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Hungaraian Position on Financial Programming Period 2014-2020. Dr Andrea Nemes Director General Tourism and Catering Department. Principles of Financial Resource Allocation I. Our goal is that we can spend on tourism as much as in the period 2007-2013 (EUR ~1 billion )
Hungaraian Position on Financial Programming Period 2014-2020 Dr Andrea Nemes Director General Tourism and Catering Department
Principles of Financial ResourceAllocation I. Ourgoal is thatwecanspendontourismasmuchasintheperiod 2007-2013 (EUR ~1 billion) Principles of theallocation: 60% directlyforeconomicdevelopment, 40% forhuman resourcedevelopment, infrastructuredevelopment, environmentalprotection and energyefficiency Increasingproduction and employmentinhighvalueaddedsectors Integratedplanninginconsideration of alltheavailabledevelopmentresources, includingruraldevelopmentfunds Concentratedusewith a limited number of developmentpriorities
Principles of Financial ResourceAllocationII. The use of resourceshaveto be supportedbydecentralizedinstitutionsoperatingwith a centralcoordination, whichareopentotheplanning and management role of ministriesresponsibleforsectorialpolicies It is a prioritytoprovidenon-refundablesubsidies Itneedstoensuretheprinciple of territoriality, effectiveinvolvementofcounties The firstdraft of thePartnershipAgreementwasrequiredby 31 January 2013. Deadlineforthefirstdraft of operationalprogramswas 28 February 2013.
CurrentStage of Planning Representatives of the European CommissionhavestartedconsultationsonPartnership Program. Competitivetourismeconomy and service developmentis the 4th priorityof theEconomicDevelopment and InnovationOperationalProgram of thePartnershipAgreement Atthisstage of theplanningthepriorityenvisagestheimplementationofthefollowingmeasures: healthtourism, silvereconomy and thedevelopment of marketablehealthservices Prioritytourismdevelopmentbasedonthedevelopement and implementation of priorityprograms Development of theinstitutionalsystemoftourism and DMO’s, RDI, and salespromotion
Ministry for National Economy Tourism and Catering Department Dr. Andrea Nemes Director General Email:andrea.nemes@ngm.gov.hu Thank you for your attention!