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This lecture covers topics such as time-limited and band-limited waveforms, Nyquist sampling theorem, impulse sampling, discrete Fourier transform (DFT), and fast Fourier transform (FFT). MATLAB demos provide practical examples.
Electrical Communications SystemsECE.09.331Spring 2011 Lecture 3bFebruary 2, 2011 Shreekanth Mandayam ECE Department Rowan University http://engineering.rowan.edu/~shreek/spring11/ecomms/
Plan • Recall: Sampling • Time-limited and Band-limited waveforms • Nyquist Sampling • Impulse Sampling • Dimensionality Theorem • Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) • Relation between CFT and DFT/FFT
Time-limited waveform w(t) = 0; |t| > T Band-limited waveform W(f)=F{(w(t)}=0; |f| > B W(f) w(t) -B B f -T T t Recall: Sampling • Can a waveform be both time-limited and band-limited?
Nyquist Sampling Theorem • Any physical waveform can be represented by • where • If w(t) is band-limited to B Hz and
a3 = w(3/fs) w(t) t 1/fs 2/fs 3/fs 4/fs 5/fs What does this mean? • If then we can reconstruct w(t) without error by summing weighted, delayed sinc pulses • weight = w(n/fs) • delay = n/fs • We need to store only “samples” of w(t), i.e., w(n/fs) • The sinc pulses can be generated as needed (How?) Matlab Demo: sampling.m
Impulse Sampling • How do we mathematically represent a sampled waveform in the • Time Domain? • Frequency Domain?
|W(f)| F F w(t) -B 0 B t f |Ws(f)| ws(t) -2fs -fs 0 fs 2 fs t f (-fs-B) -(fs +B) -B B (fs -B) (fs +B) Sampling: Spectral Effect Original Sampled
Spectrum of a “sampled” waveform Spectrum of the “original” waveform replicated every fs Hz = Spectral Effect of Sampling
Aliasing • If fs < 2B, the waveform is “undersampled” • “aliasing” or “spectral folding” • How can we avoid aliasing? • Increase fs • “Pre-filter” the signal so that it is bandlimited to 2B < fs
Dimensionality Theorem • A real waveform can be completely specified by N = 2BT0 independent pieces of information over a time interval T0 • N: Dimension of the waveform • B: Bandwidth • BT0: Time-Bandwidth Product • Memory calculation for storing the waveform • fs >= 2B • At least N numbers must be stored over the time interval T0 = n/fs
Equal time intervals Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) • Discrete Domains • Discrete Time: k = 0, 1, 2, 3, …………, N-1 • Discrete Frequency: n = 0, 1, 2, 3, …………, N-1 • Discrete Fourier Transform • Inverse DFT Equal frequency intervals n = 0, 1, 2,….., N-1 k = 0, 1, 2,….., N-1
Importance of the DFT • Allows time domain / spectral domain transformations using discrete arithmetic operations • Computational Complexity • Raw DFT: N2 complex operations (= 2N2 real operations) • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): N log2 N real operations • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) • Cooley and Tukey (1965), ‘Butterfly Algorithm”, exploits the periodicity and symmetry of e-j2pkn/N • VLSI implementations: FFT chips • Modern DSP
n=0 1 2 3 4 n=N f=0 f = fs How to get the frequency axis in the DFT • The DFT operation just converts one set of number, x[k] into another set of numbers X[n] - there is no explicit definition of time or frequency • How can we relate the DFT to the CFT and obtain spectral amplitudes for discrete frequencies? (N-point FFT) Need to know fs
n=0 N/2 n=N f=0 fs/2 f = fs DFT Properties • DFT is periodic X[n] = X[n+N] = X[n+2N] = ……… • I-DFT is also periodic! x[k] = x[k+N] = x[k+2N] = ………. • Where are the “low” and “high” frequencies on the DFT spectrum? Matlab Demo: dft.m
Relation between CFT and DFT • Windowing • Sampling • Generation of Periodic Samples Matlab Demo: myspectrum.m