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Active Shooter Workplace Violence. Kentucky State Police Trooper Paul Blanton Public Affairs Branch. What is workplace violence?.
Active ShooterWorkplace Violence Kentucky State Police Trooper Paul Blanton Public Affairs Branch
What is workplace violence? • Refers to violence, usually in the form of physical abuse or threats, that creates a risk to the health and safety of an employee or multiple employees. May also be harassment, intimidation, verbal abuse or other threatening or disruptive behavior. • 2 million assaults and threats of violence occur in the workplace each year. 396,000 assaults, 51,000 rapes, 84,000 robberies
Warning Signs • Red Faced • Pacing • Clenched Jaw or Fist • Shallow Rapid Breaths • Glaring or Avoiding Eye Contact • Exaggerated or Violent Gestures • Change in Voice
What is an active shooter situation? • One or more suspects actively firing weapons in a public place with the intent to kill people in a confined and populated area • 98% act alone • 80% have long guns • 75% have multiple weapons • 90% commit suicide
WHERE CAN THIS OCCUR? • Schools • Hospitals • Factories • Restaurants • Shopping Malls • Government Buildings • Convenience Stores • Sporting events • Public parks • State fair • Military bases • Airports • Public speaking events • Political rally
Why do they do it? Revenge (real or perceived) Disgruntled employee Failed relationship (real or perceived) Political/Religious beliefs Mentally ill Unknown
What is the goal of an active shooter? • Inflict random mass casualties • Target a selected group of people • Target individuals • Attention/Notoriety • Make a statement • Revenge • Unknown
Warning Signs Behavior Change Social Isolation Poor Hygiene Lack of Focus Disregarding Safety Procedures Disrespect to Others Confusion/Distraction Swearing Emotional Statements
Luke Woodham • Killed 2 wounded 7 at Pearl Mississippi High School in October 1997 • Beat and stabbed mother to death prior to the school shooting • Woodham (16) was subdued by the school principal Joel Myrick, a former Army Officer • Myrick asked of his motive and Woodham stated: “Life has wronged me, sir.” • Woodham had planned to drive to the middle school and continue his rampage.
Charles Whitman (25) To whom it may concern. I don’t understand what is compelling me to type this note. I’ve been having fears and violent impulses. I’ve had some tremendous headaches. I intend to kill Kathy. I love her very much. I intend to kill my wife after I pick her up from work. I don’t want her to face the embarrassment that my actions will surely cause. I am prepared to die.
Andrew Engeldinger (36) • Coworkers didn’t notice any unusual behavior prior to the shootings • Parents described him as not having a girlfriend and no known friends 9/27/2012 (Minneapolis, MN) Was fired from his job on for poor performance Responded “Oh, really?” and began shooting employees
Jennifer San Marco (44) • Killed 8 including herself at a California mail processing facility in January 2006. • San Marco had been placed on disability leave due to her bizarre behavior in 2003. • She would scream, shout death threats, and yell profane rap lyrics. She would be seen kneeling and praying on the side of the road. She talked to herself and had an imaginary friend. • She made the statement “I hope they pay.” She often spoke of how the post office had wronged her. • On the day of the killings she shaved her head, missing some spots, where long hair hung in patches. • She told her neighbor “I’m going to be gone for a while.”
Terry Ratzmann (44) • On March 13, 2005 Terry Ratzmann entered a church service in Milwaukee with a 9mm. Handgun and killed seven people, wounded four others, then killed himself. • Ratzmann fired a total of 22 rounds during the killings, stopping once to reload. • Less than one minute elapsed from the first shot to Ratzmanns’ suicide. • Ratzmann had no criminal record, and had never made any threats against anyone.
George Hennard (35) • On October 16, 1991 George Hennard drove his Ford Ranger pickup into the dining area of a Luby’s Restaurant in Killeen, Texas. • Hennard exited the vehicle and began shooting the people inside the restaurant. • Hennard killed a total of 22 people in the restaurant and then killed himself. • Only ten minutes elapsed from the first shot being fired and Hennard’s suicide. • “All women are vipers”
Fort Hood, TX • Major NidalMalikHasan • November 5, 2009 at Soldier Readiness Center • Armed with 5.7 mm pistol and .357 pistol • Killed 13, wounded 31 • He was shot 4 times by responding officers
September 14, 1989: Standard Gravure ShootingsJoseph Wesbecker (47)
Warning Signs • Wesbecker’s Aunt Mildred: “He was upset about things at work and said they will get paid back. He said things like that all the time, and I would agree with him and just listen. You know, it was just a figure of speech. • Co-workers stated that he talked about “coming back and wiping the place out”, and how he was going to “get even with the company.” • Wesbecker told union lawyer Herbert Segal that he was “manic-depressive” and that he believed there were “conspiracies to harass him.” • Wesbecker attempted suicide several times prior to the murders. • Was on long term disability leave at the time of the shooting • 8 dead, 12 injured
Fairchild AFB Spokane, WA • Recommended for discharge 4 times prior to being separated from the service Dean Melberg was discharged from the military for a “Personality Disorder” Returned after being discharged and murdered 5 and wounded 22 at the base hospital
Psychiatrist Park Dietz Mellberg, “exhibited classic signs of a person who would be capable of avenging perceived wrongs with murderous force.” The signs included “threats, anger, paranoia, blaming others for his problems and making repeated demands for outside investigations into his case ... . One of the most common precipitants of (murders in the workplace) is a poorly handled, conventional termination”
Miscellaneous Statistics • First active shooter in U.S. September 6, 1949 in East Camden, New Jersey. (13) • Youngest perpetrator: Dedrick Owens 6 years old. Shot and killed a fellow first grader Kayla Rolland.
Not just an American Problem • ChippaMateane, S. Africa: 08 dead (Village/PD, ‘06) • Erfurt, Germany: 16 dead (School, ‘02) • Paris, France: 08 dead (Town Hall, ‘02) • Zug, Switzerland: 14 dead (Govt. Bldg. ‘01) • Severomorsk, Russia: 08 dead (Navy Sub, ‘98) • Montreal, Canada: 14 dead (University, ‘89) • Bogota, Columbia: 30 dead (Restaurant, ‘86) • Sang-Namdo, South Korea: 57 dead (Village, ‘82) • Natal, Brazil: 17 dead (Village, ‘97) • Port Arthur, Austrailia: 32 dead (Tourist Spot, ‘97) • Dunblane, Scotland: 17 dead (Kindergarten, ‘96) • Auckland, New Zealand: 06 dead (Ski Resort, ‘97) • Utoya, Norway 69 dead (Summer Camp)
Can these attacks be prevented? Violence is the product of an interaction among three factors: the individual who takes violent action; the stimulus or triggering conditions that lead the person to see violence as a ‘way out’ a setting that facilitates or permits the violence, a setting in which there is a lack of intervention
Workplace ViolenceWhat to do… Take all threats seriously Of the 4,547 reported fatal workplace injuries in 2011, 506 were homicides perpetrated by a co-worker Report the incident Workplace violence is the number one reason women die on the job
Criminal Charges Assault (Misdemeanor or Felony) Criminal Mischief (Misdemeanor) Harassment (Violation) Criminal Trespassing (Misdemeanor) Harassing Communication (Misdemeanor) Stalking (Misdemeanor or Felony) Sexual Abuse (Misdemeanor) KRS 202A.028 MDO (72 hour hold)
Active ShooterWhat to do… Run- Get out! Take anyone else who is with you. Grab elderly or disoriented people and exit the area. Hide- Barricade the door, turn off the lights and be quiet. Fight- The exit is blocked, the gunman has found you.