The Story Rumor has it that an accounting company is changing management! They could loose half their employees. Help the employees see it coming! The employees snuck into the office to look for clues, aka signes(sines), that will show them the cuts to be made. There might also be clues of Compensation (cosine) that would mean raises for employees! There could also be a Total (tangent) change which both occur.
How to get the formulas Ex) Cos (2Ѳ) = 2cos²Ѳ – 1 solve for CosѲ/2 Cos Ѳ = ±
How to remember them! The signs of the outsourcing! Sign(accountants/2) = ± Remember, there is subtraction in this equation because the signs of the outsourcing is negative. They are CUTTING employees.
Compensation (cosine) Compensation(accountants/2) = ± Remember! The equation has addition because there is more money to be owned!
Total! (tangent) Tan (a) = ± Total changes! Total(accountants/2) = Remember! There is both subtraction and addition because there is both cuts and compensation in the company.
Fin! Overall, the employees found 3 formulas: one sign (sine) for the cuts, one formula for compensation (cosine), and one for the total effects (tangent).