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This project focuses on building a robust evidence base on migration impacts and policy options by analyzing data from the Migrant Journey 2004 cohort. It aims to draw out detailed stories to understand immigration statuses, social impacts, and policy effectiveness. The analysis includes assessing the impacts of policy changes on skilled workers, students, family routes, and tier-based settlements. Stakeholder engagement and expert panels contribute to the decision-making process, ensuring that evidence-based policies are presented clearly for government and public consumption. Furthermore, the project evaluates the effectiveness of family return processes and initiatives for early legal advice and support. Through consultations and data compilation, this initiative seeks to provide valuable insights for informed policy decisions.
Building the evidence base on migration, impacts and policy options. Chris Attwood Home Office Science: Migration and Border Analysis
Analysis to make best use of the data available Data matching: Migrant Journey 2004 cohort - immigration status in 2009, five years after their initial visa, by route Achato et al, 2011
... by drawing out detailed stories. Immigration statuses at end 2009 for those entering through family route in 2004, top countries Immigration statuses at end 2009 for those entering through work (leading to settlement) route in 2004, top countries. ..... But analysis is only as good as the data available.
Long term research answering strategic questions Building on earlier work across OGDs and MAC’s national report .... Migration typology of local authorities What are the social impacts of migration? Expert ‘delphi’ panel Stakeholder engagement On-line panel
Impacts of new policy Impact Assessments clearly present to Government and the Public the evidence on costs, benefits, risks and other impacts of a policy. IAs also assist in the continuous process of monitoring, feedback + evaluation. Tier 2 limits: assessing impacts of introducing a limit of 20,700 for skilled workers. Student reforms: assessing impacts of reforms to tighten up and reduce abuse in the student immigration system. Immigration application fees: understanding the impacts of changes in immigration fees on application volumes Family reforms: assessing impacts of reforms to reduce abuse of the family route, improve integration of family migrants, and reduce burdens on the state. Consultation on reform to the Code for the Office for Immigration Service Commissioner Tier 2 settlement changes: assessing impacts of introducing a minimum salary threshold for Tier 2 migrants reaching settlement. Tier 5 + Overseas Domestic Workers: assessing impacts of changing the rules for temporary workers and domestic workers.
Piloting policy development Early Legal Advice Pilot: increasing quality of decisions, reducing volume of appeals, improving efficiency of asylum system. Asylum application Referral to Legal Representative Case management appointment Witness Statement Pre-interview discussion Interview Post interview discussion DECISION
Consulting on evidenced based policy options Compiling evidence bases and running public consultations .... T2 limits Families Students Forced marriage Work routes to settlement, tier 5, Overseas Domestic Workers
Evaluating policy changes Evaluating Family Returns Process to understand effectiveness in managing returns Decision making: new initiatives around early legal advice, family key workers, compacts, community sponsors • Evaluated using .... • Management information, National Statistics; • Interviews with families; • Interviews with staff + contractors; • Interviews with Independent panel; • Interviews with NGOs. Assisted return: family return conference to discuss barriers to return, family welfare / medical issues, Assisted Voluntary Return. Required return: families have option of self check-in removal and managing their own return. Ensured return: Panel advises on most suitable method of ensured return based on child safeguarding + welfare.