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Heart and Pulse

Listing the parts of the heart and how exercise affects heart rate

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Heart and Pulse

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Objectives Identify the parts of the heart Identify how exercise and intensity affect heart rate

  2. Key Terms Heart Ventricle Atrium Septum Artery Vein Heartbeat Valve

  3. Photo Retrieved from : http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/pictures/humanbody/heartdiagram.html

  4. Heart The Heart is considered a muscle. It is divided into four parts Left ventricle Right ventricle Left atrium Right atrium

  5. Ventricle There are two ventricles in the heart, the left and right.The ventricles are at the bottom of the heart. The right ventricle delivers blood to the lungs were the carbon dioxide is exhaled out and oxygen replenished to the blood The left ventricle is the last chamber of the heart after receiving oxygen from the lungs before circulating body throughout the body

  6. Atrium There are two atriums in the heart, the left and right.The right atrium is the first chamber of the heart that bloods enters after delivering oxygen rich blood to the body. This blood now contains carbon dioxide.The left atrium is where blood is return to the heart after circulating through the lungs where is the carbon dioxide is eliminated and the blood is enriched with oxygen.

  7. Septum The septum is the thick tissue wall that separates the left and right sides of the heart

  8. Arteries Arteries are the mode of transportation for the blood leaves the heart to be circulated to the body

  9. Veins Veins are the mode of transportation for the blood return the heart after being circulated to the body

  10. Valve Valves facilitate blood flowing on one direction, at the exit of each heart chamber

  11. Heartbeat The cycle of the heart muscle during which the chambers of the heart contract as blood flows though the heart

  12. Finding your Pulse You can tell how hard your heart is working by finding your pulse The harder your heart works the faster your pulse will be Your pulse (heartbeat) is identified as beats per minute or BPM There are two main areas where you can feel your pulse, the wrist and neck

  13. Finding your Pulse Turn your palm facing upwards With the first two fingers of your other hand, place your fingers on your wrist, and gently feel for your pulse.

  14. Finding your pulse on the neck Using three fingers, place your left hand on your throat Feeling gently on the side of your throat, you will find your pulse beating

  15. When you have found a steady beat,

  16. Pulse Calculations When you have found a steady beat, count how many beats in 15 seconds Times your score by 4 That number tells you how many beats a minute your heart beats (BPM)

  17. Heart Rate Experiment Each group will record their pulse prior to performing various exercises, and then record their pulse after completion. Results should be presented using interactive Create a Graph

  18. Heart Rate Experiment

  19. References Each group will record their pulse prior to performing various exercises, and then record their pulse after completion. Results should be presented using interactive Create a Graph

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