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Pre & Post Civil War Era

Pre & Post Civil War Era. Ana Hernandez Jazmin Alvarez Veronica Madrigal. Drifting Towards Disunion. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a novel : Uncle tom’s cabin; her purpose was to awaken the North and make them realize the wickedness of slavery by portraying its terrible inhumanity.

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Pre & Post Civil War Era

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  1. Pre & Post Civil War Era Ana Hernandez Jazmin Alvarez Veronica Madrigal

  2. Drifting Towards Disunion Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a novel : Uncle tom’s cabin; her purpose was to awaken the North and make them realize the wickedness of slavery by portraying its terrible inhumanity. Thus, the North was struggling to free Kansas from slavery while the South was getting outraged since they were hoping for Kansas to become a slave state. When it came to the election day in 1855, Southerners flooded the polls and defeated the North, thus made Kansas join the slave states. The North and the South struggled politically; The South had gained over the Supreme Court, the president, and the constitution was now on their side.

  3. Uncle Tom left a profound impression on the North, they wanted nothing to do with the fugitive slave law.

  4. Girding for War: The North and the South • The arising of a war was causing Virginia to split up due to the disagreeing upon state rights, secession and slavery. • As the war dragged on, The northerners had more advantages than the Southerners; they had a huge economy and many more men were available to fight. • The South was ruined by the war, as transportation collapsed and supplies of everything became scarce. • The war had been more beneficial to the North because a new millionaire class was born and new factories had been formed. Contention…

  5. Recruiting immigrants for the union Army. This poster appeals to immigrants to enlist. Immigrant manpower provided the union with both industrial and military muscle.

  6. The Furnace of Civil War • The battle of “Bull Run” inflated the already large ego of the South and showed the North that the war wouldn’t be a short one. • General George E. McClellan finally decided, thanks to the urges of Lincoln, to launch the Peninsula campaign and approach Richmond, the South’s capital. • Due to much of the North’s failure, they finally opted for total war, including war at sea. (Blockade, divide, and conquer.) • It was in the 2nd battle of “Bull Run” that General Robert E. Lee defeated the arrogant General John Pope. • McClellan's men found a copy of Lee’s war plans and were able to stop the Southerners at Antietam Creek. • As a result; Lincoln gave the Emancipation Proclamation, causing an uproar, as it proposed the idea to free slaves in the non-conquered South. • Blacks began to become enlisted in the war; without bondage. • Finally Grant and his men captured Richmond at Appomattox Courthouse Virginia in April of 1865. • Lee formally surrendered and the war was over; ending at a total of 600,000 men and 15 billion dollars.

  7. The ordeal of reconstruction • Once the war ended southerners lives were destroyed, the were freed but many southerners were left defiant. Towards the beginning blacks were so confused because people still owned slaves, framers didn’t believe in emancipation. But some slaves rebelled on their maters and took control taking their land and even whipping them! • Abraham Lincoln wanted to restore the union so that southerners could reintegrated into the union and all the southerners had to do was the 10 percent plan. But then then the radical republicans wanted to pass the Wade-Davis bill which required 50% votes. However Abraham vetoed it so they sticked with the 10 percent plan. • By December 1865 southerners were now reintegrated into the union. Then republicans feared that the southerner democrats would take control of congress. • In the 14th amendment republicans wanted to keep the same idea of the civil rights bill. • The reconstruction act 1867 divided the south into five military zones and gave new guidelines. • The 15th amendment was passed in 1869 by congress which said all blacks could vote. • By 1877 the reconstruction ended. • The Ku Klux Klan was a organization of racist whites who hated blacks. They scared blacks into not voting and they were very violent with them. Unreasonable…

  8. Political paralysis in the gilded age • The tweed ring employed bribery, graft, and fake elections which cost the city $200 million and grant didn’t notice any corruption. • In 1875 the whiskey ring the treasury robbed millions of dollars and in 1876 William Belknap made $24 million by selling junk to Indians. • In 1872 a democratic party was made and directed by Horace Greely he wanted to replace grant but grant still overpowered him. • There was a Panic of 1873 because many railroads and factories were being formed. During the panic they had to use cheap money. • During the gilded age times were supposedly good but in reality there was corruption and economic problems. • The electoral count act 1877 was when 15 men from supreme court and senate house would count the votes. • The Pendleton act 1883 was a system of civil service which awarded government jobs. • In 1881 the treasury had a tariff of $145 million and there was clamoring of lowering the tariff. • Depression of 1893 was huge, it caused hardships , about 8,000 businesses fell apart in less than 6 months! Corruption…

  9. The union vs. the confederacy. A bloody fight under one nation

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