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* Català Oriental. * Català Occidental. BOTH DIALECTS:. In Spain there are 3 co-official languages. Catalan language is the most use it. GENERAL FEATURES OF THE LANGUAGE. It is from Vulgar Latin
* Català Oriental.*Català Occidental. BOTH DIALECTS:
In Spain there are 3 co-official languages. Catalanlanguage is the most use it.
GENERAL FEATURES OF THE LANGUAGE It is from Vulgar Latin It has got big influences from Arabic for the reason that the catalan land was conquer by muslims. Wekeepsomeprefixes from them like: • Ben- (ex. Benimacle, Benigànim…) • Al- (ex. Almoïna, almodí…)
GENERAL FEATURES Therearetwo symbols thatcharacterizethewritingCatalà- Valencià: • La dièresi: (¨) ex. Raül, raïm… • L’apostrof: (‘) ex. L’horta, l’oncle… And different letters: • C (trencada) ex. placa Digraphs: • SS, l.l, tz, ts, tx, tl, ig… ex. Cotxe, massa, col.legi…
CATALÀ – VALENCIÀ Wecanfindtwo different dialects: • CatalàOriental. (ÀreaOriental) • Català Occidental. (Àrea Occidental)
Català Oriental. It is spoken in: Islas baleares and the east part of Catalunya (Barcelona, Tarragona and Girona) Català Occidental. It is spoken in: Comunitat Valenciana (except the inside part of it), Lleida and the south part of Catalunya.
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BOTH DIALECTS: • VOCABULARY: Català oriental: escombra, noi, si us plau, petons, maca, seva… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0To-xoCd1o&feature=list_related&playnext=1&list=SP6276554B1EB0C8A6 Català occidental: granera, xic, per favor, bessos, bonica,seua… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae5-dCl4O-w