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Cases Reports. VASCULAR ANOMALIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK. ISSVA : International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies. Vascular lesions are localized structural defects of the vasculature.
ISSVA : International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies
Vascular lesions are localized structural defects of the vasculature. • These anomalies can occur throughout the whole body, with 60%, however, being located in the head and neck region probably due to its intricate vascular anatomy of region. • - ISSVA classification: 1992 -> 2014. • - Special investigations: Color Doppler-US, MRI, CT, phlebography, nuclear imaging and MPR CTA .
Case 01 29 y.o male scalp swelling (4-5 years) after head injury. Had treated at the oncological hospital and Cho Ray hospital.
Case 02 : 19 yo male. Be surgeries since 3 years old. Increasing scalp swelling day by day.
Giant scalp arteriovenous malformation (cirsoid aneurysm, plexiform angioma, scalp arteriovenous fistula, arteriovenous aneurysm and arteriovenous malformation.) - AVMs are relatively rare - Develop during the fetal period and result from failure of embryonic vasculature to differentiate into arteries and veins. - scalp swelling (deformation) - CTA: no communication with the intracranial circulation - Treatment options : endovascular occlusion, direct percutaneous injection of sclerosing agents, surgical resection.
Case 03: 33 years old male. Appearance after birth. Gradually increased in size for 2 years.
Arteriovenous Fistula (AVF) - Congenital arteriovenous fistulas are uncommon. - Acquired arteriovenous fistulas Cause: Trauma (piercing wound) Erosion of an arterial aneurysm into an adjacent vein After surgery. Traumatic sport.
CONCLUSION - The combination of Color doppler ultrasound and CT angiography help for good diagnosis. - MDCT has a wide range of applications, and enables both surgeon and radiologist to produce vascular mapping. - Multiplanar and 3D reconstructed MDCT images are useful in the evaluation of the vascular pathologies, especially in complex part such as the neck.
Reference 1- NaziaMasoom Syed. Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Institute of Dental Sciences, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Vascular lesions of head and neck: A literature review. 2- Paulo valdeci worm, leonardogilmoneruschel; marcelorosaroxo;Rafaelcamelo Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. vol.62 no.9 São Paulo Dec. 2016. Giant scalp arteriovenous malformation 3- Michel Wassef, MDa, Francine Blei, MDb, Denise Adams, MDc, Ahmad Alomari, MDd, Eulalia Baselga, MDe, Alejandro Berenstein, MDf, Patricia Burrows, MDg, Ilona J. Frieden, MDh, Maria C. Garzon, MDi, Juan-Carlos Lopez-Gutierrez, MD, PhDj, David J.E. Lord, MDk, Sally Mitchel, MDl, Julie Powell, MDm, Julie Prendiville, MDn, MiikkaVikkula, MD, PhDo, on behalf of the ISSVA Board and Scientific Committee. Vascular Anomalies Classification: Recommendations From the International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies 4- B Battal, E Dursun. External jugular vein aneurysm: Clinical and radiologic imaging findings The Internet Journal of Head and Neck Surgery: http://ispub.com/IJHNS 5- Wolfgang Dahnert, Radiology Review Manual 7th edition 2007, Facial arteriovenous fistula.