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So I wrote a behavior plan…

So I wrote a behavior plan…. Now What????. Data Driven. Collect baseline data Use data to drive decision Limit what you are collecting data on Keep it simple. Input. Collaborate with regular education teachers What are their concerns? What is most pressing of their concerns? When?

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So I wrote a behavior plan…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. So I wrote a behavior plan… Now What????

  2. Data Driven Collect baseline data Use data to drive decision Limit what you are collecting data on Keep it simple

  3. Input • Collaborate with regular education teachers • What are their concerns? • What is most pressing of their concerns? • When? • Where? • Why? • Be cognizant of the teacher’s feelings

  4. Degree of Misbehavior Does the behavior impede learning? Annoying Disruptive Destructive Where does it happen, where does it not happen Safeguard student, other students, and staff

  5. Function Avoid something • Work • Environment • Interaction • Frustration • Negative personal feelings Get something • Attention • Control • Power • Relieve feelings of inadequacy

  6. Are there clear expectations for the student? • Does the child understand what you want them to do? • Replacement behavior • Reinforcement schedule How behavior will be reinforced? When it will be reinforced? • Consequences

  7. Are there clear expectations for the Teacher? Does the teacher understand what you want them to do? Replacement behavior Reinforcement schedule Need for training Data collection who how how often

  8. The two “P” words Positive Punitive Suppresses behavior Punishment Catch them being bad Attention for bad things Reinforces bad actions • Changes behavior • Consequences • Catch them being good • Attention in good ways • Reinforces good actions

  9. Components of a plan KISS-Keep It Simple Silly Choose 2-3 things to work on at a time Match data collection to intervention plan Do FBA Do task analysis Compliance before academics No power struggles Fluidity Its not my way or the highway Give student choices and some control

  10. It is not about fair or equal! It is about what each child needs.

  11. Is the plan being implemented? Any one doing it? Everyone doing it? Copies of behavior plan/interventions to everyone who needs it. If won’t or can’t; why? Are additional resources needed? Fluidity

  12. Is the plan implemented correctly? • Consistent • Concise • Simple • Modeling (Capacity building) • Training • Data collection • Timely • Accurate

  13. Is the Reinforcement appropriate? • Positive behavior supports • Consequences • Reinforcement inventory • Based on interests • Something the child is willing to work for. • Clearly defined • Contracts • Sentence strips

  14. Does the Reinforcement schedule need to be changed? Reinforcement frequency Start more frequent Then fade Varying levels of reinforcement Buy back

  15. What are we trying to accomplish? Decrease a behavior Increase a behavior

  16. Teach Students Explicitly teach behavior Social stories Concise and succinct Teachers Clear expectations Positive

  17. Managing Different Types of Behavior CICO (Check in, Check out) Social Skills Anger management Compliance School wide positive behavior FBA Counseling Outside agencies Plan for home and school

  18. CICO as an intervention Usually part of a MTSS behavior plan Tier II Can be an individual behavior intervention Data

  19. Why CICO? Drop out prevention PBS Build relationships Helps students achieve success

  20. Daily Progress Report

  21. Other Types of Behavior Management Social skills Number of different curriculums out there Needs to fit the situation teach replacement behavior Part of SWPBIS Don’t assume they know Reinforce appropriate behavior 5+=1-

  22. Other Types of Behavior Management Anger management Age appropriate Part of social skills www.angriesout.com Counselor

  23. Other Types of Behavior Management Compliance Comes before academics Patience On your side—boredom and wanting to be with others Buy back

  24. Other Types of Behavior Management FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment) ABC’s of Behavior Antecedent Behavior Consequence Also: Setting events Priming

  25. Data Collecting Progress monitoring Valid Reliable Fidelity of data

  26. Data, what does it tell me? Review the data Regular collection Missing data Evaluate/ analyze data Look for patterns Corrections that need to be made

  27. How long has the plan been in place? Extinction burst Give it time to work Honeymoon period Things will get worse before they get better

  28. Extinction Burst It gets worse before it gets better!

  29. Feeling Frustrated! Breathe Reevaluate Make changes as needed Talk to someone Things will get better Cheerlead Remember: This too shall pass.

  30. Thanks Marcy Fierstein

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