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Managing SPP Resources: System Resource Manager (SRM). Fred Kuhns fredk@arl.wustl.edu Applied Research Laboratory Washington University in St. Louis. Common Definitions and Types.
Managing SPP Resources:System Resource Manager (SRM) Fred Kuhns fredk@arl.wustl.edu Applied Research Laboratory Washington University in St. Louis
Common Definitions and Types • For all commands the message context ID is used to identify the context within which a command is to be executed. • The special value of 0 (cid = 0) indicates a privileged operation performed by the substrate. • Otherwise the context ID is an identifier indicating a user specific context in which the command is to be interpreted and executing. In most cases this is the Global Fastpath ID. • See presentation titled Types.ppt
NATD Interface • [egress_map, ingress_map] get_sched_map(ipAddr_t link, hwaddr_t board) • Message context ID = 0. sched_map_t { qmID_t qmID; // 2-bit QM identifier schID_t schID; // 3-bit qm relative scheduler identifier qid_t qid; // 16-bit queue identifier statID_t sindx; // Stats Index vlanID_t vid; // VLAN identifier } Return: egress_map: sched_map_t ingress_map: sched_map_t Arguments: link: Interface IP address (aka external IP) board: Board/Device MAC Address
Reserving Fastpath Resources See Types.ppt for type definition and mapping to substrate API, message context ID = 0. Reserve resources for 0..N fastpaths (on NPEs) and 0..1 GPEs • retCode_t make_reservation(plabID, rsvRecord_t) Update an existing reservation, note because all operations need to be idempotent the update argument includes all required resources. • retCode_t update_reservation(plabID_t, rsvRecord_t) Cancel any reservation overlapping date_t • retCode_t cancel_reservation(plabID_t, date_t) Return any reservation (belonging to slice) that overlaps with date_t • rsvRecord_t? get_reservation(plabID_t, date_t) Return a list of all reservations associated with calling slice • rsvRecord_t* get_reservations(plabID_t)
Allocating Fast-path Instance • fastpath_t alloc_fastpath(plabID_t, copt, bwspec, rcnts, mem) • Message context ID = 0 plabID_t: GPE/PlanetLab slice identifier uint16_t copt: code option type. {IPv4=1,I3=2} struct bwspec {bw_t bw-firm, bw-soft;} struct rcnts {cnt_t fltrs, queues, buffers, stats;} struct mem {cnt_t sram, dram;}// Requested size of SRAM and DRAM in Bytes struct fastpath_t { fpid_t fpid;// fastpath id assigned by srm, used as context ID in future messagesvlan_t vlan;// VLAN id to associate with fp’s logical interfaceipAddr_t fpIP;// IP address of logical fp’s interface on GPEipAddr_t npeIP;// IP address for fp’s data interface on NPEipAddr_t fpNM;// Netmask of fp’s logical interfaceipAddr_t scdIP;// IP address for fp’s assigned SCDipPort_t scdPort;// UDP Port number for fp’s assigned SCDhwaddr_t npeMAC;}// NPE MAC address • bw-firm: Expresses the required aggregate processing resources in terms of BW, units are Kbps. • bw-soft: This is just a hint as to the expected maximum processing resources required. Resources are not actually allocated to the fastpath, rather the system uses this number for load balancing best-effort fastpaths across the available NPEs.. • Actions required to allocate code option instance and resources: • Select NPE • Load balance across available NPEs • Must have sufficient resources (SRAM, TCAM space, queues, etc) • Either allocates requested resources or returns error • Keeps memory map of SRAM so can perform allocation, though the absolute starting address is not required. • If compaction is necessary then must communicate with SCD directly. • Allocate VLAN and configure switch. • Send commands to SCD on NPE • set_fastpath(fpid, copt, VLAN, TParams, Mem[]) • set_sched_params(sid(gpe) GPE_MIID, GPE_BW_MAX*, GPE_BW_MIN) • set_fpmi_bw(fpid, sid(gpe), GPE_MIID, GPE_BW_MIN) • set_encap_gpe(fpid, gpeIP(fpid), npeIP(fpid)) Deprecated
Releasing a fast-path instance • retCode_t free_fastpath() • Message context ID = Global fastpath ID (fpid) • Send command to SCD on NPE • set_sched_params(sid(gpe),GPE_MIID, GPE_BW_MAX*, GPE_BW_MIN) • retCode_t set_fpmi_bw(fpid, sid(gpe), GPE_MIID, 0) • set_encap_gpe(fpid, 0, 0) • rem_fastpath(fpid) Deprecated
Instantiate Fastpath and/or Slowpath reservations • All resource allocation methods operate on the currently active reservation (i.e. must be used during the interval of time when a reservation is valid). • If free is not called then all resources are automatically freed when reservation expires. allocate any GPE/Slice resources reserved in the current interval • retCode_t alloc_plspec(plabID_t) instantiate the “current” fastpath reservation with name fpName • fpInfo_t alloc_fpspec(plabID_t, name_t fpName=“”) • if only one fastpath then the fpName parameter can be omitted. free any GPE specific resources currently allocated to slice. • retCode_t free_plspec(plabID_t) Destroys fastpath instance, releasing meta-interfaces and NPE resources. • retCode_t free_fpspec() • Message context ID set to the Global fastpath ID
Managing Interfaces Reserve Aggregate Interface BW for slice (traffic to/from GPE). • retcode resrv_slice_ifbw(plabID, bw, ifn) Release slice interface BW reservation for GPE • retcode reles_slice_ifbw(plabID, bw, ifn) Reserve aggregate Interface BW for indicated fastpath • retcode resrv_fpath_ifbw(bw, ifn) • message context ID = fpid Release Aggregate Interface BW allocation for indicated fastpath • retcode reles_fpath_ifbw(bw, ifn) • message context ID = fpid Deprecated
System Interfaces, Addresses and Ports Get list of available interfaces • if_list get_interfaces(plabID) • Message context ID = 0. • if_list = {ifAttr_t, ...} ifAttr_t { ifn_t ifn; // Interface number ifType_t type; // {Multi-Access = 0, Point-to-Point = 1} ipAddr_t ipaddr; // Interface/Link IP address ipAddr_t linkBW; // Raw (Gross) interface (link) BW bw_t availBW; // Available (Net) interface (link) BW } • if type = point-to-point then may call get_ifpeer() Map interface IP address to interface number. • ifn_t get_ifn(plabID_t, ipAddr_t) Get updated interface attributes • ifAttr_t get_ifattrs(plabID_t, ifn_t) Get the IP address of point-to-point link’s peer node (SPP peer). • ipAddr_t get_ifpeer(plabID_t, ifn_t)
Managing Externally Visible Address for GPE Traffic • Message context ID set to 0, plabID used to identify Slice making request • Managing bandwidth: • SRM: verifies slice meta-interfaces and queues do not exceed interface allocations • SRM: Notifies SCD of per Scheduler slice limits Allocate a local endpoint for slice (linecard directs matching traffic to the corresponding GPE) • epInfo_t alloc_endpoint(plabID_t, epInfo_t) • Message context ID = 0. Release allocated endpoint (linecard filters removed and address added bac kto available pool of addresses tuples). • retCode_t free_endpoint(plabID_t, epoint_t) • Message context ID = 0
Internal Interfaces for NAT map{bw_t bw; # Kbps ipAddr_t ipaddr; # local interface IP address ipPort_t port; # if TCP/UDP and 0 then allocate ipProto_t proto; # TCP/UDP,ICMP dw1_t smac}; # low order 8 bits of source mac • {fid, port} alloc_epmap(map) • Message context ID = 0. • Allocate endpoint and add LC TCAM filter to send pkts to GPE. • retCode_t free_epmap(fid) • Message context ID = 0. • Allocate endpoint and add LC TCAM filter to send pkts to GPE. Deprecated
Allocating Meta-Interfaces (tunnel endpoint) • Common Types ep {uint32_t bw, uint32_t ipaddr; uint16_t port; uint8_t proto} dw2_t mi: Meta-interface number for an endpoint. Interface numbers start at 0. • [mi, ep] alloc_tunnel(bw, ipaddr, tunnel_type, params) Not implemented • [mi, ep] alloc_udp_tunnel(bw, ipaddr, port) Message context Id = fpid uint8_t tunnel_type : must be one of {UDP = 0} uint32_t bw: (Minimum guaranteed) BW assigned to endpoint, Kbps uint32_t ipaddr: External IP address of endpoint/tunnel. There is a 1-to-1 relationship between links and ip addresses. uint16_t port: External UDP port number • Actions required to allocate code option instance and resources: • verify requested address is available, assign port if necessary (port == 0) • Allocate new meta-interface ID • allocate and assign filter id for ingress and egress TCAM • Lookup existing or allocate qid for ingress and/or egress • Send command to SCD on Line Card Ingress • set_sched_params(sid(fabric,NPE), ifn(fabric), BW*, BWmin) • set_queue_sched(qid, sid(fabric,NPE)) • set_queue_params(qid, threshold, bw) • write_fltr(dbid_ingress, fid, key_ingress, mask, result_ingress) • write_fltr(dbid_egress, fid, key_egress, mask, result_egress) • Send commands to Line Card Egress • set_sched_params(sid(link), ifn(link), BW*, BWmin) • set_queue_sched(qid, sid(link)) • set_queue_params(qid, threshold, bw) • Send command to SCD on NPE • set_sched_params(sid(link, miid), ifn(fabric), BW*, BWmin) • set_fpmi_bw(fpid, sid(link, miid), miid, bw*) • ep get_endpoint(mi) Message context Id = fpid Deprecated
Releasing Meta-Interfaces • Common Types ep {uint32_t bw, uint32_t ipaddr; uint16_t port; uint8_t proto} uint_t mi: Meta-interface number for an endpoint. Interface numbers start at 0. • retCode_t free_tunnel(ipaddr, tunnel_type, params)retCode_t free_udp_tunnel(ipaddr, port) • Message context Id = fpid. uint32_t ipaddr: External IP address of endpoint/tunnel uint16_t port: External UDP port number • Actions required to allocate code option instance and resources: • Send command to SCD on Line Card Ingress • set_sched_params(sid(fabric,NPE), ifn(fabric), BW*, BWmin) • set_queue_params(qid, threshold, bw) • rem_fltr_byfid(dbid_ingress, fid) • rem_fltr.fid(dbid_egress) • Send commands to Line Card Egress • set_sched_params(sid(link), ifn(link), BW*, BWmin) • set_queue_params(qid, threshold, bw) • Send command to SCD on NPE • set_sched_params(sid(link, miid), ifn(fabric), BW*, BWmin) • set_fpmi_bw(fpid, sid(link, miid), miid, bw*) Deprecated
Allocating Meta-Interfaces (tunnel endpoint) --- Simplified interface, see steps from deprecated slides --- Allocate local Address for Slice’s fastpath (MI) and forward to NPE, will also reserve sufficient aggregate BW on corresponding internal and external interfaces. • [miID_t, epInfo_t] alloc_udp_tunnel(bw_t, ipAddr_t, ipPort_t) • Message context ID set to the global fastpath ID • It is an error if the sum of requested BW exceeds the reserved fastpath BW. • Adds one end of a UDP tunnel, treated as a meta-interface for a fast path instance. • if port = 0 then one is allocated from the free pool • Returns the meta-interface number representing the new endpoint Release BW and Address associated with corresponding meta-interface • retCode_t free_udp_tunnel(ipAddr_t, ipPort_t) Map meta-interface ID to corresponding externally visible address tuple • epInfo_t get_endpoint(miID_t) • mi must be a valid meta-interface ID returned from a call to alloc_udp_tunnel
Interfaces VLAN maps System tables ifn:{type,ipaddr,linkBW,availBW} range:{start,end} ... free {...} endpoint (port) maps resvMap availMap usedMaps xsidMap GPE controlIP Slices BWmaps endpoint references servMap resvMap Per Slice Tables vlan xsid plabID NPE Table id:{addr,BW/Port,copts,fltrs,sram,Qs} ... NPE (allocated) meta-ifaces sram {start,size} #flts mi:endpoint ... board ID #Qs BW #Stats gpe board id BW plab sliceID Classes and Tables Slice Table xsid plabID Mappings: plabID to Entry xsid to Enry Entry: {plabID, xsid, gpe, npe, MI} GPE: {GPE object reference, BW, EPs, ??} NPE: {NPE object reference, vlan bw, sram, fltrs, qs, stats} MI: {EP object reference, ID}