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RUN-UP FLOW CHECKLIST. Fuel Selector. Verify ON. Parking Brake. SET. *note: Pull up on finger brakes. Lift middle lever until locked into place. Release finger brakes. Throttle. 1700 RPM * Verify VM1000 in limits…visually verify airplane not moving. Pull out to test

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  2. Fuel Selector • Verify ON

  3. Parking Brake • SET *note: Pull up on finger brakes. Lift middle lever until locked into place. Release finger brakes.

  4. Throttle • 1700 RPM *Verify VM1000 in limits…visually verify airplane not moving

  5. Pull out to test • Verify slight decrease in RPM (approx. 30 RPM) Alternate Air

  6. Fuel Boost Pump Mode Switch 1) move switch to ON, listen for electric fuel pump to turn on, verify Fuel Pump light illuminated on HSA (illumination on HSA = manual mode) 2) move switch to OFF, listen for fuel pump to shut off, verify Fuel Pump light remains illuminated 3) move switch to AUTO, verify the Fuel Pump remains off, verify Fuel Pump light extinguished on HSA

  7. Annunciator Lights • Push down to test • (up to bright for day) *note: Verify ALT FAIL, STARTER ENGAGED & PITOT HEAT lights illuminate

  8. Health Status Annunciator (HSA) Push to TEST, up to bright *note: Verify all HSA lights and WOT light illuminate

  9. Verify engine instruments within limits and digital values not blinking VM1000

  10. FADEC Power Check • FADEC Power A… move switch to OFF position, verify PPWR and EBAT FAIL illuminated on HSA • FADEC Power A… move switch to ON position, verify PPWR and EBAT FAIL extinguished on HSA • FADEC Power B… move switch to OFF position, verify EBAT FAIL illuminated on HSA • FADEC Power B… move switch to ON position, verify EBAT FAIL extinguished on HSA

  11. Ignition Switch • (L) Position • 10 RPM min, 150 RPM max • FADEC Caution on HSA • (R) Position • 10 RPM min, 150 RPM max • FADEC Caution on HSA • BOTH • HSA lights out

  12. Throttle - Idle VM1000 within limits


  14. Flight Controls- FREE/CORRECT

  15. Fuel Quantity- CHECK

  16. Flight Instruments/Nav/Comm- CHECK/SET

  17. Flaps and Trim- CHECK/SET

  18. Canopy Doors- CLOSED/SECURE • My Pictures\door 004.jpg FRONT LATCH REAR LATCH

  19. PULL UP and then pull remaining seatbelt as necessary to tighten Seatbelts/Harnesses- FASTENED/TIGHTENED

  20. Parking Brake- AS REQUIRED

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