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“THE SHOOTING STAR”. Sept. 2011. Pleasant Hill Academy Newsletter. “MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL”
“THE SHOOTING STAR” Sept. 2011 Pleasant Hill Academy Newsletter “MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL” Our Vision: In pursuit of “Excellence” Pleasant Hill Academy will provide a holistic experience; which embraces the “Going Green” concept. The staff, parents and community will ensure that all students are academically, socially and environmentally prepared to reach their maximum potential to become productive citizens. Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome back to Pleasant Hill Academy – I hope everyone enjoyed their summer vacation! As you may already know, I am the new Principal, Ms. Shauna McDowell. I would also like to welcome some new staff members to Pleasant Hill: Dr. Eugene Smith, Assistant Principal, Mrs. Theresa Tubbs-Robinson, Intervention Specialist, Mrs. Jill Sheeketski, Intervention Specialist, Mr. Clinton Luke, Intervention Specialist, Mr. Khail Abdus-Saboor, Grade 8 Math Teacher, Mrs. Sarah Maurer, School Psychologist and Ms. Deborah McGowan, Librarian. We are looking forward to a more productive school year with combined efforts of everyone working together for the benefit of the children. Our school day hours are 7:45 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. and breakfast hours are from 7:15-7:45 a.m. Our after school tutoring programs are going to be implemented again this school year. Mrs. Paula Sherman, After-School Coordinator will contact parents and students that will be encouraged and invited to participate in this year’s program. This year because of funding, students are going to be selected according to academic requirements. Throughout the school year, your child’s teacher and I will be making a specific effort to stay in touch with you. We will keep you informed of your child’s progress and of school activities. Look for the Wednesday folder that will come home each week, monthly newsletters, invitations, updates, tips and reminders. Pleasant Hill’s music teacher, Mrs. Elaina Stevenson received the VH-1 band grant. The grant will afford the opportunity for 6th and 7th grade students to participate in receiving a band class during the school day. Instruments will be provided to the school for the students to use. Pleasant Hill will also have a band teacher that will teach the students how to read music, play the instrument and how to perform. There will be information given to the students that are interested. We have two evenings set aside for “Open House.” Our first Back to School Night will be on Thursday, September 8th at 6:00 p.m.-8:00p.m. The second one is Thursday, October 5th at 6:00p.m.-7:00p.m. On both evenings parents will meet in the cafeteria first. The evenings will begin with a few brief introductions and an update of Pleasant Hill followed by a visit to your child’s classroom to meet his/her teachers. Parents your active participation is needed this year on the PTO (parent teacher organization). This year, the staff and I again look forward to working with the Pleasant Hill PTO. Parents your voice and active participation is truly desirable. Active parents can make changes for the betterment of your child’s education. Visible and vocal parents can cause change to happen. For your information, our school wide goals for the 2011-12 school year are in the areas of reading, math, positive school culture and parent involvement. So expect your child to be challenged to become a better student and productive citizens. The staff and I know our number one priority is the education and welfare of your child. Each and every student and parent is a special part of Pleasant Hill. Your communication with the school and your support of our school is very important to us. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or me whenever you have a question, a concern or need information. Again, welcome to Pleasant Hill Academy for the 2011 – 2012 school year! Sincerely, S. McDowell, Principal mcdowsh@cpsboe.k12.oh.us Page 1
“The Shooting Star” Sept. 2011 IMPORTANT DATES Sept. 7th LSDMC Meeting 5:30pm – 6:30pm Sept. 7th PTO Meeting 6:30pm -7:30pm Sept. 8th Meet the Teachers Night 6pm -8pm Sept. 12th Cycle of Sight Screenings Sept. 12th Bd. Of Education Meeting 7:00pm Sept. 21st District-wide LDSMC 6:30pm-6:00pm Sept. 26th Board of Education Meeting 7:00pm Oct. 5th Open House 6:00pm – 7:00pm Oct. 5th Market Day Order Pick-up Oct. 12th LSDMC Meeting 5:30pm-6:30pm Oct. 12th PTO Meeting 6:30pm-7:30pm MARKET DAY Pleasant Hill Academy is “excited” to announce that we are sponsoring “Market Day” as a monthly fundraiser to support our “Positive School Culture” activities this 2011-2012 school year! Come to “Meet the Teachers Night”, Sept. 8, 2011, to sample products and learn more about Market Day. Our 1st delivery date will be Wednesday, October 5, 2011. Your student will be bringing home more information soon. Contact person is Mrs. Abdullah (Chairperson) 363-4357. Cincy AfterSchool represents the afterschool component of Cincinnati's community learning center movement. A partnership of Cincinnati Public Schools, the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati, and many lead agencies, providers, parents, volunteers and friends. Cincy AfterSchool exists to improve academic achievement and reduce risk- taking behaviors.For more information contact Amber Stewart (513) 363-4366. “NEW” FREE/REDUCED LUNCH APPLICATION FORMS Parents, Please be aware there isanewapplication for students receiving free/reduced lunch for the 2011-2012 school year. Thoroughlyread and complete all sections in “black ink” Forms that are not filled out completely and correct may result in your application being rejected and /or returned, thus delaying your child being processed. The new forms are available in the office. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the office and they will be happy to assist you. 363-4300 CPS Board of Education Meeting Cincinnati Public School Bd. of Education meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month , 7:00pm , 2651 Burnet Ave. in the Education Center auditorium. “GIRLS ON THE RUN” Girls on the Run is a 10 week program for girls grades 3 through 8 that emphasizes self-esteem and fitness. Registration is Sept. 1st – 7th. Twelve (12) students will be selected on a fist-come first-serve basis. Parents of the students selected are required to attend a meeting on Sept. 8, 2011. For more information, please contact Paula Sherman, Head Coach or Tiffany Summerlin at 363-4300 Pleasant Hill PTO Meeting Pleasant Hill PTO meetings are held the 1st Wed. of each month at 6:30pm. Please join us. We need your support! Due to Open House, our next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 12, 2011 L. Dean, PTO Pres. LSDMC (Local School Decision Making Committee) Parents interested in being members and/or officers of the Pleasant Hill Academy 2011-2012 LSDMC, are invited to attend the next meeting on Oct. 12, 2011 at 5:30pm in the school library The District-wide LSDMC meeting will be held Sept. 21, 2011 at Mayer son Academy, Banquet Room, 2650 Highland Ave., 6:30pm-8:00pm. From “A Parent’s Eye-View” Dear Parents, Please share your child’s milestones and achievements, as well as your views on how we are or are not meeting your expectations toward the academic success of our students. I would love to hear from you! Vallerie McGee, Editor velvet2004@zoomtown.com Page 2
“The Shooting Star” Sept. 2011 Welcome to Kindergarten!!! Welcome to the beginning of a successful future of learning through fun and opportunities. We are looking forward to guiding your children during their first year of school. Each day your child will develop better understanding, knowledge, and social skills. It is important to arrive at school on time; school begins at 7:45 and ends at 2:15. All kindergarten students go directly to the library, their teachers will escort the entire class to breakfast so no need to worry that your children will go hungry. Each day builds on the previous days work; missed days will only hinder your child's overall learning experience, so please do not keep your children home unless there is an urgent reason. Homework will be daily, Monday through Thursday. Behavior is a vital component to your child's educational success. Please work with your child's teacher regarding behavior, we only want the best results for a positive learning experience. School and home cooperation goes much further than anything else. Transportation is a key element to your child's security and safety. If you require a change in transportation, a note is required from home prior to the change taking place, otherwise the original transportation will be adhered. If we work together, we will encourage our students to act with compassion, respond with respect, and succeed with pride. Let's have a great year! Sincerely, Pleasant Hill Academy Kindergarten teachers: Ms. McEvoy, Mrs. Dangerfield-Smith, Ms. Henze Pleasant Hill Band Pleasant Hill has been awarded the VH-1 Save the Music Grant--it provides band instruments to our school. Band is open to students in the sixth and seventh grade. We will send home information letters within the next couple of weeks. Thank you!! Elena Stevenson Box Tops = CASH for Pleasant Hill! Mrs. Stevenson, our music teacher, is our school's Coordinator for General Mills Box Tops for Education and Campbell's Soup labels. Pleasant Hill families can raise money for our school just by turning in labels from products they buy. All Pleasant Hill students may bring Box Tops or Campbell's labels to music class when they attend. Mrs. Stevenson is also seeking parent volunteers to help her count and prepare labels. Please call Mrs. Stevenson at 363-4341. Page 3