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Explore the essence of translation, from its historical development to the process of becoming a translator, including rates in Turkey.
«War is whathappens when languagefails.» (Margaret Atwood, 1993)
MAIN ISSUES The translationprofession: What it is and what it is not The development of translation and interpreting in brief The process of beinghired as a translator Translation rates and prices in Turkey
Translation is: Translation is not: bilingualism. aboutwords (Hendzel, 2012). just the exchange of words(Den Helder, 2016) • to be fullyaware of linguistic, cultural and socialdifferencesbetween the source and targetlanguage and audience. • to have a goodcommand of theories and practices, and continuouslyread from literature and other fields. • a product since it provides us with other different cultures, to ancient societies and civilization life when the translated texts reach us (Yowell and Mutfah, 1999).
The development of translation and interpreting in brief The practice of translation has been of concern since the very beginning of the 1st century. It was first discussed by Cicero and Horace and gained ground. Today, translationstudies, along with its theories and practices all over the world, is an independent, though still interdisciplinary, field of science that arouses great interest among scholars. Following paradigm shifts within this period, translation studiessecured its position through the agency of a whole host of arch figures among whom are James S. Holmes, Gideon Toury, Susan Bassnett, Katharina Reiss, Hans Vermeer.
TestsRequired • A grammar test includingsectionsrelated to vocabulary, punctuation, articles, prepositions, British/American English conventions/vocabularies and respectiveparts of speech. • A translation test in languagepairs (TR-EN or EN-TR) in a specificsubjectsuch as medicine, law and so on. • A general test in fieldssuch as economy, modern art and daily issues. • In allsections, you are supposed to pay particularattention to the fluency, readibility and accuracy of translated English or Turkish.
Samples • İnsan vücudundapotasyum gastroenteral yoldan, ter ve önemliölçüdeidrarlaitrahedilir. Bazı durumlarda ise psödohipopotasemi olarak adlandırılantranssellüler sift mekanizması ile hücreiçerisinegeçebilir. Bununsebeplerindebirisi de metabolikalkalozdur. • Modern sanatıntemelamacıgelenekseksanatanlayışınıyıkmaktır. Bu yüzdensanat için değerlendirmekriterleriyoktur, olmamalıdır. Estetikdeğerlerönemsenmemiştir. Algınızdacanlananşey, bu sanatçılar için yeterlidir. Bu akımlaortadankalkanestetikkriterlerinyerineyenikurallar da getirilmeyeçalışılmamıştır. EdvardMunch'ın 'Çığlık' adlıtablosu bu akımıanlamamız için önemli bir örnektir. Munch bu tablodakiçığlıkolgusuyla bir şeylerinters olduğunu vurgulamakistemiştir.