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Indigenous & Community Conserved Territories & Areas (ICCAs ) in Iran

The territories of Mobile Indigenous Peoples of Iran– reclaiming rights for governance and conservation. Indigenous & Community Conserved Territories & Areas (ICCAs ) in Iran. ICCAs for biodiversity in development cooperation EuropeAid-Iran Peongchang, Republic of Korea, 13 October, 2014

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Indigenous & Community Conserved Territories & Areas (ICCAs ) in Iran

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  1. The territories of Mobile Indigenous Peoples of Iran– reclaiming rights for governance and conservation Indigenous& Community Conserved Territories & Areas (ICCAs)in Iran ICCAs for biodiversity in development cooperation EuropeAid-Iran Peongchang, Republic of Korea, 13 October, 2014 Taghi Farvar & Nahid Naghizadeh, CENESTA, UNINOMAD, & ICCA Consortium

  2. Land Use in Iran A vast country in Southwest Asia, at the world’s arid belt Total land: 165,000,000 ha (1,650,000 km2) • Rangelands 85,000,000 ha (52%) • Forests ≈15,000,000 ha (9%) • Agricultural lands ≈18,000,000 (11%) • Other lands mostly deserts and urban/ industrial areas ≈47,000,000 (28%) • 700 Indigenous Nomadic tribes spread over 32 million hectares of the country’s rangelands– nearly 40 % of the total, & some half of the forest areas

  3. Ethno-linguistic diversity

  4. 3. Strengthening conserved territories (ICCAs) and using their features, including buffer zones preserved for times of drought

  5. Changes in governance in the past centuryThe ancestral territories of indigenous nomadic tribes of Iran have been under attack since the 1920s, when the autocratic father of the Shah of Iran began sedentarisation at gunpoint. His son “nationalised” the territories by decree, and now there is massive land grabbing by both private and public sectors for refineries, factories, military bases, ecotourism and agricultural projects, large dams and roads and state-run “protected areas”.... Historic events in Iran affecting nomadic indigenous territories

  6. Diagram classifying different range utilization modes currently existing in the former tribal customary territories (pre-agrarian reforms).

  7. Some 700 tribes and tribal confederacies in Iran (in the form of 100 tribal confederacies and 600 independent tribes “1.5 -2.0 million population”)

  8. The ICCA Recognition Process Ecological Integrity Governance Integrity Territorial Integrity

  9. Empowering Iran’s indigenous nomadic tribes: Towards poverty eradication and nature conservation through diversification of income and wealth generation activities and the promotion of ICCAs

  10. Re-empowerment process of IPs and LCs in Iran

  11. Relationship between conservation, biodiversity and ICCAs: (1) World Conservation Strategy. Gland, Switzerland. IUCN, WWF and UNEP, 1980. (2) Convention on Biological Diversity. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 1992. (3) See the website: www.iccaforum.org. The ICCA Consortium is an organisation whose members are indigenous peoples, local traditional communities and other organisations dedicated to supporting conservation by indigenous peoples and traditional communities. CENESTA is a founding member of the ICCA Consortium. The Chair of CENESTA is currently the President of the Consortium.

  12. Community ICCA Declaration for each ICCA— Farrokh-vand Tribe of Bakhtiari TC

  13. Participatory GIS and Participatory hand-drawn map of Migration routes- Shahsevan Tribal ConfederacyDespite much destruction of the migratory routes, traditional forms of migration are still practiced, albeit with difficulties

  14. Schematic representation of invasion of community rights over natural resources in indigenous nomadic customary territories- Shaseven TC

  15. PGIS & PMapping Bakhtiari Tribal Confederacy

  16. PGIS & PMapping Qashqai Tribal Confederacy Kushk-e-Zar Wetland

  17. Examples of ICCAs in Iran Forest ICCA: in Kurdistan Tribal summering grounds: highland forests Inverted Tulips Plain: Bakhtiari tribal territory Wetland in Qashqai Territory Migration as a conservation Strategy in Nomadic ICCAs Sustainable Trapping in managed Bird Sanctuary ICCA Camel ICCA in Desert

  18. Developing a system for registering Community Biodiversity Registers (CBRs) for wild and domestic flora and fauna

  19. Community Biodiversity Registers (CBRs) and Protocols (CBPs) In view of the CBD Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing

  20. The role of ICCAs in conservation of nature and sustaining the livelihoods of their respective communities and peoples Conservation of Wildlife Dairy Products Community Based Ecotourism Innovative Strategy to Cope with Drought

  21. Towards formalising the acceptance and recognition of ICCAs Advocacy, networking and fostering recognition of ICCAs with high level policy and decision makers to meet national obligation: Aichi Targets, using tools such as NBSAP-2, POWPA Element 2 and the IUCN new Matrix of Protected Areas; Reviewing, promoting and reversing inappropriate policies and programmes at all levels and decentralisation of governance systems of protected areas and natural resources; Advocacy and promotion of ICCAs at regional and international level through ICCA Consortium, CBD, UNDP/GEF, UNEP WCMC, UNCCD, UNFCCC etc.

  22. Towards formalising the acceptance and recognition of ICCAs Re-empowerment/ Capacity buildingof Indigenous and local communities and strengthening their fundamental role to meet Aichi Targets Facilitation and establishment of local, regional and national networks, federations and unions among indigenous peoples and local communities with respect to their customary rules and regulations and governance system of their related ICCAs Linkage between IPs and LCs institutions at regional and international levels based on common global objectives of ICCAs

  23. taghi@cenesta.org nahid@cenesta.org www.cenesta.org www.iccaconsortium.org

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