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By ordering school lunch online, parents can be more confident that their students will receive the correct school lunch choice when they arrive at school that day. They can also order ahead of time at their convenience. Foodservice providers can more easily manage the many lunch orders they get every day with this school lunch software.
Thedigitaltransformationhastakenmanyorganizationstothe21st century.Byimplementingschoollunchsoftware,yourschoollunch program can become modernized as well. The pandemic and the need for social distancing in schools has only exacerbated the need to bring school lunch programs online. Many schoolsacross North America have implemented a school lunch software, improving efficiency, safety, and customersatisfaction. Traditionalschoollunchsystemsarenolongereffectiveforparents and foodservice providers alike. Paper order forms and cash can easily get misplaced and are a hassle to regularly fill out. By orderingschoollunchonline,parentscanbemoreconfidentthat their students will receive the correct school lunch choice when theyarriveatschoolthatday.Theycanalsoorderaheadoftimeat their convenience. Foodservice providers can more easilymanage the many lunch orders they get every day with this school lunch software. ForParents: Parents enjoy the benefits of HotLunch.com because it gives them morecontrolandflexibilityovertheirchild’sschoollunch.Theycan browse detailed menus online that contain nutritional and allergy information. They make selections on the website or app ahead of time to ensure that their child will receive the correct school lunch choice all week long. They can do this on the go, at work, or from the comfort of their home. Some parents may have children who attend different schools, if each school utilizes the same school lunch software, they will have the ability to order for each student using the sameplatform.
For Food ServiceProviders: Shifting to a school lunch software can improve efficiency for foodservice providers. The system can be used to track orders comingin,prepareforeachdayofschoollunch,andplanforfuture orders.HotLunch.comcanautomatereportsthatkeeptrackofhow much supply has been used and how much supply needs to be ordered to accommodate future lunches. Reports can also be generated to keep track of accounting and can be downloaded to match existing accountingformats. Forfoodserviceprovidersthatworkwithmultipleschools,theycan streamline decisions across all of the systems of all of the schools they work with. They can also make specifications for each school as necessary such as adding logos and customized school colors. A school lunch software also makes it easier for foodservice providers to communicate with parents. They can sendmass
emails using the app with easy-to-use templates to keep parents informed. For Social Distancing: Manyschoolshaveadoptedaclassroom-baseddistributionsystem to reduce contact that comes from crowded cafeterias and lunch lines. Instead, staff will deliver lunch directly to a student’s classroom. By hand, it could take hours to sort which student belongs to which classroom and match that student to their lunch order. With HotLunch.com, this process can be automated, saving time and resources. While social distancing continues to be a priority, this feature can improve the safety of students while at school. When lunch lines are re-introduced, a school lunch software can improvewaittimeinthelunchline.Studentswillreceivetheirlunch bysimplystatingtheirnameandIDnumberinsteadofhandingover paper order forms and cash payments. Shorter lunch lines benefit both students andstaff. Visit hotlunch.com to learn more about the benefits of schoollunch software or email sales@hotlunch.comto schedule a demo of the software.