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Self-defending COTS Software

Collaborative learning for security and repair in application communities MIT & Determina PM: Lee Badger DARPATech, August 2007 (Other AC performer: SRI). Self-defending COTS Software. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649. Application Communities.

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Self-defending COTS Software

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  1. Collaborative learningfor security and repairin application communitiesMIT & DeterminaPM: Lee Badger DARPATech, August 2007(Other AC performer: SRI) Self-defendingCOTS Software Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649

  2. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Application Communities • Many communities have largely identical installations (e.g., Windows, Office)‏ • Problem: A single vulnerability can be exploited throughout the community • Goal: Protection against exploitation of known or unknown software vulnerabilities in communities of COTS components • Automatically (no need for pre-generated signature) • Protect first • Survive and maintain functionality

  3. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Collaborative learning approach Initially: all community members are susceptible to an unknown attack Perform machine learning to infer normal behavior When an attack occurs: • Detect attacks on any member of the community • Analyze additional attacks to localize • Generate potential fixes • Evaluate fixes • Distribute successful fixes Finally: all community members are automatically protected from the attack

  4. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 The Community:A Problem and an Opportunity • A community contains many vulnerable members • A community also has significant advantages • Increased Accuracy – A community exercises more behaviors during learning • Amortized Risk – A problem in one member can lead to a solution for the rest • Shared Burden – Use expensive monitoring techniques by distributing the burden across the members

  5. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Collaborative Learning Framework • Provide best possible out-of-box proactive protection against vulnerabilities • Protect (and take advantage of) a community • Automatically repair vulnerabilities for improved continuity • Use dynamically learned constraints • Key Features: • Proactive protection (Memory Firewall) for unknown vulnerabilities • Attack detector based constraint checking focuses repair on exploited vulnerabilities • Code injection and Denial of Service (crashes) vulnerabilities are protected and repaired • Other detectors can be added to the framework • Supports arbitrary x86 binaries • Adaptive: Repairs that perform poorly are removed

  6. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Learning (Daikon)‏ Learning (Daikon)‏ Evaluation (observe execution)‏ Evaluation (observe execution)‏ Sample Data Sample Data Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Live Shield Memory Firewall Live Shield Memory Firewall Client Library Client Library MPEE MPEE MPEE MPEE Application Application Application Application Collaborative Learning System Architecture Patch/Repair results Patch/RepairCode Generation Merge Constraints (Daikon)‏ Patches Constraints Central Management System Patches Patches … … Client Workstations (Learning)‏ Client Workstations (Protected)‏

  7. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Protection Stages • Learning – Constraints are learned throughout the community • Monitoring – Applications are monitored for attacks (Memory Firewall and crashes). • Logging – Constraints near attack locations are analyzed. Repairs are generated for constraint violations that are correlated with attacks. • Repair Evaluation – Effective repairs are distributed, ineffective repairs are discarded.

  8. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Learn x < 18 x < 14 x < 20 Merge Constraints x < 20

  9. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Learn Monitor Attack Location Enable logging of constraints related to attack Security Server

  10. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Learn Monitor Logging Constraint/Attack Information Constraint Information Security Server

  11. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Learn Monitor Logging Eval Repairs Constraint/Repair Information Distribute possible repairs Security Server

  12. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Learn Monitor Logging Eval Repairs Secure Patch Activation Information Distribute most successful repair(s)‏ Security Server

  13. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Learning • Applications are instrumented throughout the community • Only a small percentage of an application is instrumented on each machine • Constraints are found locally and then merged centrally • Constraints are learned at the basic block level • Variables from multiple basic blocks in a function can be used • Loop invariants and flow dependent invariants can be found • Built on Determina’s client library • Low overhead • No visible change to client programs

  14. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Monitoring – detect attacks/bugs • Current detectors • Code injection (Determina’s Memory Firewall)‏ • Crashes (denial of service)‏ • Address violations • Divide by zero • Assertion checks • Low overhead, no false positives • Constraint violations are not an attack! • Attack locations are sent to central server • Framework supports additional detectors • Unusual code execution • Heap consistency checker • User complaints

  15. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 call br Memory Firewall as Detector ENTER • Monitoring is simple • Port monitoring or system call monitoring • Don’t know good guy from bad guy • Only “known criminals” can be identified • Even known bad guys are hard to detect • Encrypted channels • Used by IDS, Application Firewalls HIJACK • “Catch in the act of criminal behavior” • All programs follow strict conventions • ABI (Application Binary Interface)‏ • The Calling Convention (MS/Intel)‏ • Currently no enforcement • All attacks violate some of these conventions COMPROMISE • Monitoring can be done • System call monitoring • Hard to distinguish between actions of a normal program vs. a compromised program • Leads to false positives • Used by “System Call Interception” HIPS systems Make payment Read statement Change prefs ENTER NETWORK Attack Code HIJACK Program Counter 1) NO ABI Violation jmp 2) NO ABI Violation 3) ABI Violation SYSTEM & APPLICATION MEMORY COMPROMISE KERNEL Write Record Update Registry Open port

  16. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Memory Firewall Security Policies • Goal: Closest approximation to programmer intent • Infer Control Flow Graph nodes and edges • ISA requirements – x86 minimal • OS requirements – page RW- • ABI requirements – imports, exports, SEH • Calling conventions (inter-module)‏ • Compiler idiosyncrasies – C, gcc C, C++, VB, Delphi • Restricted Code Origins – Prevent code injection • Restricted Control Transfers • Prevent code reuse attacks • For x86 User mode: • RET • IND CALL • IND JUMP

  17. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Logging - Correlate constraints and attacks • Logging is enabled for constraints related to the attack across the community • Overhead is low • only related constraints are enabled for logging • distribute logging over the community • Send results to a central server for analysis • A critical constraint is one that is violated if and only if there is an attack • Repairs are created for each critical constraint • There may be more than one possible repair for each constraint

  18. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Attack / repair example • Attack exploits the C++ implementation of a Javascript system routine • The type of the Javascript argument is not checked. • System routine casts to a C++ object, calls a virtual method • The object has a virtual table entry that points to injected code • Violated constraint is found at the method call • JSRI Address is in a set of legal method addresses • Possible repairs • Ignore the call • Call one of the known valid methods • Return early • No repair

  19. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Evaluate repairs • Server creates patches for each possible repair for each correlated constraint • Server distributes each patch to a subset of the community • When a patch is activated (the constraint is violated), the community member evaluates it and sends the results to the central server • Is the attack avoided? • Does the program exhibit other problems? • Central server analyzes results • The most successful patch is distributed and other patches are abandoned

  20. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited - Case 9649 Conclusion • Critical vulnerabilities are recognized • Code injection • Denial of service • Framework can be extended to other detectors • Vulnerability is closed (repaired)‏ • This attack will fail in the future • Overhead is low • Detector overhead is low • Only constraints associated with attacks are logged • Effective on legacy x86 binaries

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