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Introduction. AfriNIC-10 Cairo, May 2009 Lillian Sharpley. Special Thanks. Local Host. Meeting Sponsors. Agenda overview:. SESSION I (May 20 th , Morning) Corporate Activity Updates IPv6 Session SESSION II (May 20 th , Afternoon) IPv6 Session Cont’ AfriNIC Updates/Projects

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction AfriNIC-10 Cairo, May 2009 Lillian Sharpley

  2. Special Thanks Local Host Meeting Sponsors

  3. Agenda overview: • SESSION I (May 20th , Morning) • Corporate Activity Updates • IPv6 Session • SESSION II (May 20th, Afternoon) • IPv6 Session Cont’ • AfriNIC Updates/Projects • Economics of IXPs • Why Participate in the PDP • SESSION III (May 21st Morning) • Policy Discussions • ICANN/IANA Updates • SESSION IV (May 21st Afternoon) • RIR Updates • Other Updates • Board Election

  4. Fun Social Dinner Smart Village Thursday, May 21, 2009 Thanks to MCIT (The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology) and NTRA for the Sponsorship! Buses will leave the InterContinental & Holiday Inn Hotels Promptly at 6:00 pm

  5. Online Participation • Online participation is available: • Streaming: • http://streaming.afrinic.net:8000/afrinic-10.mp3 • The Chat room to IM is:afrinic10@conference.jabber.org

  6. Important Information • Please turn off your mobile phones or put them on silence. • Make sure you have collected your registration pack. • Headsets require I.D. or Passport. • A Host Master consultation will be available for the two days of this meeting at room 129. • If you are an AfriNIC member, you must be a valid contact or have a proxy letter to collect your ballot at the registration desk.

  7. Discussions on Policies We will spend time discussing policy proposals which are still open. Our are encouraged to contribute and express your opinion!

  8. AfriNIC staff present in Cairo • Adiel A. Akplogan • Alain P. Aina • Duksh Kumar Koonjoobeeharry • Ernest Byaruhanga • Hari Kurup • Kiran Cunniah • Lillian Sharpley • Radha Ramphul • Stephanie Moorghen-Bernon Feel free to approach any of the AfriNIC team members if you have questions or concerns. AfriNIC Staff BoardMembers

  9. Thank you and enjoy the meeting

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