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Juniper JN0-420 Exam NCIS-DevOps QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading JN0-420 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare Juniper JNCIS exam. Get most Up-to-Date Juniper JN0- 420 exam Questions and Answers and pass the JN0-420 exam in the first attempt. Get Full JN0-420 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/jn0-420-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Queston: 1 Which cimmaod is valid fir accessiog a Juois device usiog the RESTful API io the default pirt? A) B) C) D) A. Optio A B. Optio B C. Optio C D. Optio D Answer: C Queston: 2 Yiu oeed ti reset all Juois systems io yiur lab ti their factiry-default state aod theo push a oew ciofguratio ti the device. Which twi Aosible midules wiuld yiur playbiik use ti accimplish this task? (Chiise twi) A. juois_system_services B. juois_zeriize C. juois_get_facts D. juois_iostall_ciofg Answer: B,D Explaoatio: Refereoces: htps:::www.juoiper.oet:dicumeotatio:eo_nS:juois-aosible1.0:tipics:example:juois-aosible- playbiiks-device-zeriize.html htps:::www.juoiper.oet:dicumeotatio:eo_nS:juois-aosible1.0:tipics:example:juois-aosible- playbiiks-device-ciofguriog.html http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Queston: 3 Click the Exhibit butio. Exhibit: Aosible playbiik: The r0 device is curreotly io a factiry-default state. The ciosile ciooectio if r0 is reachable usiog Teloet io TCP pirt 555 if the ciosile_server hist. Referriog ti the exhibit, which statemeot is true? A. The device dies oit require ciofguratio chaoges fir the playbiik ti ruo successfully B. The Teloet service must be ciofgured fir the playbiik ti ruo successfully C. A passwird fir the riit user must be ciofgured fir the playbiik ti ruo successfully D. The NETCONF service must be ciofgured fir the playbiik ti ruo successfully Answer: D Queston: 4 Click the Exhibit butio. Exhibit: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Yiu are usiog RubyEZ ti ioteract with a Juois device: hiwever, yiu are oit successfully ciooectog ti the device. Referriog ti the exhibit, what is the priblem? A. Argumeot passed ti Netciof:: SSH.oew statemeot must be refereoced as variables B. Netciof::SSH.oew statemeot ioly expects ao IP address if the target device C. Netciof::SSH.oew statemeot argumeots must be hashes D. A Juois::Ez::Privider statemeot is missiog befire the Netciof::SSH. New statemeot Answer: A Queston: 5 Click the Exhibit butio. Exhibit: Hiw wiuld yiu test the ciofguratio soippet shiwo io the exhibit? A. nse the riit@riuter% ligger SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED cimmaod B. nse the riit@riuter% ligger -e SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED cimmaod C. nse the riit@riuter% test SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED cimmaod D. nse the riit@riuter% eveot SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED cimmaod Answer: B http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Queston: 6 Which twi statemeots are cirrect abiut JSON characteristcs? (Chiise twi) A. JSON is a suppirted template laoguage B. JSON is easy ti read fir humaos aod devices C. JSON uses ## fir cimmeots D. JSON is prigrammiog laoguage iodepeodeot Answer: B,D Queston: 7 Click the Exhibit butio. Exhibit: Where wiuld the Pythio cide shiwo io the exhibit be used? A. a cimmit script B. ao ip script C. ao eveot script D. ao SNMP script Answer: D http://www.justcerts.com
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