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“Combining symmetry reduction and under-approximation for symbolic model checking” by Sharon Barner and Orna Grumber. CAV‘ 2002 conference, and “Formal Methods in System Design” 2005 journal Presented by: Guy Hefetz 03/04/2012. Motivation.
“Combining symmetry reduction and under-approximation for symbolic model checking”by Sharon Barner and OrnaGrumber CAV‘ 2002 conference, and “Formal Methods in System Design” 2005 journal Presented by: Guy Hefetz 03/04/2012
Motivation • Previous algorithms that use symmetry have some disadvantages: • The user has to supply the invariance group for each formula. • Once the Invariance group is known, calculating the orbit relation (ξ) is expensive both in time and in space. • The paper suggests methods and algorithms that avoid these disadvantages.
Outline • Building the Invariance Group • On-the-fly algorithm using under-approximation. • On-the-fly algorithm using “hints” • Extensions for Liveness formulas • Alternative method to avoid orbit relation calculation • Experimental Results
Symmetry (Automorphism) • Let M = (S, R, L,S0) be a Kripke structure. • A permutation σ is an automorphismof Miffσ preserves the transition relation R, and the set of initial states S0 . • Formally, σshould satisfy the following: σ: s0 s1 s0 s2 s0 s1 s2 s3 s1 s2 s3 s0 s2 s3 s1 s3 • Symmetry Group
Invariance group • A symmetry groupG of a Kripke structure M = (S, R, L) is an invariance group with respect to a set of boolean formulas BS iff (σ∈G) (s∈S) (β∈BS) (s β ⇔ σ(s) β ) G= <σ > is a symmetry group of M. s0 s1 s0 s2 For: G= <σ > is an IG w.r.t BS 1={p} but is not an IG w.r.t BS 2={q} s2 s3 s1 s3
Previous algorithms • The user had to supply the invariance group. • In many cases 2 formulas evaluated on the same model require different invariance groups. For example: • AGAF ( p1_in_critical) • AG ( (p1_in_critical p2_in_critical) )
Building the Invariance Group • The user has to supply only a symmetry group. • The algorithm automatically generates the Invariance Group for each input formula. • Providing a symmetry group often requires only a high-level understanding of the system.
Lemma • Given: • σ1,σ2,…,σk– generators of a symmetry group G of M. • A formula φ . • Let MAX be the set of maximal boolean subformulas of φ. • If IG={σi | βMAX,σi(β) = β } is not empty, then <IG> is an Invariance Group of M w.r.tMAX. Set of all states that satisfy β {σi(s) | sβ}
example Symmetry (Automorphism) Group: G= < (1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11),(10,12) > 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: p 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example Symmetry (Automorphism) Group: G= < (1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11),(10,12) > 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: p 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example Symmetry (Automorphism) Group: G= < (1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11),(10,12) > 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: p 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example Symmetry (Automorphism) Group: G= < (1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11),(10,12) > φ = AG(q) IG ={σi | βMAX, σi(β) = β } = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,12)} <(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,12)> is an Invariance group with respect to {q} 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: p 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example Symmetry (Automorphism) Group: G= < (1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11),(10,12) > φ = AG(p) IG ={σi | βMAX, σi(β) = β } = {(10,11)} <(10,11)> is an Invariance group with respect to {p} 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: p 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example Symmetry (Automorphism) Group: G= < (1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11),(10,12) > φ = AG(pq) IG ={σi | βMAX, σi(β) = β } = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} <(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)> is an Invariance group with respect to {pq} 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: p 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
Proof • <IG> is a permutation group: • e <IG> : • IG is not empty → σ IG . • σ can be written as a composition of disjoint cycles σ = c1c2…cm of length l1,l2,…,lm respectively. • e= , which means e <IG> . • For all σ <IG> , σ-1 <IG> : • For all σ’ IG , , which means σ’-1 <IG> . • For all σ <IG> , where . Since and according to the previous bullet, we get that σ-1 <IG> .
Proof • <IG> is a permutation group: • For all σ1,σ2 <IG> , σ1σ2 <IG> : • where all are in IG. • Since we get σ1σ2 <IG> . • <IG> is a symmetry group: • IG is a subset of the generators of a symmetry group.
Proof • <IG> is an Invariance group with respect to MAX: • For all σ <IG> , where . For every β in MAX and every j, . Thus (σ∈ <IG>)(s∈S)(β∈MAX) (s β ⇔ σ(s) β )
Largest invariance group • The largest invariance group Ginv with respect to a symmetry group G, is an Invariance group such that for each Invariance Group G’G, |G’||Ginv| .
Largest invariance group • <IG> may not be the largest Invariance Group: • G={e,(p1 ,p2),(p2 ,p3),(p1 ,p3),(p1 ,p2 ,p3),(p1 ,p3 ,p2)} = <e,(p1 ,p2),(p2 ,p3)> • φ = AG ( (p1 _in_critical p3 _in_critical) ) • We get IG={e} which leads to <IG>={e} . • While the largest Invariance Group w.r.t G is {(p1 ,p3),e} .
Implementation with BDDs • The construction of IG can be implemented with BDDs: • A permutation σ can be represented as the BDD: but sometimes it can be represented using index permutation: • A boolean formula β represented by , and • We check that σ(β) = β using the operator.
Outline • Building the Invariance Group • On-the-fly algorithm using under-approximation. • On-the-fly algorithm using “hints” • Extensions for Liveness formulas • Alternative method to avoid orbit relation calculation • Experimental Results
Quotient Model • M = (S, R, L) is a Kripke structure. • G is an invariance group w.r.t BS. • The quotient structure MG = (SG, RG, LG): • SG = {θ(s) | s∈S} the set of orbits of the states in S (groups of states) • RG = { (θ(s1), θ(s2)) | (s1, s2) ∈R } • LG( θ(s) ) = L( rep(θ(s)) ) Taken from lecture #2 by Anastasia Braginsky
Quotient Model • M = (S, R, L) is a Kripke structure. • G is an invariance group w.r.t BS. • The quotient structure MG = (SG, RG, LG): • SG = {[s] | s∈S} • RG = { ([s1], [s2]) | (s1, s2) ∈R } • LG( [s] ) = L(s) BS
Quotient Structure for multiple representatives • M = (S, R, L) is a Kripke structure. • G is an invariance group w.r.t BS. • Rep S – a group of representatives. • ξ RepS is a representative relation: • For all s,s’ : (s,s’) ξ s Rep [s] = [s’] • The quotient structure for multiple representativesMm = (Sm, Rm, Lm) : • Sm = Rep • Rm = ξ-1Rξ • Lm( [s] ) = L(s) BS
Example – quotient structures Q || P1||…||Pi t , n, … , n Q || P1||…||Pi c , n, … , n [t , n, … , n] [c , n, … , n] Q || P1||…||Pi n , t, … , n Q || P1||…||Pi n , c, … , n t, n, n, n,… ,n c , n, … , n … n, n, t, n,… ,n (One possible option)
Quotient Models • We’ve proved that MG ≡bisM . • Similar proof can be applied in order to show that for every kripke structure M, every Invariance Group G and every set Rep S which contains at least one representative from each orbit , MG ≡bisMm . • Prove that B= {(s,[s])| sRep} is a bisimulation relation. • In this case, for every formula , M Mm
Quotient Models • For every kripke structure M, every Invariance Group G and every set Rep S which may contain zero representatives for some of the orbits , Mm M . • Prove that B= {(s,s)| sRep} is a simulation relation. • This case can be used for falsification. • The algorithm uses Mm instead of MG. If bisimulation was achieved, the algorithm can verify and falsify. If only simulation was achieved, The algorithm can only falsify.
The algorithm Symmetry_MC Group of representatives of the reachable states
The algorithm Symmetry_MC Calculates the states belonging to the orbits of states in reach_rep
Calculating the states belonging to the orbits of states in reach_rep
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12:
example IG = {(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(10,11)} φ = AG(pq) 8: p,q M:: 1: p,q Step:: 4: q 7: p 2: q 5: q 3: q 6: p 9: q 10: p 11: p,q 12: