anxious, worried, alarmed
Emily Whaler new Novice a person who is new to the circumstances, work, etc., in which he or she is placed; beginner; POS-Noun The young novice struggled her first day at work because she was not accustomed with the technology. Synonyms-beginner, neophyte, learner Antonyms-expert, professional, specialist
Opulent • Synonyms- • Rich • Moneybags • Antonyms- • Poor • Not wealthy • Definition- Wealthy Alex Imhoff English-9 Ackerman • That opulent young man is such a rich jerk! • Adjective
Orator • Synonyms • Teacher • Speechmaker • Antonyms • Loner • Quiet person • Definition- Lecturer, speaker Alex Imhoff English-9 Ackerman • Man! That orator sounds like my mom!!! • Noun
Ostentatious • Synonyms • Showoff • Antonyms • Modest • Humble • Definition-showy, displaying wealth Alex Imhoff English-9 Ackerman • That young man is so ostentatious; showing off all the time! • Adjective
Parched • Synonyms • Thirsty • Antonyms • Waterlogged • Definition- dried up, shrivled Alex Imhoff English-9 Ackerman • I haven’t drank anything in like 573896567096 hours! I’m soo parched! • Adjective/Noun
Perfidious • Synonyms • Liar • Untrustworthy • Antonyms • Faithfull • Honest • Trustworthy • Definition-faithless, disloyal Alex Imhoff English-9 Ackerman • Dude, you’re so perfidious; I can’t tell you anything! • Adjective