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Subcutaneous fat loss is greater than visceral fat loss with diet and exercise, weight-loss promoting drugs, and bariatric surgery. A critical review and meta-analysis Claudia Merlotti, Valerio Ceriani, Alberto Morabito, Antonio E. Pontiroli Supplemental appendix. r 2 =0.48, p<0.001.
Subcutaneous fat loss is greater than visceral fat loss with diet and exercise, weight-loss promoting drugs, and bariatric surgery. A critical review and meta-analysis Claudia Merlotti, Valerio Ceriani, Alberto Morabito, Antonio E. Pontiroli Supplemental appendix
r2=0.48, p<0.001 r2=0.68, p<0.001 r2=0.86, p<0.001 r2=0.76, p<0.001 r2=0.73, p<0.001 r2=0.52, p<0.001 Supplemental Figure 1. Regressions of changes of visceral (DELTAVATAREA) and subcutaneous (DELTASATAREA) fat area as a function of changes of body mass index (DELTABMI) and of waist circumference (DELTAWAIST); mutual regressions of DELTAVATAREA as a function of DELTASATAREA, and of visceral (DELTAPESOVAT) as a function of subcutaneous (DELTAPESOSAT) fat weight.
r2=0.89, p<0.001 r2=0.76, p<0.001 r2=0.45, p=0.001 r2=0.25, p<0.05 r2=0.63, p<0.001 r2=0.57, p<0.001 Supplemental Figure 2. Regressions of changes of fat mass (DELTAFM) as a function of DELTABMI and of DELTAWAIST; regressions of changes of insulin (DELTAINS) as a function of change of DELTABMI, of DELTAWAIST, of DELTAVATAREA, and of DELTASATAREA.
Supplemental Figure 3. Meta-analysis: change of visceral and subcutaneous fat volume. Meta-regression as a funtion of percentage of women in studies. % women . metareg _ES females, wsse(_seES) graph Meta-regression Number of obs = 6 REML estimate of between-study variance tau2 = 0 % residual variation due to heterogeneity I-squared_res = 0.00% Proportion of between-study variance explained Adj R-squared = 100.00% With Knapp-Hartung modification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ES | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- females | -.0247497 .0027583 -8.97 0.001 -.0324078 -.0170916 _cons | .2192799 .1201989 1.82 0.142 -.1144458 .5530056 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Supplemental Figure 4.Meta-analysis: change of visceral and subcutaneous fat weight.. Meta-regression as a funtion of baseline waist circumference. . metareg _ES waistprei, wsse(_seES) graph Meta-regression Number of obs = 10 REML estimate of between-study variance tau2 = 0 % residual variation due to heterogeneity I-squared_res = 0.00% Proportion of between-study variance explained Adj R-squared = 100.00% With Knapp-Hartung modification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ES | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- waistprei | -.0791062 .0125735 -6.29 0.001 -.1081008 -.0501116 _cons | 7.761179 1.344742 5.77 0.000 4.660199 10.86216 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ waist circumference
Supplemental Figure 5. Meta-analysis: change of visceral and subcutaneous fat weight. Meta-regression as a funtion of change of subcutaneous fat. SC weight change . metareg _ES DELTAPESOSATi, wsse(_seES) graph Meta-regression Number of obs = 15 REML estimate of between-study variance tau2 = 0 % residual variation due to heterogeneity I-squared_res = 0.00% Proportion of between-study variance explained Adj R-squared = 100.00% With Knapp-Hartung modification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ES | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- DELTAPESOSATi | -.1767542 .0180412 -9.80 0.001 -.2157299 -.1377786 _cons | -.0092525 .112128 -0.08 0.935 -.2514904 .2329854 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Supplemental Figure 6.Meta-analysis: change of visceral and subcutaneous fat weight. Meta-regression as a funtion of change of waist circumference. waist circumference change . metareg _ES DELTAWAISTi, wsse(_seES) graph Meta-regression Number of obs = 9 REML estimate of between-study variance tau2 = .02192 % residual variation due to heterogeneity I-squared_res = 9.38% Proportion of between-study variance explained Adj R-squared = 94.77% With Knapp-Hartung modification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ES | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- DELTAWAISTi | -.1066454 .0249239 -4.28 0.004 -.1655811 -.0477097 _cons | .0011662 .2618533 0.00 0.997 -.6180185 .6203509 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------